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China Journal of Health Psychology
2004 Issue 6
Study of Ma Jajue's Murder and its Psycholigcal Process
du jiu xiang
Mental Health Status and Influencing Factors of Teachers in Primary School
ni lin ying ; wu zhi min ; lei liang xin
Investigation of Psychological Health of HIV Infections and AIDS Cases in Honghe Prefecture
huang gao gui ; li song ; chen qing ling ; zhang jun ; jiang zhong liang ; guo yue ; huang mian
The Strategies of Cognitive Intervention on College Student Suicide
guan xiao qin ; wu yuan
Study on the Structure of Junior School Students' Need in Xi'an City
qiu xiang ; niu yong
Effect of New Naval Academy Students' Mental Health State and Life Events on the New PLA Students' Mental Hygienic State
shi sha quan ; xiao zuo ; xiang wa ; yu ou ; cao shou lian
Path Analysis of Boys' and Girls' Aggression
liu jian zuo
Investigation and Analysis of the Psychological Health of the Middle School Students in Baise
wu zuo jun ; ma ying jiao ; tan sheng kui ; liao jian ying ; meng shi jiang
The Study of Relation between Family Psychological Atmosphere of Patients with Psoriasis and the Change of Illness State
liu xiu rong ; liu dong hai ; jie qi wei ; zhao gui yun
Psychosomatic Study on the Patients with Psoriasis
li wei min ; wang gao hua
The Efficacy of Morita Therapy in the Treatment of Neurotics
ni su qin ; bao zhao hua ; zhang ming lian
Mental Health of Undergaduates in Xi'an Jiaotong University
shen xiao ying ; gao zhi li
Investigation and Analysis of SCL-90 on Heroin Addicts Voluntarily Seeking Detoxification
liang jian fang ; jie ya ning ; xiao rong ; xu wang chun
The Relation of Social Support and Mental Health in University Students
zhang qiang ; chen li jiao ; zhao hu
The effect of antipsychotic drugs on the plasma interleukin-6 level of children with schizophrenia
li qiang ; guo jing hua ; guo su qin ; cheng jun ; du hai xia
Investigation of Psycho-status in 293 Undergraduates during and after SARS Period
wang ping ; zhao min ; zhao lin