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Economy and Management
2004 Issue 11
Some Views on the Data Quality in Statistics
qian su ping
Analysis of the Elasticity of Demanding Price
cui zhi jun
Discussion on Analysis of Cash Flow Statements Rate
zhao jian zhen
Opening the Value of Community Commercial Culture
peng pin zhi ; du yan
lai gao xu zhi
zhong yao qi shi
The Study of the Second-Tier Board Market Supervising Management
jin dong ; ling chuan rong
Inquire into Building the System of the Enterprise's Overall Budget Management
wang zuo ; zhang xiu jun
On the Exchange Rate System
sun bo liang
The Shaping and Integrating of Enterprise Philosphy
wang hai feng ; xiong zhi jian ; zuo xiang hong
Views to China Medium-small Enterprises Actualizing Patent Strategies
yang li wei ; zhang feng xia
Systematic Analysis Procedure of Strategic Management Accounting
liu tao ; yan xiao
Financial Strategy of Growing Enterprise
liu an
Optimizing and Upgrading the Chemical Industry Structure
zhang zuo shan
On the Recent Rise in Food Prices
zuo guang lin
wan shan fa zhi huan jing , cu jin min ying qi ye fa zhan
wan cui ying
bai qiang : he bei zhi zao ye de suo ying
cheng gui rong
Informatization Construction and Enterprise Innovation
liu zhong jing ; kang kai
Analysis of Credit Problem in Chinese Market Economy
liu xi lin