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Economic Geography
2014 Issue 4
Innovating System and Policy of Arable Land Conservation Under the New-Type Urbanization in China
LIU Yan-sui;QIAO Lu-yin;College of Resources Science and Technology;Beijing Normal University;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The Knowledge Structure and Research Hotspots of West Economic Geography:Visualized Quantitative Research Based on CiteSpace
LI Wan;SUN Bin-dong;Center for Modern Chinese City Studies & School of City and Regional Science;East China Normal University;
The Mode of Transformation and Upgrading Based on the Methods of Entropy Weight and TOPSIS in case of Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone
CAO Xian-zhong;ZENG Gang;Department of Urban and Regional Economics;East China Normal University;
County Economy Differences’ Temporal-Spatial Evolution in the Midstream of the Yangtze River Economic Area
XIE Lei;LI Jing-bao;YUAN Hua-bin;ZHU Hui;TIAN Xiao-qin;School of Resources and Environment Science;Hunan Normal University;School of municipal and Surveying Engineering;Hunan City University;
The Convergence Research of Economy Aggregation and Pollution Aggregation Among China’s Provinces
LIU Man-feng;XIE Han-jin;The Collaborative Innovation Center;Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics;The School of Information Management;Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics;
Regional Entrepreneurial Capital and Economy Growth:Based on Panel Data of Central China
TANG Yong;TANG La-mei;Business School;Central South University;Urban Management Department;Hunan City University;Business School;Hunan City University;
A Location Problem on Urban Emergency Material Depositories Considering NewBuilding Scenarios:A Case Study of Shijiazhuang City
LU Xiang-lin;SONG Wan-jie;ZHAO Li-qin;College of Economics and Management;Shijiazhuang University;College of Mathematics and Information Science;Shijiazhuang University;
Research on Spatial Interaction of the Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River
HE Sheng;TANG Cheng-li;ZHOU Guo-hua;School of Resources and Environment Science;Hunan Normal University;
Trade Area of Supermarket in Changchun Centeral Urban Area Based on GIS
CHENG Lin;WANG Fa-hui;XIU Chun-liang;School of Geographical Science;Northeast Normal University;Department of Geography & Anthropology;Louisiana State University;
The Chinese City Function Network Based on Aviation Passenger Flow
ZHU Hui-bin;School of Urban Planning and Design;Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School;College of Urban and Environmental Sciences;Peking University;
The Spatial Structure and Affecting Factors of the Housing Rental in Beijing
SU Ya-yi;ZHU Dao-lin;GENG Bin;College of Resources and Environmental Sciences;China Argicultural University;Institute of Economic and Social Development;Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics;
The Effect of Urban Scale,Economic Growth to Urban Housing Price
XIE Dan-xing;LIN Xiong-bin;College of Urban and Environmental Sciences;Peking University;School of Urban Planning and Design;Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School;
Empirical Analysis on Urbanization Impact on the Development of Real Estate in China
XUE Fei;YUAN Ru-hua;Business School;Hohai University;
Evaluation and Spatial Pattern Analysis of Quality of Life of Urban Residents in Anhui Province
ZHANG Liang;ZHAO Xue-yan;ZHANG Sheng-wu;LI Ding;HOU Cai-xia;College of Geography and Environment Science;Northwest Normal University;School of Business Administration;Anhui University of Finance and Economics;
Spatial Pattern of C2C E-Commerce Online Shops in China
ZHONG Hai-dong;ZHANG Shao-zhong;HUALing-ling;NIE Ying;Modern logistics school;Zhejiang Wanli University;Telecommunication School;Zhejiang Wanli University;School of tourism and city management;Zhejiang Gongshang University;
Changing Intra-Metropolitan Spatial Distribution of Employment with Economic Restructuring in Beijing Metropolitan Area
SUN Tie-shan;QI Yun-lei;LIU Xiao-quan;School of Government;Peking University;School of Tourism Management;Beijing International Studies University;
The Development Patterns of Service Cluster in Small and Medium-Sized Cities
CHEN Xi;LYU Bin;School of Government;Peking University;College of Urban and Environmental Sciences;Peking University;
The Research Frame of Spatial Decision-Making Process of Enterprise Migration Based on Agent-Based Modeling
LIANG Yu-tian;LI Wen-tao;JIANG Chao;LIU Lin;Center of Integrated Geographic Information Analysis/School of Geography and Planning;Sun Yat-sen University;Department of Geography;University of Cincinnati;
The Development Countermeasures of Chinese Geographical Indications Agricultural Products Market
SUN Ya-nan;HU Hao;College of Economics & Management;Nanjing Agricultural University;
The Forestry Economy in Lapland of Northern Finland and the Reference Significance to Chinese Forestry Development
WANG Ye;SHENG Yan;School of Environment and Natural Resources;Renmin University;
Temporal-Spatial Evolution of Agricultural Specialized Villages Development:the Case of Nanyang City,Henan Province,China
QIAO Jia-jun;ZHANG Yu-jia;Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development;Henan University;College of Environment & Planning;Henan University;
Study on the Rural Transformation Development Pattern in Dulan Pastoral Area of Qinghai Province Under the Framework of PPP(Public Private Partnership)
DING Yue;CAI Jian-ming;LIU Yan-sui;WANG Lan-ying;YANG Zhen-shan;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Party College of Qinghai Province;
A Research Review of Invisible Land Market in China
LUO Hu-ping;School of Public Management;Hunan Business College;
Estimation of Urban Land System Stability of River Valley——A Case Study of the Four Districts in Suburbs of Lanzhou City
WANG Jian-zhen;LU Li-peng;ZHAO Rui-feng;YAO Yu-long;College of Geographic and Environmental Science;Northwest Normal University;
CO2 Reduction Target Scenario Simulation Based on the Structural Adjustment of CO2 Emission Sectors——A Case of Guangdong Province
YE Yu-yao;SHU Yong-xian;ZHANG Hong-ou;LIN Li-ying;HUANG Liang-xiong;Guangzhou Institute of Geography;Guangdong International Institute for Strategic Studies;
Diagnostic Methods for the Coupling Relationship between Urbanization and the Eco-Environment from the Perspective of Well-being
ZHANG Yu;YANG Qing-shan;School of Geographical Science;Northeast Normal University;
Environmental Quality Background Reconstruction and Its Change Simulation Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
HU Wen-min;ZHOU Wei-jun;YU De;WANG Bin-wu;LIU Pei;YANG Wei;College of Resources and Environment/Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Laboratory;Hunan Agricultural University;College of Resources and Environment;China Agricultural University;
The Measurement and Spatial-Temporal Evolution Features of Touristization Levels in China
WANG Xin-yue;QIN Su-zhen;WU Ning-ning;Management College;Ocean University of China;Ocean Development Research Institute;Ocean University of China;
The Effect Mechanism Comparison on Tourism Decision-Making in Both Genders Based on AMOS Technique——A Case Study of Fuzhou Residents
QIN Jun-li;LIN Lan;School of History and Tourism Culture;Shanxi Datong University;School of Geographical Science/Tourism Research Institute;Fujian Normal University;