Reaction mechanism of dicofol removal by cellulase
Ziyuan Wang;Ting Yang;Zihan Zhai;Boya Zhang;Jianbo Zhang;Collaborative Innovation Center for Regional Environmental Quality;State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control;College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Peking University;School of Public Health;Peking University;
Photooxidation of arsenic(Ⅲ) to arsenic(Ⅴ) on the surface of kaolinite clay
Wei Ding;Yajie Wang;Yingtan Yu;Xiangzhi Zhang;Jinjun Li;Feng Wu;Hubei Key Lab of Biomass Resource Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology;School of Resources and Environmental Science;Wuhan University;Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility;Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Flow and geochemical modeling of drainage from Tomitaka mine,Miyazaki,Japan
Kohei Yamaguchi;Shingo Tomiyama;Hideya Metugi;Hiroyuki Ii;Akira Ueda;Mitsubishi Materials Corporation;1-297 Kitabukuro;Omiya;Saitama 330-0835;Japan;Mitsubishi Materials Techno Corporation;1-14-16 Kudankita;Chiyoda-ku;Tokyo 102-8205;Japan;Faculty of Systems Engineering;Wakayama University;Japan Oil;Gas and Metals National Corporation;Graduate School Division of Science and Engineering;University of Toyama;
SERS detection of arsenic in water:A review
Jumin Hao;Mei-Juan Han;Songman Han;Xiaoguang Meng;Tsan-Liang Su;Qingwu K.Wang;Center for Environmental Systems;Stevens Institute of Technology;Agiltron Inc.;15 Presidential Way;Woburn;MA 01801;USA;Department of Chemical Engineering;Renai College of Tianjin University;