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Journal of Environmental Sciences
2016 Issue 5
Refining mercury emission estimations to the atmosphere from iron and steel production
Yongmin Wang;Guangliang Liu;Dingyong Wang;Yong Cai;College of Resource and Environment;Southwest University;Institute of Environment and Health;Jianghan University;Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry;Southeast Environmental Research Center;Florida International University;
Spatial variance and assessment of nitrogen dioxide pollution in major cities of Pakistan along N5-Highway
Yasir Shabbir;Muhammad Fahim Khokhar;Reza Shaiganfar;Thomas Wagner;Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering;National University of Sciences and Technology;Satellite Remote Sensing Group;Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry;
Modeling the impacts of temperature and precipitation changes on soil CO2 fluxes from a Switchgrass stand recently converted from cropland
Liming Lai;Sandeep Kumar;Rajesh Chintala;Vance N. Owens;David Clay;Joseph Schumacher;Abdul-Sattar Nizami;Sang Soo Lee;Rashad Rafique;Department of Plant Science;South Dakota State University;Brookings;North Central Sun Grant Center;South Dakota State University;Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies;King Abdulaziz University;Kangwon National University;Joint Global Change Research Institute;Pacific Northwest National Lab;College Park;
Photocatalytic parameters and kinetic study for degradation of dichlorophenol-indophenol (DCPIP) dye using highly active mesoporous TiO2 nanoparticles
H.A. Hamad;W.A. Sadik;M.M. Abd El-latif;A.B. Kashyout;M.Y. Feteha;Fabrication Technology Department;Advanced Technology and New Materials Research Institute;City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications;Materials Science Department;Institute of Graduate Studies and Research;Alexandria University;Electronic Materials Department;Advanced Technology and New Materials Research Institute;City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications;
Growth inhibition and oxidative damage of Microcystis aeruginosa induced by crude extract of Sagittaria trifolia tubers
Jiang Li;Yunguo Liu;Pingyang Zhang;Guangming Zeng;Xiaoxi Cai;Shaobo Liu;Yicheng Yin;Xinjiang Hu;Xi Hu;Xiaofei Tan;College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Hunan University;Key Laboratory of Environmental Biology and Pollution Control;Ministry of Education;Hunan East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve Administration;School of Architecture and Art;Central South University;School of Metallurgy and Environment;Central South University;College of Environmental Science and Engineering Research;Central South University of Forestry and Technology;
Determination of estrogenic activity in the river Chienti(Marche Region, Italy) by using in vivo and in vitro bioassays
Paolo Cocci;Francesco Alessandro Palermo;Luana Quassinti;Massimo Bramucci;Antonino Miano;Gilberto Mosconi;School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine;University of Camerino;School of Pharmacy;University of Camerino;
Electro-catalytic degradation of sulfisoxazole by using graphene anode
Yanyan Wang;Shuan Liu;Ruiping Li;Yingping Huang;Chuncheng Chen;Collaborative Innovation Center for Geo-Hazards and Eco-Environment in Three Gorges Area;Key Laboratory of Marine New Materials and Application Technology;Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Distribution of bacterial communities across plateau freshwater lake and upslope soils
Yihui Chen;Yu Dai;Yilin Wang;Zhen Wu;Shuguang Xie;Yong Liu;Yunnan Key Laboratory of Pollution Process and Management of Plateau Lake-Watershed;State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control;College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering;Peking University;Key Laboratory of Water and Sediment Sciences;College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering;Peking University;
Aerobic N2O emission for activated sludge acclimated under different aeration rates in the multiple anoxic and aerobic process
Huoqing Wang;Yuntao Guan;Min Pan;Guangxue Wu;Key Laboratory of Microorganism Application and Risk Control of Shenzhen;Graduate School at Shenzhen;Tsinghua University;Environmental Science and Technology;Xiamen University of Technology;
The effect of salinity on waste activated sludge alkaline fermentation and kinetic analysis
Baodan Jin;Shuying Wang;Liqun Xing;Baikun Li;Yongzhen Peng;Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering;Engineering Research Center of Beijing;Beijing University of Technology;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;University of Connecticut;
Distribution and mode of occurrence of uranium in bottom ash derived from high-germanium coals
Yinglong Sun;Guangxia Qi;Xuefei Lei;Hui Xu;Lei Li;Chao Yuan;Yi Wang;Department of Environmental Engineering;School of Environment;Tsinghua University;Department of Environmental Science and Engineering;School of Food and Chemical Engineering;Beijing Technology and Business University;
Influence of phenol on ammonia removal in an intermittent aeration bioreactor treating biologically pretreated coal gasification wastewater
Chunyan Xu;Hongjun Han;Shengyong Jia;Qian Zhao;State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Advanced treatment of municipal wastewater by nanofiltration: Operational optimization and membrane fouling analysis
Kun Li;Jianxing Wang;Jibao Liu;Yuansong Wei;Meixue Chen;State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Removal of fluorescence and ultraviolet absorbance of dissolved organic matter in reclaimed water by solar light
Qianyuan Wu;Chao Li;Wenlong Wang;Tao He;Hongying Hu;Ye Du;Ting Wang;Shenzhen Laboratory of Microorganism Application and Risk Control;Graduate School at Shenzhen;Tsinghua University;Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control State Key Joint Laboratory;School of Environment;Tsinghua University;State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Microorganism Application and Risk Control;School of Environment;Tsinghua University;South China Institute of Environmental Science;Ministry of Environmental Protection;
Adsorption and desorption of SO2, NO and chlorobenzene on activated carbon
Yuran Li;Yangyang Guo;Tingyu Zhu;Song Ding;Beijing Engineering Research Center of Process Pollution Control;National Engineering Laboratory for Hydrometallurgical Cleaner Production Technology;Institute of Process Engineering;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Comparison the effects of bioaugmentation versus biostimulation on marine microbial community by PCR–DGGE: A mesocosm scale
Mehdi Hassanshahian;Zeynab Bayat;Simone Cappello;Francesco Smedile;Michail Yakimov;Department of Biology;Faculty of Sciences;Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman;Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero —CNR of Messina;
Effect of dissolved oxygen on nitrate removal using polycaprolactone as an organic carbon source and biofilm carrier in fixed-film denitrifying reactors
Guozhi Luo;Guimei Xu;Jinfang Gao;Hongxin Tan;College of Fisheries and Life Science of Shanghai Ocean University;Shanghai Collaborative Innovation Center for Aquatic Animal Genetics and Breeding;Research and Development Center of Aquacultural Engineering of Shanghai;
Study on the effect of landfill leachate on nutrient removal from municipal wastewater
Qiuyan Yuan;Huijun Jia;Mario Poveda;Department of Civil Engineering;University of Manitoba;
A new process to improve short-chain fatty acids and bio-methane generation from waste activated sludge
Bin Dong;Peng Gao;Dong Zhang;Yinguang Chen;Lingling Dai;Xiaohu Dai;State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse;School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Tongji University;
Fate of mercury in flue gas desulfurization gypsum determined by Temperature Programmed Decomposition and Sequential Chemical Extraction
Zhenwu Zhu;Yuqun Zhuo;Yaming Fan;Zhipeng Wang;Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education;Tsinghua University;
Towards a better hydraulic cleaning strategy for ultrafiltration membrane fouling by humic acid: Effect of backwash water composition
Haiqing Chang;Heng Liang;Fangshu Qu;Jun Ma;Nanqi Ren;Guibai Li;State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Anaerobic digestion in mesophilic and room temperature conditions: Digestion performance and soil-borne pathogen survival
Han Ding;Xin Li;Jun Wang;Xiaojian Zhang;Chao Chen;State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control;School of Environment;Tsinghua University;
Exploration of the key functional proteins from an efficient cellulolytic microbial consortium using dilution-to-extinction approach
Qinghua Zhang;Hanguang Li;Xiangdong Zhu;Fenju Lai;Zhijun Zhai;Yuanxiu Wang;College of Bioscience and Engineering;Jiangxi Engineering Laboratory for the Development and Utilization of Agricultural Microbial Resources;Jiangxi Agricultural University;
Sorption of tylosin and sulfamethazine on solid humic acid
Xuetao Guo;Bei Tu;Jianhua Ge;Chen Yang;Xiaomei Song;Zhi Dang;School of Earth and Environment;Anhui University of Science and Technology;College of Environment and Energy;South China University of Technology;
In situ combined chemical and biological assessment of estrogenic pollution in a water recycling system
Yulang Chi;Qiansheng Huang;Huanteng Zhang;Yajie Chen;Sijun Dong;Key Lab of Urban Environment and Health;Institute of Urban Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Anaerobic digestion in mesophilic and room temperature conditions: Digestion performance and soil-borne pathogen survival
Le Chen;Shanshan Jian;Jinhua Bi;Yunlong Li;Zhizhou Chang;Jian He;Xiaomei Ye;Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology;College of Life Sciences;Nanjing Agricultural University;Laboratory for Agricultural Wastes Treatment and Recycling;Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment;Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science;East China Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Development and Utilization of Rural Renewable Energy;Ministry of Agriculture;
Membrane fouling in ultrafiltration of natural water after pretreatment to different extents
Lu Ao;Wenjun Liu;Lin Zhao;Xiaomao Wang;School of Environment;Tsinghua University;Department of National Defence Architecture Planning & Environmental Engineering;Logistic Engineering University;
Organic matter and pH affect the analysis efficiency of 31P-NMR
Wenqiang Zhang;Xin Jin;Nan Rong;Jie Li;Baoqing Shan;State Key Laboratory on Environmental Aquatic Chemistry;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Science;Chinese Academy of Science;University of Chinese Academy of Science;
Occurrence and bioaccumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in sediments and paddy ecosystems of Liaohe River Basin, northeast China
Xindong Ma;Haijun Zhang;Wenjun Yao;Wen Guo;Depeng Li;Ziwei Yao;Jiping Chen;State Oceanic Administration Key Laboratory for Ecological Environment in Coastal Areas;National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center;Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Chemistry Engineering & Light Industry;Dalian Polytechnic University;
Relationship between reaction rate constants of organic pollutants and their molecular descriptors during Fenton oxidation and in situ formed ferric-oxyhydroxides
Lijuan Jia;Zhemin Shen;Pingru Su;School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Bioassay and Safety Assessment Laboratory;Shanghai Academy of Public Measurement;
Large inter annual variation in air quality during the annual festival ‘Diwali’ in an Indian megacity
Neha Parkhi;Dilip Chate;Sachin D.Ghude;Sunil Peshin;Anoop Mahajan;Reka Srinivas;Divya Surendran;Kaushar Ali;Siddhartha Singh;Hanumant Trimbake;Gufran Beig;Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology;India Meteorological Department New Delhi;
In situ monitoring of atmospheric nitrous acid based on multi-pumping flow system and liquid waveguide capillary cell
Yuhan Liu;Keding Lu;Huabin Dong;Xin Li;Peng Cheng;Qi Zou;Yusheng Wu;Xingang Liu;Yuanhang Zhang;State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control;College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering;Peking University;Institute of Energy and Climate Research: Troposphere;Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH;State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control;School of Environment;Beijing Normal University;
Escherichia coli inactivation by pressurized CO2 treatment methods at room temperature: Critical issues
Yongji Zhang;Doudou Huang;Lingling Zhou;Key Laboratory of Yangtze River Water Environment;Ministry of Education;Tongji University;State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse;College of Environmental Science & Engineering;Tongji University;
Mercury mass flow in iron and steel production process and its implications for mercury emission control
Fengyang Wang;Shuxiao Wang;Lei Zhang;Hai Yang;Wei Gao;Qingru Wu;Jiming Hao;State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control;School of Environment;Tsinghua University;State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Sources and Control of Air Pollution Complex;
Physicochemical regeneration of high silica zeolite Y used to clean-up water polluted with sulfonamide antibiotics
I.Braschi;S.Blasioli;E.Buscaroli;D.Montecchio;A.Martucci;Department of Agricultural Sciences;University of Bologna;NanoSiSTeMI Interdisciplinary Centre;Università del Piemonte Orientale A.Avogadro;Department of Physics and Earth Sciences;University of Ferrara;