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Journal of Computer Applications
2013 Issue 8
Noise reduction of optimization weight based on energy of wavelet sub-band coefficients
WANG Kai;LIU Jiajia;YUAN Jianying;JIANG Xiaoliang;XIONG Ying;LI Bailin
Similar string search algorithm based on Trie tree
LIU Lixia;ZHANG Zhiqiang
Friends recommended method based on common users and similar labels
ZHANG Yiwen;YUE Lihua;ZHANG Yifei;LI Qing;CHENG Jiaxing
Analysis on availability of partition-aware CORBA-based distributed system
CHEN Yalin;HUANG Hongguang;LI Yanbin
Multi-character DFA-based high speed regular expression matching algorithm
HE Wei;GUO Yunfei;MO Han;HU Hongchao
Probabilistic forwarding algorithm of mobile Ad Hoc networks based on directional prediction
LI Shibao;LOU Linlin;CHEN Ruixiang;HONG Li
Outage performance of multi-hop cooperative diversity system
TANG Jingmin;CAO Jinshi;LONG Hua;ZHANG Chunpin
Web video classification based on bidirectional propagation of heterogeneous attributes
LI Qian;DU Youtian;XUE Jiao
Research on function shift in Boyer-Moore algorithm
HAN Guanghui;ZENG Cheng
Multiple-dimension process behavior evaluation model and its optimization
MAO Kun;DU Xuehui;SUN Yi
Workflow task scheduling algorithm based on resource clustering in cloud computing environment
GUO Fengyu;YU Long;TIAN Shengwei;YU Jiong;SUN Hua
Learning optimal kernel mapping based on function space with dynamic parameters
TAN Zhiying;CHEN Ying;FENG Yong;SONG Xiaobo
Bi-level image sharpening method based on parallel computing
ZHANG Wei;HE Xing;HUO Yingxiang;TENG Shaohua;TENG Yi;LI Rigui
Web service composition approach based on service cluster and QoS
DENG Shiyang;DU Yuyue
Node scheduling scheme based on spatial resolution in wireless sensor networks
REN Xiuli;WANG Weiyong
Weight modification accumulated epochs RAIM algorithm based on self-adaptive strategy
HUANG Guorong;CHANG Cheng;HAO Shunyi;CHANG Yanan;XU Gang
Influence maximization algorithm for micro-blog network
WU Kai;JI Xinsheng;GUO Jinshi;LIU Caixia
Dynamic community discovery algorithm of Web services based on collaborative filtering
WU Zhong;NIE Guihua;CHEN Donglin;ZHANG Peilu
Estimation of RFID tags based on 0-1 distribution
QIAN Xiaojie;GUO Hongyuan;TIAN Yangguang
Image edge detection without threshold
HONG Liurong
Shifted bit inverse sequential acquisition algorithm
REN Guofeng;JI Jiang;TIAN Zhumei
Iterative hard thresholding orthogonal projection under cosparsity analytical model
ZHANG Zongnian;LI Jinhui;HUANG Rentai;YAN Jingwen
Association user mining of location group in mobile communication network
LIU Fen;GE Guodong;ZHAO Yu;LIU Bingyang
Visualization of multi-valued attribute association rules based on concept lattice
GUO Xiaobo;ZHAO Shuliang;ZHAO Jiaojiao;LIU Jundan
Texture-preserving shadow removal algorithm based on gradient domain
HUANG Wei;FU Liqin;WANG Chen
Tasks assignment optimization in Hadoop
HUANG Chengzhen;WANG Lei;LIU Xiaolong;KUANG Yaping
Delta operator sliding mode variable structure control system based on reaching law method
LIU Yunlong;HAN Xinghai;TANG Shuhong
Energy-aware P2P data sharing mechanism for heterogeneous mobile terminals
DU Peng;BAI Guangwei;SHEN Hang;CAO Lei
Task scheduling algorithm based on priority and cost constraint in cloud computing
WU Xiaonian;DENG Mengqin;ZHANG Mingling;ZENG Bin
Method for music soft-cutting and classification in rough-emotion area
LIN Jingdong;WANG Wei;LIAO Xiaoyong
Particle swarm optimization algorithm with weight function's learning factor
ZHAO Yuandong;FANG Zhenghua
Improved glowworm swarm optimization algorithm for high-dimensional functions
PENG Shuo;OUYANG Aijia;YUE Guangxue;HE Minghua;ZHOU Xu
RFID anti-collision algorithm based on tags grouping
CHEN Rongling;WANG Yuhao;LIU Yi;CHEN Zhongping
Cloud computing resource scheduling based on improved quantum genetic algorithm
LIU Weining;JIN Hongbing;LIU Bo
Differential co-expression relative constant row bicluster mining algorithm
XIE Huabo;SHANG Xuequn;WANG Miao
Robust feature selection method in high-dimensional data mining
LI Zean;CHEN Jianping;ZHANG Yajuan;ZHAO Weihua
Modified 3D facial reconstruction algorithm based on a single photo
Improved vocabulary semantic similarity calculation based on HowNet
ZHU Zhengyu;SUN Junhua
Fuzzy risk evaluation on multi-role security mutual exclusion in mobile environment
WANG Jianjun;LI Jianping
Quantitative associative classification based on lazy method
LI Xueming;LI Binfei;YANG Tao;FU Meng
Service architecture and service discovery oriented to service clusters
HU Qiang;DU Yuyue
Improved RRT-Connect path planning algorithm for biped robot
MO Dongcheng;LIU Guodong
Corner detection algorithm using multi-chord curvature polynomial
WANG Junqing;ZHANG Weichuan;WANG Fuping;CHEN Meirong
New feature weight calculation method for short text
MA Wenwen;DEGN Yigui
Algorithm for detecting approximate duplicate records in massive data
ZHOU Dianrui;ZHOU Lianying
Colluding clique detector based on evaluation similarity in WSN reputation system mechanism
WANG Yong;YUAN Chaoyan;TANG Jing;HU Liangliang
Scrambling algorithm based on layered Arnold transform
Method of no-reference quality assessment for blurred infrared image
DU Shaobo;ZHANG Chong;WANG Chao;LIANG Xiaobin;SUN Shibao
Pipelining granularity optimization algorithm based on loop tiling
LIU Xiaoxian;ZHAO Rongcai;DING Rui;LI Yanbing
Replica allocation policy of cloudy services based on social network properties
LUO Haoyu;CHEN Wanghu
Detection of application-layer DDoS attack based on time series analysis
GU Xiaoqing;WANG Hongyuan;NI Tongguang;DING Hui
Improved particle swarm optimization based on adaptive rejection factor
CHEN Ming;LIU Yanmin
Particle swarm optimization for two-echelon location-routing problem
CHEN Jiumei;GONG Ying
Enhanced clustering ensemble algorithm based on characteristics of data sets
HOU Yong;ZHENG Xuefeng
New disparity estimation method for multiview video based on Mean Shift
HU Bo;DAI Wanchang;XIAO Zhijian;WU Jianping;HU Jie
Mixed optimization strategy based on eating particle swarm and conjugate gradient
WANG Jianchen;QI Xiaohui;SHAN Ganlin
Parallel Delaunay algorithm design in lunar surface terrain reconstruction system
WANG Zhe;GAO Sanhong;ZHENG Huiying;LI Lichun
Linear collusion attack analysis of combined public key cryptosystem
MA Anjun;LI Fangwei;ZHU Jiang
Secure protection scheme for hierarchical OSPF network
KONG Lingjing;ZENG Huashen;LI Yao