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China Journal of Health Psychology
2008 Issue 7
A Clinical Controlled Trial on the Efficarcy of Risperidone in the Treatment of Recurrent Schizophrenia
cui yong jun ; liu hong zuo ; hao guo jian ; liu guang fang
The Relationship of Programmers' Temperament, Ego-centrism and Social Anxiety
Liu Jianrong;Wang Guoqian
The Effectiveness Analysis of the Domestic Olanzapine in the Treatment of Schizophrenia
Xiao Bo;Xie Wenjiao;Qiu Chunliu
Comparison Study of Venlafaxine, Paroxetine and Deanxit in the Treatment of Somatoform Disorders
meng qing rui ; xu tao ; zhang yan heng ; du bo ; zhang xiang yun
Effect of Mental Intervention on Patients with Schizophrenia Treatment Compliance Impact
yu rui yan ; di ya qin ; zhao su yin ; sun xiu li ; cheng yu min
Epidemiological Survey of Somatoform Disorders in Baoding City
zhao shu xia ; li xi po ; zhang yue qing ; mu xi shu ; li hui ; huang xiu fang ; liu zhen ying
Relative Study about Security Sense between Migratory and Local Junior School Students
ma ji ; wang kai ; zhu chun yan ; li xiao ming ; pang zuo ; wang xiao zuo
The Test of Multi-dimension Perfectionism Scale in 728 Chinese College Students
Zhou Qizhi;Li Na;Li Jianwei
Review on the Factors of the Development of Children Self-esteem
Zhou Biwei;Li Wenjing;Liu Yuan
Present Situation of Middle School Students Spiritual Belief in Macao
Zhang Kai;Li Qi;Zhang Wei
Internet Addiction on Middle School Students-An Epidemiological Survey
li de min ; leng xiao bin ; liu de rong ; sun wan chen
Investigation on Self-monitoring Ability in Physics Learning of High School Students in Tai'an
di li ; hu xiang ling ; qu ke ying ; yu dong wei
Attended and Unattended Adolescent' s self-harmony and Coping Styles
Xie Siyuan;Zhang Fang
Relationship between Life Satisfaction and Mental Health
Zhou Houyu;Zhou Lianying
The Study on Mental Health of Old Male Disabled Prisoners in Anhui Province
shen wang bing ; zeng tai an ; wu dong gang ; zhao xiao jun
Investigations on Mental Health of Young Nurses in Psychiatric Depantment
Yang Ling;Long Jinliang
An Analysis of the Resuits of a Survey Using EPQ and SCL-90 0ver 722 Recruits
Zhang Hangli;Yang Hongmei;Shang Mingqian
The Test and Revision of Hewitt Multi-dimensional Perfectionism Scale for 529 Chinese College Students
chen si yuan ; guan yang yang ; zhang wei ; li jian wei
Relationship of College Freshmen' Personality and Mental Health
yang gui ying ; zhang tao ; song li juan ; you xiang yu ; song yang ; tang ping
CopingStyle of Postgraduate within Deferent Extent of Stress
Han Xuerong
Time Effect of Positively and Negatively Question in Personality Questionnaire
Liang Yonghong;Yang Yebing;Tong Yang
A Research on Undergraduates' Psychological Help Seeking Attitude
Yang Ying;Ye Yiduo
Revising Behavior and Contingency Measure for School Leadership
Wang Jiankang;Cao Jian
Investigation on Correlated Factors of Adolescent Pregnancy
Zhu Yuhua;Wang Liwei;Du Yasong
The Study of Present Condition on Marital Quality
Guo Xia;Li Jianming;Sun Hnaimin
The Study on Time Management Disposition
Wei Jing;Chen Jianzhi