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China Journal of Health Psychology
2008 Issue 8
A Study on the Postpartum Depression of The Patients Of Caesarean Birth anditsrelated factors
Zhang Yuling;Zhang Guiqing;Han Jinli
An Investigation on the Leukemia Inpatients' Psychological Condition and Medical Coping Modes
Sun Shuhua;Zhao Lishuang;Liu Enjun
A Study on the Efficacy of Cltalopram Combined with Mental Intervention in Treatment of Emotional Disturbance in Type Ⅰ Diabetes Mellitus
zhang gui ping ; long jin liang ; zhang hui fang ; wang hong min
Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis on the Mental Health Status of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
lu li ; xue yun zhen ; hou yu ying ; wang wei ping ; zhao shu fang ; jing ya ; zhao mei xian
Alexithymia in Patients with Somatoform Disorder
He Chuancai
Reseaching on Ratio of Children behavior Problems of Teacher Questionnaire and Risk factors in Kunming.
xuan zuo ; kang chuan zuo ; yin cai yan ; liang zhi zhong ; jiang hui zhen ; xu xiu feng
Research On Correlation between Coping Style and Self-concept of Higher Professional Education Students
zheng kai mei ; hao zhi hong ; hou hui ; zhou meng meng ; zhao dan
Distribution of Personality Disorder Tendency of Medical College Students
Yang Shaoqing;Li Jianming;Chen Yun'en
The Characteristic of Selection Attention of University Student with Learning Disability
ma ying hua ; wang xiao dong ; gao shu qing ; sui xue
A Study on Influencing Factors of Internet Addiction Disorder in College Students
Liang Yingnan;Yang Lizhu;Gu Liqun
A Study on the Family Environment and Parental Rearing Pattern On Patients with Anxiety
li jun hua ; huang wen yue ; liu zuo ; bai hui na ; zhang zuo ; ma ning
Open Trial on Efficacy of Sertraline in Adolescents with Major Depression
Zhang Yuqi;Li Guilin
An Investigation on Comorbidity of Paired Body Disease with Mental Disorders in Genenal Hospital
li shu ping ; wang yan ; ma jing ; shen hao ; shen chao zuo ; jin hong ling
Comparative Study on Schizophrenia with Obsessive-compulsive Symptoms and Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
cheng wan liang ; xia zhong ; song chuan fu ; zuo min
Comparative Study on Effects of Ziprasidone on Life Quality of Schizophrenic patients
zhao qi he ; tang zheng he ; zhang yong hua ; xu yun tian
Investigation Oil the Quality of Life of Traffic Policemen
wu hong mei ; sun hong wei ; xiao jing ; zhang jing yan
The Structural Equating Model of Middle-class Leaders Competency in Military Hospital
han tong shi ; wan zuo ; dan xiao ying ; zhang li jun
A Comparison Between Railway Police and Prison Police on Coping Style
guan nian hong ; wang ji hui ; hu san hong ; zhang jin zuo ; zhang ming ; wu wen tao
Analysis the Factors Influencing College Enterance Examinees Filling the Aspiration Forms
Li Lingqing;Liu Yanlou;Li Jianwei
A Research on the Personality Traits of New Drugpusher.
Wang Dayong;Fan Luming
The Mental Health Status and Its Relative Factors among Medical Staffs in Mulao Ethnicity Area
tao jian qing ; jiang chun qing ; chen zhong xun ; rao qiu feng ; huang qiu fang ; wei chun yan ; luo xiao lin
Clinical Value of MMPI Validity Index on Psychological Assessment for Military Pilots
liu lin lin ; dong yan ; zhou xiao mei ; guo lin ; hou gui zhi
Comparative Study on Parental Rearing Patterns of Medical Staffs among Mulao Ethnicity, Zhuang Ethnicity and Han Ethnicity in Mulao Ethnicity Area
tao jian qing ; jiang chun qing ; chen zhong xun ; rao qiu feng ; huang qiu fang ; wei chun yan ; luo xiao lin
The Current Research Situations and Prospects of Gratitude
Dang Xia;Zhang Ning;Jiang Tingna
The Empirical Study on Mental Quality with Group Psychological Guidance in Engineering University Students
wu sha ; li zhen shan ; yang ying chao ; yi yuan shu ; feng li hua ; wang li
Study On Different Type Universities Students' Mental Stress and Its Coping Strategies
liu fang fang ; bai li ying ; xie ye zuo ; ye xiao yun ; wu chuan sai ; chen hui
A Study on Level of Self Consistency and Congruence of Poor Students in Colleges
Cai Maohua;Yang Ping;Gao Heping
To Evaluate the Effect of education of Thought and Polities and Systemic Mental Intervention on Lnpoverished Students
liu bin yan ; ma cun gen ; xiao hai yan ; sun ping ; gao peng