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Comparative Economic and Social Systems
2015 Issue 1
Using Cost Observation to Regulate Firms
Jean-Jacques Laffont;Jean Tirole;Université de Toulouse;Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
bian ji shou ji
The Measurement of the Public Sector of China’s Economy and the Potential of Mixed Economic Reform
Chen Zongsheng;Gao Yuwei;School of Economics;Nankai University;International Finance Institute;Bank of China;
Unlocking the Puzzle of China’s Foreign Direct Investments Vertical Spillover Effect: From the Perspective of the Industry Value Chain
Chen Zhao;Yang Hongli;China Center for Economic Studies;Fudan University;
Causes and Impact of the Russian Ruble Crash and Opportunities for Cooperation between China and Russian
Li Jianmin;Institute of Russian;East European and Central Asian Studies;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
Resolution of Systemically Important Financial Institutions: Theory,Effect and Trend
Xu Chao;National Institute of International Strategy;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
Financial Consumer Protection: Theoretical Analysis,Government Functions and Policy Suggestions
Gao Tiantian;Chen Chen;Shanghai University of International Business and Economics;Taiping Asset Management Co.;Ltd.;
Research on Promoting Financial Inclusion:From the Perspective of Consumer Financial Protection
Hu Wentao;School of Law;Shanghai Maritime University;
The “Environmental State” from the Perspective of Environmental Governance
Chen Haisong;Zhejiang A and F University;
A Study on Regional Differences of Industrial Carbon Emissions Performance and Its Factors in China Spatial Econometric Analysis Based on Provincial Data
Han Jing;Wang Yun;Chen Chaofan;School of Economic and Resource Management;Beijing Normal University;
Institutional Complexity and Corporate Environmental Strategy: Based on the Institutional Logic Perspective
Gou Qianwen;Cai Ning;School of Public Affairs;Zhejiang University;
Environmental Regulation,Industrial Productivity and Economic Activity: Evidence from Differential Electricity Price Policy
Shen Meng;School of Economics;Capital University of Economics and Business;
Regulating Procurement of State-owned Enterprises in China under the GPA
Bai Zhiyuan;Wang Ping;Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;Norttingham University;
The Applicability of the Diffusion of Local Government Innovation
Yu Jianxing;Huang Biao;School of Public Affairs;Zhejiang University;
Does Labor Force Transfer Have Influence on Farmer Households Selecting New Agricultural Operation Modes Based on the Data of Hubei Province and Chongqing Municipality
Li Bin;Ma Jiujie;School of Economics and Management;Beijing University of Chemical Technology;School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development;Renmin University of China;
Survey on the Seminar on the Transformation of Russia and Central and Eastern European Countries and Their Current Situation
Xu Wenhong;Institute of Russia;Eastern European and Central Asian Studies;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;