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Journal of Economic Animal
2005 Issue 2
Preliminary Study on Artificial Incubation of Emu Eggs
TIAN Xiu-Hua;WANG Jian-rong;HE Xiang-Bao
Study the Artificial Breeding and Taming Porcupines
LIU Jun;YANG Shui-gang;ZHONG Fu-sheng
Determination on Muscle Quality of Gooses from Several Local Species in Jiangxi Province
PAN Ke;SUN Han;OUYANG Jian-hua
Variation of Esterase Isoenzyme among Three Kinds of Bodily Color Monopterus albus in Poyang Lake Region
YANG Fa-qun;ZHOU Qiu-bai;ZHANG Yan-ping;LI Xin-hua
PCR Amplification of the Sry Gene of Roe Deer(Capreolus capreolus)
LI Ping;BAI Xiu-juan
Analysis of Genetic Diversity by Microsatellite BM143 in Four Goats Breeds
OUYANG Xu-xiang;DENG Zao-fu;HUANG Sheng-qiang;LIU He-xiang;HE De-si;TAN Sheng-guo;HU Shu-guang
Study on the Laws of the Serum Concentrations of Insulin Growth Factor-1 and Growth Hormone in the Sika Deer and Chinese Wapiti
LI Guang-yu;YANG Fu-he;WANG Kai-ying;GAO Yu-gang;ZHAO Jing-bo
Experimental Study on Embryo Transfer Technology of Tianshan Wapiti
GAO Qing-hua;HAN Chun-mei;HE Liang-jun
Study on Effects of PMSG and HCG on Estrus and Fertility of Female Blue Fox at the End of Breeding Season
LIU Zhi-ping;BAI Yu-Yan;LIU Lu;LIU Jun-shan
Laboratory Diagnosis of Marten Hemorrhagic Pneumonia
YU Shou-ping;LI Gong-mei;XU Shu-jie
Diagnosis and Treatment of Mink Colibacillosis
CAO Rong-feng;TIAN Hong-yu;WANG Ji-fang;SU Zhen-yu
Study on Condition for Clostridium Perfringens Type A to Produce Toxin
ZHAO Li-feng;GUO Hong-wei;REN Jia-yan;WU Yong-chun
Study on Growth law of England BUT Turkey
WEI Yue-ping;LENG Chun-ling;GAO Xiao-yun;WANG Peng
Study on the Histological Morphology and Structure of Thymus of Different-Day Old Turkeys
LIU Jin-Hui;WEN Li-xin;WANG Shui-lian;FU Tong-sheng
Effects of Cysteamine on the Growth and Metabolism of American Partridge
WANG Zhong-yan;MA Jian-zhang
Efficacy of Dikezhuli and Xian-er-Kang to Cure Coccidia of Rex Rabbit
ZHAO Quan;YANG Gui-lian;GE Chen-xia
Immunization of Infant Raccoon Dogs with Canine Parvovirous DNA Vaccine
CHEN Tong-hai;SUN Zhi-ming;ZHAO Fu-guang;WANG Quan-kai