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Computer Simulation
2016 Issue 9
Radar Emitter Recognition Based on Feature Vector with Hybrid Data Types
CHANG Jin;,GUAN Xin;,WANG Hong;,YI Xiao;
The Accuracy Control of Target Position Servo System of Rocket Launcher
HE Yu-yao;,LIU Xin;
Efficiency Evaluation Model of Networked Military Equipment System's Expenditure
ZHAI Nan-nan;,LIU Xiao-dong;
Performance Optimization of the Complete Trajectory Torpedo Simulation System
REN Qing-sheng;,LI Bin;,FAN Ruo-nan;,ZENG Jin;
Study on Fault Diagnosis and Modeling Simulation of Ramming Hydraulic System
ZHU Han-qing;,MA Guang-shun;,TIAN Rui;
Research on Intelligent Recognition of Life Distribution of the Aircraft Electric Motor Driven Pump
GAO Bin;,CAO Ke-qiang;,HU Liang-mou;,JING Tao;
Threat Assessment of Air Defense Based on Analytic Network Process
HAO Qin-zhi;,ZHOU Zhong-liang;,GAO Zhi-min;
Study on the Evaluation of Operational Effectiveness of Ballistic Missile Penetration
HE Shao-tong;,XUE Lun-sheng;,XU Chen-yang;,LIU Zan;
Research on Coordination Formation Configuration Control of Aircraft Swarms Location
HU Li-ping;,LIANG Xiao-long;,ZHANG Jia-qiang;
Motion Control of UAVs Based on Rules
JING Xiao-nian;,LIANG Xiao-long;,SUN Qiang;,ZHANG Jia-qiang;
Attitude Control Research of the Helicopter-Airborne Anti-Ship Missile Based on Exponential Aproaching Law
LI Hai-qing;,LIU Xiao-xia;,CHENG Dong;,WANG Dong;
Research of Virtual Missile Trajectoryand Target Training System
MA Guang-li;,LI Zhi;,Niu Jun-hao;,Wang Ling-yan;
Research on The Optimization of Aviation Equipments Carrying Allocation
SHAO Yu-han;,XIN Hou-ju;,XU Qi-feng;,HE Ya-qun;
The Method Research for Target Point t Path Planning for Target Point of UAV
SHEN Hua;,CHEN Jin-liang;,ZHOU Zhi-jing;,LI Huan-yu;
The Strain Monitoring of Stratospheric Airship Envelope Based on Wireless Sensor Network
SUN Jiu-kang;,WANG Quan-bao;,ZHAO Hai-tao;,CHEN Ji-an;
Study on the Cushioning Properties of Airbag and the Effect of Vent Size
WU Qiong;,YU Li;,YAO Xiang-ru;
Research on Air-to-air Missile Consumption Demand Forecasting Model
XIE Yi-wang-lang;,XIAO Ming-qing;,ZHAO Liang-liang;,YAO Peng;
An Adaptive Control Method and Stability Simulation of Blimp
XU Fei;,MENG Qing-hao;,LUO Bing;,LEI Ge-hang;
The Research About the Advantage Evaluation of Air Combat Fighter Command and Guidance
YANG Jie;,HAN Qi-song;,YU Min-jian;,ZHANG Yu-xiang;
An Modified RRT-Based Real-Time Route Planning Algorithm for Early Warning Airplane
ZHANG Yu;,REN Bao-an;,CHEN Jing;
Study on Penetration Direction of UAV Based on the Surface to Air Missile Interception Model
ZHANG Zhen-zhong;,LU Yi;,ZHANG Hui-ming;,ZHANG Tao-sha;
Simulation Research about Flight Engine Data Anomaly Detection in Real-Time
ZHOU De-xin;,LIU Chen-yu;,Niu Ya-yue;
Flight Path Planning for UCAV Low-Altitude Penetration under Complex Battlefield Environment
ZHOU Yi-ye;,YAO Deng-kai;,WU Qi-ke;
Investigation on the Bit Synchronization Algorithm Simulation of the Satellite Launching And Receiving Signal
HU Ming-rui;,CHEN Chang-xing;,FENG Xiao-yu;
Design of the Optimization Model about Manned/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Cooperative Combat Formation
JIANG YU-cheng;,GUO Ji-lian;,SHEN An-wei;,ZHOU Zhou;
Research on Adaptive Sensor Fault Reconstruction Method for Aero-engine
YAO Kai-xiang;,PENG Jing-bo;,XIE Shou-sheng;,WANG Li-guo;
Aviation Pilots Air Combat Tactics Decision-making Based on Intuition Fuzzy
ZHANG Ge;,KOU Ya-nan;,ZHANG Bin-chao;,ZHANG Qiang;
Fault Diagnosis of Power Line based on Video Images
LIAO Sheng-long;,AN Ju-bai;
Wind Yaw Controller Optimization Design and Implementation
Research on Microwave Relay Transmission System
WANG Su-hong;,LI Wei-qin;
Intelligent Interaction with Power System Load Forecasting Simulation Research
ZHANG Jian-wei;,YANG Hao;,ZHAO Yong-hui;,LI Shi-lin;
A Study on Numerical Simulation of Cabin Thermal Comfort Based on Visual PMV-PPD Index
MO Zhi-jiao;,TANG Jiang-ming;,GU Zheng-qi;,SHEN Hong-li;
A Fast and Accurate Detection Method of Unstructured Road
WU Li-ying;,YU Qiang;
Study on Traffic Prediction Accuracy Basedon Moving-Polynomial Smoother Algorithm
SU Hui-juan;,SHU Qin;,HUANG Hong-guang;
Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Charging Systems for Electrical Vehicles
XU Chen-yang;,ZHANG Qiang;,LI Yue;,NIU Tian-lin;
Simulation Research on Ride Comfort of Four in-Wheel Motors Independent Driven Electric Vehicle
YANG Wei-hua;,FANG Zi-fan;,HE Kong-de;
Bus Passenger Priority Fuzzy Control and Simulation
ZHOU Ning;,LIU Xiao-ming;,TANG Shao-hu;,ZHENG Guo-rong;
An Improved Location-Cloaking Algorithm Based on Grid-Divided Space
WANG Wei-fang;,CHEN Ming-rui;,ZHAO Yao-chi;
On the Optimization and Simulation of Narrowband Signal Filtering Method
LI Song-hua;,WANG Xin-chen;,WANG Dan;
Energy Saving Optimization Simulation of Discrete Machine Tool Manufacturing System
CAI Lei;,WANG Yan;,XU Bin-zi;,JI Zhi-cheng;
Sports Error Action of 3D Visual Detection Modeling Research
ZHU Zhi-feng;
The Network Marketing to the Real Economy Impact Simulation Analysis
ZHANG Ling-juan;
Transmission Tower Load Security Strength Design Simulation Research
WU Li-xia;,HU Ji-cai;,LI Jie;,WU Shi-jing;
Adaptive Clustering Algorithm with Load-balanced in UASNs
JIANG Hua;,LI Hui-juan;,WANG Xin;
Online Product Quality Reliability Control Algorithm
LI Qing;
A Hybrid Optimization Method Combining Simplex Search and Estimation of Distribution Algorithm
ZHANG Ting;,HAN Pu;,LIU Miao;
A Method of Real-Time Picture Tracking and Mapping Based on SURF Algorithm and RANSAC Algorithm
QUAN Wei;,BAO Tie-zhuang;,BAI Bao-xing;,BAI Li-juan;
Test Adequacy Research Based on Function Call Path Criterion
CHEN Liu;,MU Yong-min;,ZHANG Zhi-hua;
Function call Path Generation for C#
HU Ming-jue;,MU Yong-min;,ZHANG Zhi-hua;
The Collapse of the Dot-Com under High Load Estimation Model Simulation
ZHANG Jie;,JING Wen;,ZHANG Jing-an;
Network Traffic Prediction Algorithm Simulation Analysis
ZHANG Tao;,TANG Hua;,ZHANG Tian-tian;
Simulation of the Hemodynamic Condition in Coronary Vascular System Based on Parallel Computing
FANG Lu-ping;,YAO Jia-liang;,NING Gang-min;,PAN Qing;
Optimization Design Researchof Refrigeration system NPID Controller
LI Geng;,WU Ai-guo;,WEN Hai-tang;
Optimization Design for the Control Performance of VAV Air-Conditioning System
LI Hao;,WU Xiao-jun;,TANG Ting;,CAI Jun-yi;
Simulation of Optimal Control of Chain Grate's Temperature Field
SUN Hong-xing;,LIU Dong-kun;,GAO Bao-wei;,XU Shao-chuan;
Backstepping Approximate Sliding Mode Control for a Class of Pure-Feedback Nonlinear Systems
WANG Tao;,HU Jian-bo;,LI Fei;,ZHENG Lei;
Scientific Research Project Experts Recommended Strategy Optimization Simulation Analysis
WANG Xiao-hua;,FANG Qiang;,ZHANG Yu;
Simulation Research on Target Path Obstacle Avoidance Planning for Express Robot
XIONG Bao-shun;,CUI Hao-lin;
The Investigation on Walking Transitioning Stability Control of Lower Extremity Exoskeleton
YAN Da-fu;,DENG Hua;,ZHONG Guo-liang;
A Method for Fuzzy Controller Optimization Design Based on Swarm Intelligence
ZHANG Jing-hua;,HAN Pu;
Lot Device Failure Data Location Optimization Simulation Research
About the Body Image Precision Processing Algorithm is Improved
ZHU Hong-qin;
Chemical Disaster Rescue Robot Path Planning
ZHOU Wang-ping;,GONG Li-yuan;,Wang Ya;
High Strength and Martial Arts Training Simulation Assessment on Foot Ankle Injury
WANG Yong-xin;,WANG Qiu-fen;
The Oracle Database Specific Research of Singular Data Optimization Detect
LIU Min;,LI Zhi-biao;,XIONG Ting;
Design of Process-Modeling in Weapon Virtual Training
SHU Tao;,MEI Zhao;,SONG Tao;,ZHANG Wei-dong;
Recognition Simulation on Traffic Police's Command Postures Based on 3D Framework
ZHAO Si-rui;,WU Ya-dong;,YANG Wen-chao;,JIANG Hong-yu;
Research on Infeasible Funcation Call Path Detection Method in Complex System
PAN Lu;,MU Yong-min;,ZHANG Zhi-hua;
The Simulation Research of Prediction Model in Coal and Gas Outburst
YANG Rong-ming;,CHEN Chang-hua;,LI Hai-xia;
Modeling and Simulation of Yard Crane Automatic Scheduling in a Terminal
ZHENG Yu-chao;,ZHU Jin;,WU Yuan-yan;,LIU Biao;
Big Data Video Image Retrieval Model Optimization Simulation of Key Frames
Location Sensitive Data in the Database Mining Technology Research
TIAN Chun-zi;,SHAO Xiao-kang;