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Comparative Economic and Social Systems
2007 Issue 6
On the Legal Support for Redevelopment of Private Enterprises
wu yong ming ; yuan chun sheng
Dynamic Economics of Adjusting Industry Structure
Chen Ying
Social Capital and the Employment of Rural Emigrant Workers
Zhang Zhiyong
xin nong cun jian she yu cheng shi hua de chong tu : zhi du de zuo yong
lin yan ; zhang zhong gen
jing ji ti zhi zhang ai : wo guo geng di jian shao de gen ben yuan yin
guo guan cheng ; wu qun
On Reforming the Land Using Rights in Rural Area
Cheng Lizhong
On the Involvement of Villagers' Self-governance System
He Donghang
What is a Case Study and What is It Good for?
zhu shi ping ; yue han ge ning
Fundamental Theory of Institutions:A Lecture in Honor of Leo Hurwiez
luo jie b. mai er sen ; wang shao guo
Should Transitologists Be Grounded?
wa lai li bang si ; zhan zuo
NGOs and Public Services:Fields and Rights
Tang Xinglin;Liu Guozhen
Eight Major Issues in Current Social Development
Ding Yuanzhu
Theories and Practices of Intervening Foreign Exchange
Pan Hongsheng
Is the Corporate Governance in the United States of America the Best?
rui na a ge wa ; fan shi de
The Reform of Corporate Governance in Europe
lu ka en li ke si ; bao luo wo er pin ; liu cheng li ; sun chun fu
On Restructuring Centrally Subordinated SOEs
li yue ping ; lai hai zuo ; zhang zhi yue ; liu cheng li