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Chinese Journal of Computers
2007 Issue 2
Efficient Processing of Meshless Geometrical Data Based on OBB Tree Structure
CHEN Wei;MA Rui-Jin;ZHENG Wen-Ting;LIANG Xiao;PENG Qun-Sheng
Simulation of Wave and Water Surface Near the Seashore
PI Xue-Xian;YANG Xu-Dong;LI Si-Kun;SONG Jun-Qiang
Adaptive Level Set Method Based on the Narrow Band
ZHENG Guo-Xian;FENG Jie-Qing;JIN Xiao-Gang;PENG Qun-Sheng
A Parallel Clustering Algorithm of Gene Expression Patterns
LANG Xian-Yu;LU Zhong-Hua;CHI Xue-Bin
The Strategy for Diversifying Initial Population of Gene Expression Programming
HU Jian-Jun;TANG Chang-Jie;DUAN Lei;ZUO Jie;PENG Jing;YUAN Chang-An
TTA-EC: A Whole Algorithm Processor for ECC Based on Transport Triggered Architecture
ZHAO Xue-Mi;WANG Zhi-Ying;YUE Hong;LU Hong-Yi;DAI Kui
Partial Retransmission Based on Minimal Bandwidth-Distortion Cost in Error Prone Video Delivery
ZHOU Shu-Min;LI Jin-Tao;ZHANG Yong-Dong
Optimal Test Suite Generation Methods for Neighbor Factors Combinatorial Testing
WANG Zi-Yuan;NIE Chang-Hai;XU Bao-Wen;SHI Liang
An Experimental Study on the Performances of SNACKTCP in the LEO Satellite Networks
ZHANG Run-Tong;FAN Ning;ZHANG Wei-Jun
The Finite Mixture Model and Its EM Algorithm for Line-Type Image Patterns
MA Jiang-Hong;GE Yong
Research on Compressed Chain Code
LIU Yong-Kui;WEI Wei;GUO He
GPU-Based Texture Encoding and Real-Time Rendering
Research of Fractional Linear Neural Network and Its Ability for Nonlinear Approach
YANG Guo-Wei;WANG Shou-Jue;YAN Qing-Xu
A Fuzzy Concept Lattice Model and Its Incremental Construction Algorithm
Quantum-Inspired Immune Clonal Algorithm for SAT Problem
LI Yang-Yang;JIAO Li-Cheng
Rough Algebras and 3-Valued Lukasiewicz Algebras
DAI Jian-Hua
Accelerating Ray-Tracing Using Proxy Polygons
HUANG Pei-Jie;WANG Wen-Cheng;YANG Gang;WU En-Hua
Secrecy Analysis of Security Protocol Based on Reachability Relation
GU Yong-Gen;FU Yu-Xi;ZHU Han
Privacy-Preserving Cross Product Protocol and Its Applications
LUO Yong-Long;HUANG Liu-Sheng;JING Wei-Wei;XU Wei-Jiang;CHEN Guo-Liang
Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme Based on RSA Cryptosystems
JIANG Han;XU Qiu-Liang;ZHOU Yong-Bin
Research on Network Node Correlation in Network Risk Assessment
ZHANG Yong-Zheng;FANG Bin-Xing;CHI Yue;YUN Xiao-Chun