Susceptibility-weighted imaging of deep medullary veins
CHEN Zheng-zhen;QIAO Hui-huang;GUO Yu;REN Chuan-gen;ZHANG Xiao-fen;LI Jian-ce;CHEN Cheng-chun;Department of Human Anatomy of Wenzhou Medical University;The Second Hospital Huangshi;Department of MRI;the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University;
Distribution of cardiac telocytes in the aged rat heart
XU Sha-sha;LIAO Zhao-fu;CAI Dong-qing;Key Laboratory of Regenerative Medicine;Ministry of Education;Jinan University;International Base of Collaboration for Science & Technology;the Ministry of Science and Technology & Guangdong Province;Jinan University;Department of Developmental and Regenerative Biology;Jinan University;