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China Journal of Health Psychology
2012 Issue 11
The Efficacy of Suganjieyu Capsule in the Treatment of Anxious and Depressive Symptoms of Patients with CHD Arrhythmia
chen zhi bin ; ye qing hong ; tang zuo ; pan hong bin ; liu shu jiao
The Influene of the Term of Imprisonment on Prisoners' Mental Health
Wu Hongshun;Lin Rongfa;Chen Yuxin
Primary School Teachers' Occupation Burnout and Work Engagement and Their Relationship
liu xian min ; zhou yan gen ; liu ai lou ; fu yun nan
Revised Chinese Version of Action Control Scale
Liu Xiaoming;Liu Hong
Comparison Study of the Treatment in Depressive Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease by Citalopran
xie xin feng ; huang cheng fan ; pan run de ; huang xin rong ; li chun
Study on Correlation between Depression and Social Support of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Zhou Lingli;Wang Xiaoqin;Xiong Hairong
The Effect of Group Psychotherapy on Recognition Function of Schizophrenia Patients in Remission
zhang heng ; wang bai ling ; zhou li li ; peng guang hai ; fan ying ying
Relationships among Life Events,Sense of Coherence and Depression of College Students
hu peng li ; zhang zhong ming ; yang yuan yuan ; guo xiao wei
Undergraduates' Theory of Mind and Its Relationship with Metacognition and Emotional Intelligence
Cheng Suping;Weng Tingting;Ding Jian
Relationship among Risk Behavior ,Self-esteem and Family Environment of Middle School Students
han xiao zuo ; xu zhen lei ; hong zuo ; niu li hua ; liu pei pei
Effects of Sodium Valproate and Lithium on Body Weight ,Neuropeptide Y and Leptin of Patients with Manic Episode
chen zuo ; song zuo xiang ; xu le ping ; sun jian ; li ning ; zhong ai fang ; ji ju ying ; wang li ; pan yuan yuan ; cheng zuo ; yu hai ying
Relationship between Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies of Adolescents and Depression
chen hai yan ; yao shu qiao ; hou zuo juan ; ming qing sen
Clinical Follow-up Study on the Efficacy of Ziprasidone in the Treatment of Female Schizophrenic
zuo jin jie ; xi yang ; li hai ling ; xu dong mei ; liu ling ; feng bao zhen
The Relation between Social Support and Well-being of College Students:The Mediating Effect of Self-esteem
li zheng gen ; feng jian xin ; liu ya ; zhu zuo ; liang hao ; bao kai liang
Effect of Psychological Intervention on Coping Style and Social Support of Aircrew
Tian Jing;Li Li;Ben Xuefang
The Relationship among Dysfunctional Attitude,Automatic Thought and Psychiatric Symptoms in Patients with Schizophrenia
zhao zi cong ; dong yi ; xie zuo ; cheng zuo ; zhang ai guo ; zhang long ze ; zhang xiao zuo ; zhang mian ; li zuo zuo
Pathway Analysis of Influential Factors of Recruits' Complexity of Human Nature
Yu Xiaohong;Shao Feng;Lou Zhenshan
Self-confidence of Nonmedical Major Students in Medical Colleges
Dai Bing;Yang Bing;Zhang Hui
Jurisdictional Identification for Homicide of Schizophrenia between Town and Suburb
yao fu xin ; liu shuang chen ; sun de jiang ; wang hong xun ; zhang jia ming ; sun yi ; wei li he
Study on Intervention Effects of Comprehensive Community Service Team for Schizophrenia in Community
zheng hong ; chen si lu ; tang ai zuo ; zhou lu jia ; ji wei dong
Randomized Trial of Quetiapine and Risperidone for Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
yuan zuo ; zou kai ; jiang xing yan ; xu qing ; xia ming hua ; zhao yan
Relationship among Social Skills, Self-esteem and Online Game Addiction in College Students
huang jie ; zhou zuo ; dong guang heng ; peng run yu
Correlational Study of Mental Health and Family Function of Nursing Undergraduates
Li Yeping;Liu Tao;Jiang Xuebo
Relationship among Self-handicapping, Self-esteem and Subjective Well-being of Normal College Students
Fan Xiaoqing;Zhao Jingjing;Wang Youzhi
Anxiety/Depression of Plateau Forces Only Child Officers and Men
liang ai tang ; yi yun qiang ; liu hong sheng ; yao xiao jun ; wang ji wei ; yi zheng guo
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Coping Style and Mental Health of Employee
Meng Fanjie;Zhang Gangying
The Relationship between Marital Quality And Negative Emotions of IVF-ET Women
liu wei wei ; lu guo hua ; wang li ; liu fang
Application of Psychological Tests on the Work of Job Candidates
Ding Lihua;Wang Jian;Tian Wei
The Effect of Group Counseling on Medical Coping Methods and the Use of Social Support of Patients with AIDS
chen zuo ; zheng xiao ying ; zhang xiao zuo ; wu hui min ; jiang feng
Relationships among the Patient Trust in Doctor ,Anxiety and Quality of Life
Liang Mingming;Li Ye;Lu Yi
Clinical Efficacy of Eszopiclone Tablet in the Treatment of Menopause Insomnia
chen zhi bin ; ye qing hong ; tang zuo ; huang bi yan
Quality of Life and Related Factors of Military Rescuers after Half one Year Wenchuan Earthquake
zhao bin ; wang huan lin ; gao zhi qin ; guo wei ; yu hai ying ; shi jian an ; sun jian ; bi yin hua ; zuo tong jun ; ou yang zuo ;jin hua
Study on Quetiapine Plus Small-dose Sodium Valproate in the Treatment of Senile Dementia
chen cai xia ; wu zhen qing ; xu qing ; lu ya na
Effect of Comprehensive Psychological Behavior Intervention on Psychosomatic Rehabilitation of Soldiers in Unit Hospital
liang xue jun ; gan jing li ; liu li zhi ; gao cun you ; zhao lan min ; zhang wei hong
Relationship between Self-esteem,Attribution and Subjective Well-being of College Students
Yang Qing;Xu Weiyu;Han Liping
Relationship between Job Stressors and Mental Health of Railway Employees
Pei Xiaobei;Chen Qingping
Characteristics of Insecurity in College Students and Its Relationship with Childhood Abuse
zhu xiang hua ; li jiao ; qiao juan ; wang cheng dong ; liang guang li ; geng de qin
The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Posttraumatic Stress Disorders after Accidents in the Pearl River Delta Region
shi lei ; yang fang mei ; zhang xi shun ; chen li guang ; guo qiu ; chen qiu lian ; xing shu ; song yi ; zhou ke xiong
Revision of Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire for Chinese College Students
Zhao Yanlin;Li Wentao;Zhang Lin
Relationship between Hypertension's Stress Response Characteristics and Coping Style
Song Yumei;Jiang Hong;Zhang Lan
The Effect of Self-monitoring on Delinquencies of Students at Junior High School
Xiao Chonghao;Xie Yalan
The Effect of Psychological Intervention on Pregnant Women' Psychological States
chen mo ; meng ning ; kong qiao ; zhao zuo
The Mental Health Status of Psychological Counseling Trainees in Beijing
Li Xiaomin;Guo Zhenxi;Han Buxin
Research on Practicability of the General Procrastination Scale in Middle School Students
Hu Fengjiao;Chen Gui;Cai Taisheng