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China Journal of Health Psychology
2004 Issue 2
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
zhao yong le ; zheng yong
Comparison of Venlafaxine with Imipramine on Post-stroke Depression
zhang jing ; fan feng lan ; liu shou qiang
Investigation of Relation betweer Senior Citizen's Psychological Health and Quality of Life
wang jia jun ; su xiao po ; liang duo hong ; li hong ge
Current Situation and Consider of Assessment on Undergraduated Students' Psychological Stressors
shi xiao ning ; liu xiao hong ; li chuan yun ; xu yan
Study of Personality Chanacteristic and Mental Health Status of Excellent Medial Graduates
he jun ; xie hai yan ; li xian tao ; wen ze huai ; liang wei xiong ; chen yun bo
Investigation and Analysis on the State of the Beihua University Students',Psychological Health
li xiao bo ; dong li ping ; zhan li ping ; du rui hong ; li xiao tao
Clinical Analysis of 86 Inpatients with Alcohol-relating Mental Disorder
bao jian jun ; zhang zuo ; wu wen zuo
Study of Group Psychotherapy(GPT) Promoting Adjustment of Environment on University Freshman
deng xu yang ; guo jin lin ; wang xiao ling ; he zhuang xiang ; li hui ; li hui ; jiang zuo na
Study of Views and Behaviors of Sex on the Pre-martial Rural Youth
yuan shu qing ; wang ying
Analysis of Mental Health Status on 83 Prostitutes
zhang wei ; qu hong fang ; zhang zhen ; li guo hai
Psychotherapy of Depression Emotion in Patients with Cerebral stroke and its Clinical lmplications
hou yong hua ; mu jun lin ; zhang liu sha
Efficacy of Paroxetine in Patients with Persist Somatoform Pain Disorder
ma li xia ; qiu ya feng
Study of the Social Disorder on College Students
liu xin ; xu guang xing
Investigation and Analysis of the Backbone Teachers' Mental Health on Middle School
wang xiao qin ; hu guo jin ; wu hai qin ; wang hou rong
Personality Trait and Coping Way of People in Fear of 'SARS'
ma jian dong ; zheng hua ; wang yong jun
Study of Anxiety on the University Students During the Period of SARS Epidemic
li ya yun ; xu feng ; xin sheng ping ; wang shu zhen ; ma ya ju ; wang zuo
Investigation of EPQ on College Students in Medical University During the period of SARS Diffusion
feng feng lian ; liang lei ; duan xi tao ; kang yong bin ; zuo ke le
The Mental State of Medical College Student during the Period of SARS Diffusion
liu su fang ; ma jian dong ; wei ping ; jia fu jun
Investigation of Undergraduates Psychological State under Group Crisis and Correlate Factor
zeng hong ; chen qing shan ; li ai mei
Comparison of Life Quality in First Episode Schizophrenia Patient
cheng jun ; guo su qin ; li qiang ; du hai xia
Study of the Relationship between Social Support,Coping Style and Mental Stress in Armymen
li quan chao ; wang ying li ; lan xin you ; yang jian kui ; gao jian ; he ying qiang
Analysis of Character and Evaluation on Result from Using CPI-RC in 204 Undergraduate Cadres
zhang gai ye ; ou yang xian tao ; zhao jian hua ; zhang yong ; cai yi