Model and algorithm of combined trip under park and ride
MENG Meng;SHAO Chun-fu;ZENG Jing-jing;XU Qing-zhu;MOE Key Laboratory for Urban Transportation Complex Systems Theory and Technology;Beijing Jiaotong University;Project Management Office;Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Highway Construction;
Development of coupling bionics impregnated diamond bit
SUN You-hong;LIU Da-jun;GAO Ke;XIE Xiao-bo;MA Yin-long;GAO Jun-hui;College of Construction Engineering;Jilin University;CECEP Environmental Protection Investment Development Co.;Ltd;Dalian Lvshunkou District Environmental Monitoring Station;
Gird based gesture recognizing algorithm
DONG Li-yan;GAO Yang;LI Yong-li;REN Shi-ming;College of Computer Science and Technology;Jilin University;School of Computer Science and Information Technology;Northeast Normal University;School of Management and Economics;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Vehicle active scheduling model at intersection
GAO Qiang;FU Chao;WANG Jian;LIU Yan-heng;DENG Wei-wen;College of Computer Science and Technology;Jilin University;Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education;Jilin University;State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control;Jilin University;
New adaptive receiver for channels with non-Gaussian noise
YING Wen-wei;OU Yong-heng;JIANG Yu-zhong;ZHANG Jia-wei;CHEN Cong;College of Information and Electrical Engineering;Naval University of Engineering;25th Squadron of East China Sea Fleet Commander Department of Navy;College of Science;Naval University of Engineering;
Monitoring system of cold chain logistics for farm fresh produce
TONG Jin;WANG Ya-hui;FAN Xue-mei;ZHANG Shu-jun;CHEN Dong-hui;Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering of Ministry of Education;Jilin University;School of Biological and Agricultural Engineering;Jilin University;College of Quartermaster Technology;Jilin University;School of Computing and Technology;The University of Gloucestershire;