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Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
2009 Issue 4
Effects of Short Day-light Length at Grain Filling Stage on Grain Quality in
LIU Qi-hua;ZHOU Xue-biao;YANG Lian-qun;LI Tian;DU Ben-huai
Characteristics of Dry Matter Production of Two Super Hybrid Rice under Different Fertilizer-N Application Rates
PAN Xing-shu;FENG Yue-hua;ZHAO Tian-jing;HAN Gang-gang;TIAN Jin-wen
Major Gene Plus Polygene Inheritance of Oil Content in Brassica napus L.
FU San-xiong;QI Cun-kou
Studies on the Anaerobic Digestion of Water Hyacinth
YE Xiao-mei;ZHOU Li-xiang;YAN Shao-hua;CHANG Zhi-zhou;GAO Bai-ru
Preservation of Porcine Polar Bodies
YU Jian-ning;WANG Gong-jin;ZHOU Xiao-long;TAN Xiao-dong;XU Xiao-bo;FAN Bi-qin
Adjuvant Effect of Chicken Interleukin-18 on the Immune Responses to Coccidiosis Vaccine
CHEN Hong-ying;LI Xin-sheng;CUI Bao-an;WEI Zhan-yong;XIA Ping-an;DUAN Ting-yun
Association between THRSPα Gene of Landes Goose Analyzed by PCR-SSCP and Liver Production Performance
ZHU Hong-sheng;CHEN Rui;ZENG Yi;SU Sheng-yan;LI Qi-fa;ZHANG Xiang;LI Er-lin;FANG Wei;XIE Zhuang
Effect of Ghrelin on H+-K+-ATPase mRNA Expression and Activity in Gastric Mucosal Cells in Rat
DU Gai-mei;LIU Mao-jun;LUO Bi-ping;JIANG Jia-jin;HU Zhi-hua;DAI Ding-zhen;CHEN Zhong-ming
Cloning and Expressional Analysis of Gene rMis12 from Rattus norvegicus
CHAI Lian qin;WEN Zhen-zhong;SONG Min
Effect of Phosphorus and Phytase on Phosphrus Metabolism of Allogynogenetic crucian
WANG Yi-feng;ZHOU Wei-ren;ZHANG Shi-yuan;HUAN Hai-lin;XUE Fei;XU Xiao-ming;DING Li;GU Jin
Dynamic Changes of Metallothioneinn (MT) in Different Tissues of Carassius auratus Exposed to Different Concentrations of Zinc
ZHOU Yan-feng;YOU Yang;WU Wei;YANG Guang;CHEN Jia-zhang
Effects of Substrate Water Content and Light Intensity on Growth and Quality of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage
XU Lei;JIANG Fang-ling;WU Zhen;WANG Jiaq-ian;ZHOU Xue-chao
Effects of Nitrate Inhibitors on Yield, Nitrate Content and Nutrition Accumulation of Chinese Cabbage
HUANG Dong-feng;LI Wei-hua;QIU Xiao-xuan
Identification of Cell Membrane Heat Stability of the Leaves of Ten Ornamental Grass
CHAI Cui-cui;XU Ying-chun;QIAN Xian-yun
Optimization of Blanching of Quickly Frozen Purple Sweet Potato by Response Surface Method
LIU Chun-quan;LIU Yu-hua;LI Jian-jun;SONG Jiang-feng;LI Da-jing;JIN Bang-quan
Effects of O2 and CO2 Concentrations on the Storage Quality of Apricot Fruit
LIU Hong-jin;HU Hua-li;LI Peng-xia;LIANG Li-song;WANG Gui-xi
Effects of Different Starter Cultures on the Microorganism Population and Physico-Chemical Properties of Fermented Sausages
ZHU Zhi-yuan;LU Shi-ling;SUN Xiao-bin;XU Xing-lian;ZHOU Guang-hong
Antioxidant Activity of Supercritical CO2 Extracts from Marigold Flower
LI Da-jing;WU Hai-hong;SONG Jiang-feng;LIU Chun-quan;LIU Chun-ju;LI Zhi-qiang
Preparation of Sesame Peptides and Their Antioxidant Activities
SHAO Yuan-long;DONG Ying;YANG Jie
Biotin-strepavidin Time-resolved Fluoroimmunoassay for Zearalenone in Cereals
MA Zhi-hong;HUANG Biao;TU Qiang;GAO Lei;ZHANG Jue;WANG Ke
Residual Dynamics of Emamectin Benzoate in Chinese Cabbage and Cabbage
CHI Zhi-juan;REN Xiao-ping;XU Min-qing;LIU Xian-jin;YU Xiang-yang
Progress on Soft Wheat Quality Research in China
YAO Jin-bao;MA Hong-xiang;ZHANG Ping-ping;YAO Guo-cai;YANG Xue-ming;ZHANG Peng
Research Progress on Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Disease and Resistance Breeding
YU Wen-gui;ZHAO Tong-min;YANG Ma-li;ZHAO Li-ping
Synergism and Mechanisms of Extracts from Several Plants to Chlorpyrifos
WANG Li hua;LI Xiu-mei;LIU Bao-sheng;FANG Ji-chao
Collection and Preservation of Second Polar Body(PB Ⅱ) from Porcine Fertilized Eggs
ZHOU Xiao-long;WANG Gong-jin;YU Jian-ning;XU Xiao-bo;YU Feng-xiang;FAN Bi-qin
Correlation Analyses of Several Important Traits of Sow Longevity
REN Shou-wen;LI Bi-xia;WANG Xue-min
Major Agronimic Traits and Nutritional Quality of Some Germplasm and Cross Combinations of Occidental Pumpkin
ZHANG Zhen-chao;PAN Yue-ping;DAI Zhong-liang;QIN Wen-bin;YAO Yue-mei;PAN Yong-fei
Analysis of Bolting Trait of Brassica campestris L.ssp.Chinensis var.utilis Tsen et Lee by ISSR and SRAP Makers
MAO Wei-wei;GAO Hong-sheng;BO Tian-yue;MA Jin-jun;XU Dong-jin;CHEN Xue-hao;JIA Zhi-ming;WANG Yong-li
jiang su nong ye ke ji ming ren
Bioinformatics of the Lipase Gene from Bacteria
WU Han-xue;ZHU Jian-bo;ZHOU Peng;ZHANG Yu-xing
Impact of Sampling Process on the Results of Residue Monitoring of Acetamiprid in Cucumber
YU Xiang-yang;ZHANG Zhi-yong;SUN Xing;ZHOU Shi-yu;LIU Xian-jin
Effect of Light Intensity,Fertilization Amount and Variety on Nitrate Content and Yield of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage
CHEN Jie;XU Hai;SHAN Qi-wei;AN Lin-hai;SONG Bo;CHEN Long-zheng;SU Xiao-jun;YUAN Xi-han
Effects of Microorganism-sourced ABA on the Growth and Some Physiological Indexes of Pepper Seedling under Salt Stress
TANG Ri-sheng;HUANG Yi-hong;TANG Xian-hong;ZHONG Yu;YU Yong-zhu;TONG Hong-yu
Correlation and Grey Relational Analysis of Main Agronomic Traits of Cucurbita moschata
DU Xiao-hua;LI Xin-zheng;FENG Ying-liang
Genetic Diversity of Wild Lilies Native to Northeastern China By RAPD Markers
RONG Li-ping;LEI Jia-jun;WANG Zhi-gang
Analysis and Cloning of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Resistance Gene Analogs in Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)
YANG Xue-ling;WANG Shu-bin;LIU Jin-bing;PAN Bao-gui;WAN Hong-jian;CHEN Jing-feng
Construction of RAPD Fingerprinting and Genetic Similarity Analysis among Cucumber Varieties
LIU Li-juan;QIAN Chun-tao;CHEN Jin-feng;YU Ji-zhu
Remote Sensing Analysis of Huaibei City Land Use/Cover Change
FANG Gang;ZHANG Sheng;CHEN Jian-yong
Effect of Continuous Cropping on Yield, Quality of Jerusalem artichoke and Soil Enzymes Activities
CHI Jin-he;LONG Xiao-hua;LIU Zhao-pu
Survey and Analysis of Soil Fertility of Cultivated Land of Luhe District in Nanjing City
LI Yan;YANG Bu-yin;YUAN Yu;XU Li-ping;LI Da-sheng;TANG Yu-bao;LIU Xue-liang
Effects of Organic Acids with Low Molecular Weight on Dynamic Variation of Inorganic Phosphorus in Black Soil
WANG Shu-qi;HAN Xiao-zeng;LI Xiao-hui;YAN Jun;QIAO Yun-fa;WANG Shou-yu
PCR Detection and Sequence Analysis of Whitefly-transmitted Geminivirus in Tomato from Anhui and Shandong Provinces
YU Wen-gui;ZHAO Tong-min;YANG Ma-li;ZHAO Li-ping;JI Ying-hua;ZHOU Yi-jun
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated Transformation of Biocontrol Agent of Penicillium striatisporum Pst10 with Fluorescent Protein Gene
MA Yan;CHANG Zhi-zhou;ZHOU Ming-guo;LAZAROVITS G;XU Yue-ding;ZHANG Jian-ying