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Journal of Computer Applications
2014 Issue 8
Adaptive approach for data cleansing in wireless sensor networks
BAE Haeyoung;,BI Haiyang;,LEI Jianjun;,XIA Ying;
Data driven construction and inference methodology of belief rule-base
FU Yanggeng;,YANG Longhao;,YU Ruiyin;
Parameter training approach based on variable particle swarm optimization for belief rule base
FU Yanggeng;,GONG Xiaoting;,SU Qun;,WU Yingjie;,YANG Longhao;
Novel validity index for fuzzy clustering
XU Benqiang;,ZHAO Xiaohui;,ZHENG Hongliang;,ZOU Li;
Sorting method and its application based on tolerance dominance relation
CHEN Wancui;,LYU Yuejin;,WENG Shizhou;
MREclat: new algorithm for parallel mining frequent itemsets
JI Genlin;,TANG Mengmeng;,ZHANG Zhigang;
Link prediction algorithm based on link importance and data field
BAN Zhijie;,CHEN Qiaoyu;
Unsupervised discretization algorithm based on ensemble learning
XU Yingying;,ZHONG Caiming;
Automatic annotation methods for Chinese micro-blog corpus with sentiment class
YANG Aimin;,ZHOU Jianfeng;,ZHOU Yongmei;
Building and consistency analysis of movie ontology
CAO Cungen;,GAO Xiaolong;,WU De;,XU Huiying;,ZHAO Jianmin;,ZHU Xinzhong;
Rule-based tagging method of Chinese ambiguity words
JIA Zhen;,LI Huadong;,YANG Yan;,YIN Hongfeng;
Agent-based language competition model with social circle network
BI Guihong;,WANG Chao;,WEI Chuntao;,ZHANG Shouming;
Gender identification of microblog users based on rough set
HUANG Faliang;,HUANG Tianqiang;,LIU Ximeng;,XIONG Jinbo;
PM2.5 concentration prediction model of least squares support vector machine based on feature vector
HE Jianfeng;,LI Long;,LIU Lifang;,MA Lei;,SHAO Dangguo;,XIANG Yan;,YI Sanli;
Time series outlier detection based on sliding window prediction
GUAN Xingzhong;,WAN Dingsheng;,YU Yufeng;,ZHU Yuelong;
Application of gray cumulative projection histogram in detection of tire crown crack
HAN Yanbin;,LI Jinping;,WANG Jie;,XIA Yingjie;
Face recognition via kernel-based non-negative sparse representation
BO Chunjuan;,LIU Guanqun;,WANG Yuzhe;,ZHANG Rubo;
Kinect depth image filtering algorithm based on joint bilateral filter
CHEN Yuan;,LI Zhifei;
Identification method of network traffic flow based on evidence theory fusion
CAO Ping;,SHOU Guochu;,ZHANG Jian;
Spectrum allocation based on immune multi-objective optimization in cognitive mesh networks
CHAI Zhengyi;,LI Yalun;,YANG Yanan;
GOMDI: GPU OpenFlow massive data network analysis model
DING Yaojun;,XIE Zhenglong;,ZHANG Wei;,ZHANG Xiaoxiao;
Energy-efficient strategy for dynamic management of cloud storage replica based on user visiting characteristic
BAN Aiqin;,LU Liang;,WANG Zhengying;,YING Changtian;,YU Jiong;
Task scheduling and resource selection algorithm with data-dependent constraints
LIAO Bin;,YANG Xingyao;,YU Jiong;,ZHANG Tao;
Energy-efficient algorithm based on data classification for cloud storage system
JI Jinhu;,LI Fengjun;,LIAO Bin;,SUN Hua;,ZHANG Tao;
Introspective learning adjustment approach for attribute weights of case-based reasoning classifier
WANG Pu;,YAN Aijun;,ZHANG Chunxiao;
High-dimensional data clustering algorithm with subspace optimization
CHEN Lifei;,GUO Gongde;,WU Tao;
Immune robust regression analysis for data set of multiple models
SHU Jian;,XU Xuesong;
Fruit fly optimization algorithm based on cellular automata
HE Zhiming;,MEI Hongbiao;,SONG Jianguo;
Artificial bee colony algorithm based on elite swarm search strategy
MA Wei;,SUN Zhengxing;
Hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm with cooperation of multiple particle roles
DAI Yueming;,JI Zhicheng;,WU Dinghui;,WU Yiting;
Data quality assessment of Web article content based on simulated annealing
CHEN Kejia;,HAN Jingyu;
Sentiment analysis for goods evaluation based on text classification
SUN Qigan;,YANG Siyuan;,ZHONG Jiang;
Trustworthy sort method for shopping customer reviews based on correlation degree with product features
HUANG Tingting;,XIONG Huanliang;,ZENG Guosun;
Collaborative filtering recommendation method of integrating social tags and users background information
HUANG Subing;,JIANG Sheng;,WANG Zhongqun;,XIU Yu;
Microblog bursty topic detection based on topic tree
GUO Milun;,QIU Yunfei;,SHAO Liangshan;
Lightweight privacy-preserving data aggregation algorithm
CHEN Yanli;,FU Chunfu;,XU Jian;,YANG Geng;
Security analysis and improvement of certificateless signature scheme
FAN Aiwan;,SHEN Yuan;,ZHAO Weiting;
United protection mechanism for network-coding-based data transmission
KOU Yingzhan;,WANG Zhanyu;,ZHU Xinpei;
Personalized privacy preservation against sensitive homogeneity attack in location-based services
LI Zhanping;,PAN Xiao;,PIAO Chunhui;,WU Lei;
Quick tampering detection and recovering algorithm based on reversible watermark in medical images
CHEN Zhigang;,DENG Xiaohong;,LIU Dingjun;
Design of 3D visual odometry based on Kinect
WANG Yalong;,ZHANG Qizhi;,ZHOU Yali;
Fast intra prediction algorithm for high efficiency video coding
LIN Qiwei;,XU Dongxu;
Sparse tracking algorithm based on multi-feature fusion
HE Jun;,HU Zhaohua;,XU Yuwei;,ZHAO Xiaolei;
Automatic coding algorithm based on color structure light
RAO Qinfei;,TANG Jing;,WANG Yong;,YUAN Chaoyan;
Distortion-driven cross-layer optimization for video transmission over 802.11e
DUAN Ping;,TAN Juan;,WU Weimin;
Gaussian weighted multiple classifiers for object tracking
CAI Zhaoquan;,DENG Huifang;,LAN Yuandong;,YANG Xiong;
Semi-supervised support vector machine for image classification based on mean shift
MA Junliang;,WANG Shuochen;,WANG Xili;
Micro-blog information diffusion effect based on behavior analysis
CHEN Hongchang;,QI Chao;,YU Yan;
Path planning algorithm based on regional-advance strategy for aircraft fuel tank inspection robot
LI Ziwei;,NIU Guochen;,ZHANG Chengwei;
Diagnosis of aluminum reduction cell status based on optimized relative principal component analysis
HUANG Di;,LI Taifu;,TIAN Yingfu;,YI Jun;
New NAND device management solution with high storage density
GUO Yutang;,SONG Jie;,WEI Bing;,ZHANG Lei;
Promoting accuracy of trust bootstrapping from rating network
LIU Bin;,ZHANG Renjin;
Design and implementation of large capacity radio frequency identification system based on embedded technology
LIU Kaihua;,LIU Zhanjie;,MA Yongtao;,ZHANG Yan;,ZHAO Yu;