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Financial Theory and Practice
2009 Issue 8
Banking Supervision System Design From Game Perspective
Zhou Yan;Xu Ying-de
jie jue gao xiao huan dai wen ti de si lu yu dui ce
gao yan
zhuan gao xu zhi
Discuss on Rural Financial Service Innovations From Fiscal Perspective
Ma Hai-bin;Zou Xiao-meng
Analysis of CZCE Cotton Futures Delivery Warehouse Layout
Wang Zong-fang
The Utility of the Fair Value Against Anti-dumping
Niu Qing
cheng shi shang ye yin xing ying she li shui wu hui ji
kou ying hui
The Correlation Analysis Between Insurance Industry and Bank Industry
Xie Qiang;Chen Qian-hong
nong cun xin yong she he xin jing zheng li de swot fen xi
liu yan li
Rural Financial Resource Allocation Efficiency and Empirical Studies: A Case of Shanxi Province
ren fang ; yin you ping ; chang mian
Investigation of Rural Land Management Rights Transfer and Financial Support in Zhoukou City
Research Group of People\'s Bank of China, Zhoukou Central Sub-branch