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Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
2006 Issue 3
Fermentation and Culture of Pasteurella Multocida Separated from Rabbits
XU Wei-zhong;XUE Jia-bin;ZHU Yu-mei;CHEN Xing-xiang;ZHOU Yong-yin;YANG Long-sheng;YIN Xiu-feng
Effect of ABA on Conservation of Strawberry Germplasm in vitro
QIAN Ya-ming;ZHAO Mi-zhen;WU Wei-min;WANG Zhuang-wei;YUAN Ji;MENG Xian-feng
Resistance Comparison between Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants with Two Different Glyphosate Resistant Genes CP4 EPSPS and aroA
YAO Shu;ZHANG Bao-long;SHEN Xin-lian;YANG Yu-wen;XU Ying-jun;NI Wan-chao
Antioxidative Activities of Corn Silk Extracts
LIU Ping;DUAN Yu-feng;XIAO Hong;NIU Peng-fei
Decomposition of Chloramphenicol by Cobalt-60 γ ray
ZHAO Yong-fu;LIU Chun-quan;FEN Min;ZHANG Ji-biao;WANG Chao;ZHU Jia-ting
Determination of Sulphodimides Residues in Pig Muscles by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
LIN Hong-ying;LU Gui-ping;SHEN Zi-long
Realization of Traceable System for Broiler Safe Production Monitoring
BAI Yun-feng;LU Chang-hua;LI Bing-bo;SUN Xi-min;ZHOU Dong;DONG Tai-li;WANG Shi-min
Protective Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Oxidative Damage in Tomato Seedling Leaves under NaCl Stress
WU Xue-xia;ZHU Yue-lin;ZHU Wei-min;CHEN Jian-lin;LIU Zheng-lu
Biological Properties and Immunogenicity of 8 Strains of Avian paramyxovirus
LI Yin;LIU Yu-zhuo;ZHU Yuan-li;ZHANG Qing-xian;ZHANG Jing-feng;SHEN Yong-lin
Relationship between Microsatellite DNA Markers and Carcass Traits in Chickens
GAO Yu-shi;WANG Ke-hua;CHEN Guo-hong;TU Yun-jie;CHEN Kuan-wei;TONG Hai-bing;LU Ke-lun
Classification of a 'Weedy Rice' in Yangzhong City of Jiangsu Province
ZHONG Wei-gong;YANG Jie;CHEN Zhi-de;TANG Ling-hua;WANG Cai-lin;SHI Ji-wen;XIAO Yue-cheng
Effect of Water Stress on Leaf Physiological Characteristics of Luomai 9133 Seedling
SHAN Chang-juan;TANG Ju-xiang;HAO Wen-fang
Adventitious Shoot Regeneration from in vitro Cultured Leaves of Platanus orientalis Willd.
HE Xiao-lan;LIU Gui-hua;SHE Jian-ming;NI Wan-chao
Expression and Bioinformatics Analysis of DnaJ-like Gene Sequence from Salicornia bigelovii Torr.
ZHANG Da-dong;ZHOU Chun-lin;REN Li-juan;WANG Mao-wen;TANG Ri-sheng;MA Hong-xiang
Acquirement of Transgenic Plants with Glucose Oxidase Gene in Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.)
SHE Jian-ming;ZHANG Bao-long;LIANG Liu-fang;HE Xiao-lan;YAO Shu;CHEN Zhi-yi;NI Wan-chao
Studies on Seedling Quality of Rice Interplanted with Ultra-high Stubble Wheat
GUO Xun-bin;GU Ke-li;TIAN Wen-ke;XU Shi-lin;CHEN Wei-min;YUAN Qin
Effects of Cultivation Methods on Growth Characteristics and Yield Formation in Upland Rice (Zhonghan 3) and Paddy Rice(Wuxiangjing 99-8)
ZHANG Ya-jie;CHEN Hai-ji;DIAO Guang-hua;LIN Qiang-sen;YANG Jian-chang
Precision Evaluation of Rice Regional Trials in Jiangsu Province
CHEN Zhi-de;ZHONG Wei-gong;WANG Cai-lin;YANG Jie;ZHANG Hong-sheng
Analysis of Genetic Diversity of White Goat Population in Yangtse River Delta
WANG Lan-ping;CHANG Hong;GENG Rong-qing;YANG Zhang-ping;SUN Wei
Frozen Embryo Transfer of Dorper Sheep
WANG Gong-jin;SUN Jie;SU Lei;CHEN Yong-chang;XU Xiao-bo;HU Zhi-fu;CHU Guo-liang;LIU Wen-hua;ZHAO Wei;NIE Xiao-wei
Synergism of Bacillus thuringiensis Combined with EoNPV against Ectropis obliqua
XU Jian;XIAO Qiang;LIU Qin;TANG Mei-jun;YIN Xiang-dong;YIN Kun-shan;ZHU Shu-de
Application of Molecular Markers in Fusarium Head Blight Resistance Breeding in Wheat
YU Gui-hong;REN Li-juan;MA Hong-xiang;ZHOU Miao-ping;ZHANG Xu;LU Wei-zhong