Regulatory role of GADD45α in rat liver regeneration
YANG Xian-guang;ZHU Lin;ZHAO Wei-ming;HE Chun-cui;XU Cun-shuan;College of Life Science;He’nan Normal University;State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Cell Differentiation Regulation;He’nan Normal University;
Relationship between androgen receptor CAG / GGN repeat polymorphisms and the ratio of 2D∶4D
ZHANG Chuan;LU Hong;HAO Sheng-ju;YAN You-sheng;DANG Jie;ZHENG Lei;ZHANG Qing-hua;HUO Zheng-hao;Gansu Province Medical Genetics Center;Gansu Provincial Maternity and Child-care Hospital;Ningxia Medical University;Key Laboratory of Fertility Preservation and Maintenance;Ministry of Education;Yinchuan;Key Laboratory of Reproduction and Heredity of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region;Yinchuan;Department of Medical Genetics and Cell Biology;