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Application Research of Computers
2012 Issue 11
Design of labeling map methods for bit-interleaved LDPC-codedstar 16QAM-modulation system
HUANG Tian-cong;WANG Wei;XU Lin;WU Yu-cheng
Optimized dynamic framed slotted ALOHA anti-collision algorithm
GUO Lai-gong;HUANG You-rui;CAI Jun
Estimation of small-world neuronal network topology based on relevance vector machine
HAO Chong-qing;WANG Jiang;DENG Bin;WEI Xi-le
Resource allocation algorithm for MIMO-OFDM systems withimperfect feedback
DU Chong;CHEN Song;WU Guo-feng;HU Han-ying
Feature evaluation of radar signal based on category distance and Bhattacharyya distance
DENG Yan-li;JIN Wei-dong;YU Zhi-bin
Energy minimization model for image segmentation viagraph cut optimization
LAN Hong;LIU Xian-tao
Study of no-slip boundary conditions for SPH method
QIANG Hong-fu;LIU Kai;CHEN Fu-zhen
Research on improvement method of inhibitor arcs by CPN Tools
Improved algorithm of ranging and locating based on RSSI
WAN Guo-feng;ZHONG Jun;YANG Cheng-hui
Research on application of hierarchical reconstructionalgorithm in compressed sensing
CAI Xia;MA She-Xiang;MENG Xin
Survey of primary/backup copy based real-time and fault-tolerant scheduling in distributed systems
CHEN Han-ming;LUO Wei;LI Ming-hui
Improved anti-collision algorithm based on block code for RFID system
ZHANG Xue-jun;WANG Xu-hai;CAI Wen-qi
Time-dependent road network and the minimum time path planning algorithm
SUN Ao;ZHU Gui-bin;JIANG Tie;SHI Ming-yi
Study on quality coordination of logistics service supply chain
ZHU Wei-ping;LIU Wei;GAO Zhi-jun
Anti-churn research of integrated heterogeneous P2P streaming system
SU Hang;WANG Jin-lin;YOU Jia-li
Probabilistic model checking of anonymity communication system MACP
XU Jing;WANG Zhen-xing;ZHANG Lian-cheng
Iris identification method based on local and global features
XU Xiao-wen;ZHANG He-ping
Review on cache coherence for many-core CMPs
HAN Li-min;AN Jian-feng;GAO De-yuan;FAN Xiao-ya;REN Xiang-long
Face recognition based on integrated back-propagation neural network
SU Chao;XIAO Nan-feng
Active contours based algorithm for infrared image segmentation
WANG Xiao-xi;HE Chuan-jiang;YUAN Ye
Review of scheduling research in cloud computing
ZUO Li-yun;CAO Zhi-bo
Research on double recommendation method for tourism resources based on ontology
XU Shou-kun;MA Wei;MA Zheng-hua
Improved GAC model for medical image sequence
GAO Shi-rui;HOU Yu-qing;ZHANG Hai-bo;CHENG Xing-hong
MFASSC: semi-supervised clustering approach based marginal Fisher analysis
LI Sen;LIU Xi-yu
Compressive sensing reconstruction method based on parametric manifold learning
GONG Lei;ZHAO Fang;LU Yang
Image watermarking algorithm against geometrical attacks inContourlet domain based on chaos
LI Feng;CHEN Guang-xi;DING Yong
Traffic distribution method for concurrent multipathtransfer based on maximum revenue
ZHENG Yan-wei;NI Hong;DENG Hao-jiang;LIU Lei
Data fusion research based missing data inwireless sensor networks
LIN Wei;YIN Juan
Trust model based on recommended in P2P network environment
LEI Yue-ju;CHEN Guang-xi
Medial axis and double ruling based routing in wireless sensor network
LIU Pin;HUANG Ting-lei
DiCluster approach: effective mining differential co-expression bicluster in gene expression data
LI Xiao-yuan;SHANG Xue-qun;WANG Miao
Improved algorithm for line buffering based on plane sweep technique
XU Yun-bo;ZHANG Jian-bing;TAN Ning-sheng
DWT-SVD based adaptive color image watermarking
FANG Wang-sheng;ZHANG Rong
Trustworthy Web services composition based on domain ontology
WANG Hai-yan
Fault detection for wireless networked control systems with uncertain time delay
CHEN Zhi-ming;CUI Bao-tong
Adaption assessment for cloud computing service based on evidence theory
FU Chao;GUI Peng-fei
Keyphrase extraction based on topic feature
LIU Jun;ZOU Dong-sheng;XING Xin-lai;LI Ying-hao
Gradable file distribution system design andimplementation based on security LAN
XU Xiao-wei;LIU Xiong;DAI Yi-qi
Dynamic waiting time delay scheduling algorithm in cloud computing
ZOU Wei-ming;YU Jiong;YING Chang-tian;HU Dan
Reusable mathematical model representation in multistage modeling Process
XING Ying;ZHANG Hong-jun;ZHANG Rui;ZHAO Zhen-nan
Centralized scheduling algorithm based on QoS in WiMAX Mesh network
SHEN Gui-lin;ZHANG Xin-you
Absolute stability analysis of uncertain Lurie systems with time-delay
ZHANG Fen;ZHANG Yan-bang
Approach to blind estimation of PN sequence for DSSS signal based on blind identification and blind equalization
WEI Yong-peng;LIU Luo-kun;ZHANG Jian;GUO Hong
Research on detecting and validating design pattern instances from source code
LI Wen-jin;WANG Kang-jian
Sub-pattern locality preserving projection for face recognition
CAO Lin-lin;ZHANG Hua-xiang;WANG Zhi-chao
Research of professional term identification method based on seed expansion
WANG Wei-min;HE Dong-chun;FU Jian-hui
Survey on Web security testing technologies
YU Li-li;DU Meng-shan;ZHANG Ping;JI Lin-li
Algorithm to constructing view sets used for materialized in DaaS
ZHANG Shui-ping;CHENG Chao;WANG Rong;ZHANG Feng-qin;CHEN Ai-wang
Multivariate-local forecasting model of principal component analysis for cloud computing
LI Hong-an;KANG Bao-sheng;ZHANG Jing;TONG Jian-feng
SAR and MS image fusion based on curvelet transform and activity measure
LU Ya-ning;GUO Lei;LI Hui-hui
Open method of robust fusion location based on improvedgenetic algorithm
LIU Jun-bo;WANG Jian-hui;WANG Da-ming;CUI Wei-jia
Identification of Wiener model based on adaptive cloud model particle swarm optimization algorithm
ZHANG Chao-long;YU Chun-ri;JIANG Shan-he;LI Yan-mei;YANG Wei;WU Wen-jin
Application of interval decision concept latticefor quality-inventory cost
YANG Li;WANG Yu-hui;XU Yang
Uyghur handwriting verification based on features combination
LI Jian-wei;SHANG Zhao-wei;YANG Jun
Chaos artificial bee colony based on Memetic framework
LI Zhi-yong;LI Ling-ling;WANG Xiang;WANG Yan
Distributed image clustering algorithm based on multi-agent technology
LU Hong;CHEN Li-chao;PAN Li-hu;YAN Hui-min;HUANG He-qing
Dynamic framed slotted tag anti-collision algorithm based on binary search
GUO Zhi-tao;LI Wei-wei;LIANG Zhi-gang;GU Jun-hua
Mobility management for MANETs connected to next-generation Internet
WANG Xiao-nan;QIAN Huan-yan
Method of gait recognition based on supervised Isomap
ZHANG Shan-wen;ZHANG Chuan-lei
Study on material cycling distribution based on bi-level programming
ZHU Xiao-ying;XU Ke-lin;ZHU Xiao-song
Efficient modeling method for 3D geophysical prospecting attribute model
Balanced energy clustering algorithm of WSN which clusterregion were adjusted adaptively
HUANG Jia-yi;CHENG Liang-lun
New approach of link prediction in PPI network
LI Jing;SHANG Xue-qun;GUO Yang;LI Xiao-yuan
Optimization algorithm based on combinational circuits of artificial selection
FANG Zhen-guo;CAO Qing-qing;CHEN De-bao
Weights and structure determination method of multiple-input Sigmoid activation function neural network
ZHANG Yu-nong;QU Lu;CHEN Jun-wei;LIU Jin-rong;GUO Dong-sheng
Information entropy based algorithm for efficient subgraph matching
MENG Fan-rong;ZHANG Qing;YAN Qiu-yan
Hybrid music recommender system in public environment
CHEN Ya-xi
Algorithm of heterogeneous classifiers ensembles based on DECORATE
WEI Yan-yan;LI Tao-shen;LIU Mei-ling
Immune cultural algorithm for fault feature selection
SONG Chen;HUANG Hai-yan
Analog circuit fault diagnosis based on particle swarm optimization SVM
HU Yun-yan;PENG Min-fang;TIAN Cheng-lai;TAN Hu;SONG Li-wei;SHEN Mei-e
Method of chaotic signals estimation and track based on improved logistic map
HAN Yan-jing;HE Shi-biao;GU Cheng
High order local feature representation method based onkernel function
XIE Xiao-meng;LIANG Peng;WANG Cheng;WU Wei-wen
Fusion algorithm for vehicle routing problem with soft time windows
WU Zheng-cheng;WEN Zhong-hua;HUANG Li-fang
Research based on improved ant colony algorithm in QoS multicast routing
CHEN Xuan;WAN Zhi-ping;XU Fang-heng;LONG Dan
New algorithm for selective clustering ensemble
LIU Li-min;FAN Xiao-ping;LIAO Zhi-fang
New block orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm using mutual alternating projection method
JIANG Liu-bing;HUANG Tao;XU Teng-fei
Depth estimation algorithm from monocular image based on LLOM
DENG Xiao-ling;NI Jiang-qun;DAI Fen;LI Zhen
Supervised maximum variance unfolding and its application to gait recognition
WANG Xu-qi;ZHANG Shan-wen
Identifying disease genes based on functional similarity
YUAN Fang;LI Jing
Search strategy of focused crawler based on Bloch quantumevolutionary algorithm
LIU Li-jie;LI Pan-chi;ZHANG Qiang
Fast indexing method for image feature matching on DSP platform
LIAO Chao;WANG Gui-jin;LIN Xing-gang
Neighborhood systems based rough sets in interval-valuedinformation system
WANG Tian-qing;ZHAO Liang-hui;XIE Jun
Simulation of competitive mechanism among tutor-guidedcollaborative learning
XU Xiao-shuang;LIANG Kai-liang;WANG Feng;ZHANG Jun;ZHANG Chun
Fast image registration method based on local salient feature
CHEN Guang-ju;MA Zhi-qiang;SHAN Yong;ZHANG Xiao-yan
Hybrid ant colony optimization algorithm for satellite data transmission scheduling
SUN Bing;CHEN Xiang-guo
Real-time multi-object tracking method based on GMM-RBMCDA
ZHANG Pei-ni;MU Zhi-chun
Chaotic bacterial colony chemotaxis algorithm and application
SUN Jia-ze;GENG Guo-hua;WANG Shu-yan;PAN Xiao-ying
Study on network traffic prediction of C-SVM based on IPSO
YIN Bo;XIA Jing-bo;FU Kai;CHEN Mao
NWST and TT-transform joint time-frequency filtering
WANG Juan;HE Yi-gang;FANG Ge-feng;FAN Xiao-teng
Method of setting the highest priority of requirements based on the ISM
ZHAN Hao-min;YIN Gui-sheng;WANG Hong-bin
Bacterial foraging algorithm based on gradient particle swarm optimization algorithm
MAI Xiong-fa;LI Ling
Research on family of blend object
DING Bo;YU Xiao-yang;SUN Li-juan
Virtualization technology for binary migration
huang cong hui ; chen jing ; luo zuo ; zhang li ; guo yi chen