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Computer Science
2014 Issue z2
Priority Assignment Strategy for Real-time System under Fault Bursts
HU Guan-rong;,LI Jun;,TU Gang;,YANG Fu-min;,ZHANG Jie;,ZHOU Zheng-yong;
Application of Generalized Molecular Computation Model in 0-1 Knapsack Problem
LI Yan-mei;,MA Tian-bao;,YANG Zhen;,YU Wen;
Mixed RFID Anti-collision Algorithm Based on Dimensional Code Number
DENG Lin;,HUANG Qing-huan;,WEI Dong-xue;,ZHENG Jia-li;
Research Method Combining Both True Table and Statistics
WANG Shu-xi;,XIA Zeng-yan;
Representing and Reasoning Pitches in Algorithmic Composition Based on Bayesian Networks
DING Hai-yan;,LI Wei-hua;,WENG Shi-jie;
Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window and its Application Based on Rich Road Network Weights
MING Jie;,YAO Chun-long;,ZHANG Bei-jin;,ZHANG Gui-jun;,ZHOU Xiao-gen;
Comprehensive Transportation Cyber-physical System
GONG Yan;,LI Su-jian;,XING En-hui;
AntColony Algorithm Based on Optimization of Potential Field Method for Path Planning
LI Kun-peng;,WANG Fang;,YUAN Ming-xin;
Natural Languages Are Regular Languages
SHI Hai-zhong;,SHI Yue;
EMD-FSVM Prediction for Nonstationary Time Series
GONG Bang-ming;,WANG Wen-bo;,ZHAO Pan;
Extraction Method Based on Q Wavelet Transform of ECG Signal Characteristic
LI Nan;,SUN Le-jun;,WEI Rong-guo;,YANG Zhao-chun;
Study on Grade of Wine Quality Based on GA Toolbox of MATLAB
LI Jin;,WU Zheng-zhi;
Study on TSP Solving Based on IPSO
Magic Cards Recommendation Algorithm Based on Bayesian Theory
LI Ye-li;,YANG Yao-fei;
Research of Obstacle Detection Based on Aerial Panorama Image
CHANG Jia-yi;,CHEN Xi;,LI Qing;,QIN Rui;,XU Jian-jun;
Multi-lever Line Matching Method Based on Multiple Constraints
GU Hong-bin;,LI Jun-yao;,SUN Jin;,WANG De-zhi;
Optimization and Research on Ellipse Fitting and Application Based on Algebraic Distance
CUI Jia-li;,GONG He;,JIA Rui-ming;,WANG Yi-ding;,XIAO Ke;
A New Class of Image Segmentation Iterative Algorithm Based on One-dimensional Renyi Entropy
GONG Qu;,RAN Qing-hua;,WANG Ke;
Adaptive Module Localization Method of Local Feature for Data Matrix Code
HUANG Chong;,PAN Xiang;,ZHENG He-rong;
xin xi dong tai
Similar Bézier Curves with Two Shape Parameters
XI Hai-ying;,ZHANG Gui-cang;
Lossless Color Image Compression Method Based on Fuzzy Logic
LI Dong-hui;,LI Qing;
Image Registration Method Based on Straight-line in Hough Parameter Space
GAO Ying-hui;,LIN Qiang;,QU Zhi-guo;,TAN Xian-si;,WANG Hong;
Improved Iris Recognition Algorithm Based on PCNN
JIN Xin;,NIE Ren-can;,ZHOU Dong-ming;
3D Face Registration Based on Surface Deformation
GE Yun;
Image Annotation by Similarity Content-based Image Retrieval
DENG Li-qiong;,HAO Xiang-ning;,LI Zhong-ning;,XIA Ming;
Image Retrieval of Vocabulary Tree Method Based on ISODATA
DAI Fang;,GUO Wen-yan;,ZHANG Ting;
Adaptive Denoising Method Based on Anisotropic Diffusion Equation
MA Ling;,MA Xi-rong;,ZHANG Tong;,ZHAO Chuan;
Image Forgery Detection Using Characteristics of Background Noise
LIN Xiao-zhu;,LIU Li-juan;
Research Advance and Prospect of Membrane Computing Applied in Image Processing
KOU Guang-jie;,MA Yun-yan;,YUE Jun;,ZOU Hai-lin;
Algorithm of Image Matching Based on Color SIFF and Shape Context
LI Shun-bao;,MA Yan;,XU Yan-lu;,ZHANG Xiang-fen;
Study of Super-resolution Image Restoration Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform
JIANG Cai-gao;,SUN Hui-fang;,TANG Jia-lin;,WU Ze-feng;
Design and Implementation of Image Classification Software Based on OpenCV
GAO Nan;,JIA Ning;,LI Gui-cai;,WANG Zhao-yun;
Coverage Blind Restoration Algorithm Based on AUV Movement in UWSNs
HUANG Chen-cheng;,LIU Lin-feng;,ZHANG Ning-shen;
Novel Algorithm of Satellite Covert Communication Based on Chaotic Spread Spectrum Modulation
DA Xin-yu;,LIAN Chen;,ZHANG Ya-pu;
Reliable Data Aggregation Strategy of Multi-optimized Factors Based on LEACH Algorithm
WANG Zhen-fei;,YU Li;,ZHENG Zhi-yun;
MIMO Broadcast Transmission Scheme Based on BD Precoding and TDM
CHEN Pei-lei;,LIU Ping;
Algorithm of Selecting Optimal Dynamic Cooperation Tree in Opportunistic Networks
CHEN Zhi-gang;,WU Jia;,YI Xi;
Research of Representative Group Mobility Models
HOU Yan-shun;,SUN Jia-qi;,WANG Xiao-bo;
Research of Direct Memory Communication and NIC Prototype
CHEN Ying-tu;,LIU Jun-rui;,WANG Ai-lin;,ZHANG Yan;
Survey on Mobile Data Offloading
BAI Chang-min;,HU Cheng-yu;,LIANG Qing-zhong;,YAO Hong;,ZENG De-ze;
Handover Algorithm Based on Location Prediction in Cellular Network
QIAO Shao-jie;,WANG Meng-ran;,YU Shan-shan;
Minimum Redundancy Storage Regeneration Code Research MSRRC Based on Matrix Operation
HOU Fang;,WANG Yu;,ZHAO Yue-long;
Reversible Network Simplification with Similar Function and Similar Network
GUAN Zhi-jin;,HE Jin-feng;,LU Yu;,XU Ming-qiang;
Energy-efficient Routing Algorithm on Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Network
LIN Zhi-gui;,LIU Ying-ping;,WANG Xi;,YANG Zi-yuan;,ZHANG Hui-qi;,ZHAO Ke;
Research on Network Structure of Microbloggers Based on Social Network Analysis
SONG Yang;,TIAN Ai-kui;,ZHANG Yi;
Outlier Detection Methods Based on Neural Network in Wireless Sensor Networks
FENG Hai-lin;,HU Shi;,LI Guang-hui;,LU Wen-wei;
Adaptive PULL & PUSH Heartbeat Detection Machine-made for Disaster Recovery
GAO Li-juan;,MU Dao-sheng;,WANG Hao-ming;
Fast Construction of Block Jacket Transform over Finite Field
HUANG Cheng-rong;
Infectious Diseases Transmission Simulation and Modeling Based on CAS
LV Ji;,MA Lu-lu;,SI Dan;,XU Jie;,ZHANG Peng;
Design of Low-power Node and Interface Protocol in WSN
LIU Jian-jun;,WANG Yao-xing;
One of Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on Wireless Sensor Network
SUN Qiang;,ZHANG Wei;
Research on Detection Schemes of Sybil Attack in VANETs
LI Chun-yan;,WANG Liang-min;
Technique for Discovering Stored XSS Vulnerability Based on Tracing Risky Data
DING Shi-jun;,LI Ya-wei;,LIU Zi-xi;
Research on Biometric Based Access Control for Cloud Storage
CHEN Zhi-jie;,HUANG Kun;,XIAN Ming;
Technical Study of Reducing Redundant Data for Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Forensics
FU Xiao;,MAO Bing;,QIAN Qin;,ZHANG Jian;,ZHANG Kun;
Network Security Situation Prediction Based on Improved Adaptive Grey Model
CHEN Lei;,HE Rong-yu;,SI Zhi-gang;,ZHOU Fei;
Geometric Attack Resisting Double-watermarking Algorithm Based on CS-SIFT
LI Hao;,LI Hong-chang;
Dynamic Chaotic Encryption and its Application in VoIP
GE Xiu-mei;,SHI Jie;,ZHONG Wei-bo;
Certificate-based Multi-proxy Multi-signature Scheme
TAN Xu-jie;,ZHOU Cai-xue;
Efficient Key Management Scheme for Data-centric Storage Wireless Sensor Networks
CHANG Xin-feng;,PAN Zhong-qiang;
Random Generation Algorithm of Optimal Binary Signed Digit Representation of Integer
LI Zhong;,ZHANG Yong-hua;
On Demand Security Framework for Cloud Computing
DING Xian-hua;,JU Ying;,LI Jian-ping;,LIU Guo-ying;,WANG Xiao-ming;,ZHAO Wei-dong;
Review of Clustering Method
JIN Jian-guo;
Personalized Recommendation Technology
XU Ling-yu;,ZHU Bao;
Automatic Text Summarization Research Based on Topic Model and Information Entropy
LI Ran;,SHANG Jian-yun;,ZHANG Hua-ping;,ZHAO Yan-ping;
Network Traffic Classification Method Research Based on Subspace Clustering Algorithm
WANG Su-nan;,WU Chun-ming;,XU Xue-yan;
Improved Algorithm of Attribute Reduction Based on Granular Computing
SHU Lan;,TANG Xiao;
HMSST:An Efficient Algorithm for SPARQL Query
DONG Shu-jian;,WANG Jing-bin;
MapReduce Designed to Optimize Computing Model Based on Hadoop Framework
SUN Yan-chao;,WANG Xing-fen;
Quick Attribute Reduct Algorithm on Neighborhood Rough Set Based on Block Set
GUO Gong-zhen;,LIU Zun-ren;,LOU Chang;
Location-aware Recommendation Based on Collaborative Filtering
CHEN Sheng-hong;,HAN Zi-yang;,LI Gui;,LI Zheng-yu;,SUN Huan-liang;,SUN Ping;
Study on Concept Change in Data Streams Classification
HAN Fa-wang;,LIU Yao-zong;
Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm Based on Spectral Clustering Subgroups Discovering
CHEN Zhao-xin;,HAN Zi-yang;,LI Gui;,LI Zheng-yu;,SUN Huan-liang;,SUN Ping;
Research Advances in Runtime Verification
HE Fei;,ZHANG Shuo;
Implementation of Auto-vectorization Based on Directives in GCC
DONG Yu-shan;,LI Chun-jiang;,XU Ying;,ZHOU Si-qi;
Research and Application of Local Search Engine Based on Lucene
QIN Jie;,SONG Jin-yu;,ZHANG Guang-xing;
Design and Implementation of Windows Credential Provider Logon System Based on USB Key
FAN Si-jiang;,YANG Hai;,ZHANG Nai-qian;,ZHAO Wen-tao;
Test Suite Generation Based on Interaction Testing and Fault Tree Analysis
LIU Wen-hong;,ZHANG Wei-xiang;
General NHPP Software Reliability Research and Application
FEI Qi;,LIU Chun-yu;
Optimization of Control Flow Checking Algorithm
LI Jian-ming;,TAN Qing-ping;,XU Jian-jun;,YIN Sheng;
Overview of Agriculture Big Data Research
LI Zhong-liang;,WEI Xu-yang;,YANG Guo-cai;,ZHANG Hao-ran;,ZOU Teng-fei;
Design and Realization of Distributed Big Data Management System
CHEN Hai-yan;
Data Synchronization of Data-sharing Center Based on ESB and Agent
FAN Bo-wen;,HE Jing;,HE Li-bo;,LI Ying-hong;,SHEN Li;
Link Prediction in Uncertain Protein-Protein Interaction Network
LIU Wei;,ZHANG Yue-yang;
Recognition of Computational Thinking in Visual Programming
CHEN Yan-li;,LIU Xiao-yan;
Program of Blocks Combining with LDLT Method for Finite Element Analysis
LIU Yue-jin;,XUE Meng-jun;
Page Replacement Algorithm with Pre-paging
SHANG Wei;,TU Xiao-qin;,ZHOU Fan-fan;
Entities Expansion and Attribute Values Discovery Method Based on Web
CHEN Shao-gang;,HAN Zi-yang;,LI Gui;,LI Zheng-yu;,SUN Huan-liang;,SUN Ping;
Study on Evaluation and Analysis Framework for Service-oriented Software Development Method
SU Hong-jun;,WANG Guo-hua;,YOU Zhen-hua;
Optimization Model of Logging Lithological Identification
WEI Zhi-hua;,ZHANG Jun-ru;
Research on Prediction Algorithm Based on In-memory Computing for Steel Prices
LE Jia-jin;,ZHANG Bin;,ZHU Jing-xiang;
Research and Design of Temperature and Humidity Intelligent Control System in Library
CHANG Kai;,CHEN Nian-sheng;,CHENG Jia-lin;,GAO Yun-wei;,SUN Qiang;,XUE Dong-liang;
Study of Extenics Neural Networks Model and Stock Index Futures Analysis
LI Xiu-zhi;,MENG Zhi-qing;
Charge-controlled Memristor-based Chaotic Circuit
FANG Ying;,XU Bing-ji;
3D Visual Simulation of Touch-feedback of Flower Plants on Mobile Platform
LIU Pei-qiang;,NIU Cui-xia;,ZHOU Xiang-ning;
Research and Implementation of Mobile Phone Vertical Search Engine
SU Yong-hong;,ZHANG Yu-rong;
Mobile Printing System Technology Scheme
ZHOU Tong;
Experimental Design of Operating System in Independent College
SHANG Wei;,TU Xiao-qin;,ZHOU Fan-fan;
Supervision Collaboration Platform Based on SOA and Cloud Computing Technologies
HAN Hai-wen;,LIU Li-ren;,ZHANG Xiao-yuan;
Comprehensive Evaluation Research of Information Security Based on Power System
CHENG Jun-chun;,LIANG Cheng-dong;,XU Hui;