Effect of dexamethasone on the proliferation and apoptosis of rat liver cell line BRL-3A
CHANG Cui-fang;ZHAO Wei-ming;YANG Jing;LI Xiao-fang;CHEN Sha-sha;WANG Gai-ping;XU Cun-shuan;College of Life Science;He’nan Normal University;State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base for Cell Differentiation Regulation and He’nan Bioengineering Key Laboratory;He’nan Normal University;He’nan Engineering Laboratory for Bioengineering and Drug Development;
Somatotype of Han nationality adults in the dialect regions of northern China
WEN You-feng;YANG Yang;XI Huan-jiu;ZHENG Lian-bin;XU Guo-chang;HAI Xiang-jun;ZHANG Guo-hui;Institute of Biological Anthropology;Liaoning Medical University;College of Life Sciences;Tianjin Normal University;Institute of Anthropology;Nanyang Institute of Technology;Medical College of Northwest University for Nationalities;Department of Anatomy;Hebei North University;