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Clean Coal Technology
2008 Issue 3
xin xi jian suo
Technical reform of the structure of vibration screen plate
YUAN Er-long
The discussion about blending coal of coal mixed
AN Zhen-dong
Methanol fuel-the most development potential alternative energy
XIONG Dao-ling;FU Xue-zheng;LI Jin-hui
Study on the models for circular economy in Yanzhou coal field
TIAN Li-ya;QIN Sheng;FENG Teng;SU Mei-lin;FENG Qi-yan
The biogas research caused by the action of microorganisms in the process of using gangue packed for mine
ZHAO Fu-ling;DENG Yin-sheng;OU Rui;TANG Min
Contrast research on coal gas stripping and adsorption process substitute ammonia stripping with water steam method
GAO Xiang;WANG Guang-hua;LI Li;LI Wen-bing;ZUO Jian-ping;HE Shui
Factors affecting the quality of coke
ZHU Yin-hui;LI Hui;ZHANG Xian-lin;BIAN Xi-mian
The application of TOPSIS method for optimizing coal blending
SUN Guo-chao;YAN Xiao-zhong;CHEN Dong-lin
Relationship between saturated adsorption capacity of heavy metal ions on peat and their inonic structure
LUO Shi-di;LIU Zhi-rong;ZHOU Li-min;WEI Peng
AE&E Wet-desulphurization installment applied research
The distributing of subsamples in coal heap sampling
TU Hua;WU Kuan-hong;JIANG Ying
The experimental study on desulfurization of mixture of coal and poplar powder through pyrolysis in oxidative atmosphere
GAO Hong-hang;LI Ji-jing;FAN Xiao-wei;YU Hai-long;WANG Fang
Study on the influence of coal rank and granularity on the layer combustion characteristics
ZHOU Guo-jiang;WU Peng;ZHU Shu-quan
Study on effect of structure on combustion characteristic of the bio-briquette
FU Ai-qing;YU Ze-yu;CHEN Lun-jian
The research and application of underground gasifier technology when coal seam become flexible
LIU Bao-yin;QIU Bo;HE Jin-shui;XU Xi-zheng;SONG Yan-xia
Research on briquette compound additives at high temperature
CHEN Lie-rong;GE Ling-mei;ZHOU An-ning
Discuss on theory and practice of developing bio-briquette in northeast area of China
TIAN Zhong-kun;ZHU Shu-quan
Preparation of formed activated carbon using PAV binder
ZHANG Xiang-lan;WANG Xiang-long;LI Ke;REN Hong-xing;LI Yuan
Experimental study on petroleum coke and anthracite using for hydrogen storage materials
WU Jun-qing;ZHOU Shi-xue;YANG Min-jian;WANG Zhen-hua;LV Ying-hai