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Comparative Economic and Social Systems
2002 Issue 6
Table of Contents 2002
Opening Public Affairs and Governance Reform
zuo ji hong
International Trade and the Domestic Institutional Framework
he le mai yin te
Creating Self-Sustaining, High-Skill Ecosystems
da wei fan gao de
Emergence, Meaning and Mechanism of Corporate Governance
lin tao ; xu yun xiao
Intermediate Organizations within System and Innovations in Market System: An investigation of civil commerce chambers in Wenzhou
zhe jiang sheng zheng fu ban gong ting ; sheng zheng fu yan jiu shi diao yan zu
The limits of discipline: Ownership and hard budget constraints in the transition economics
luo man fu li de man ; xie li er ge lei ; ma lie ke he sai er
When Chinese financial system can fit its need?
ni gu la si la di
NOPs: a sector with great potential for employment
ding yuan zhu
Information imbalance and healthy security
zheng bing wen