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Journal of Environmental Sciences
2014 Issue 9
Diffuse pollution: A hidden threat to the water environment of the developing world
Chengqing Yin;Xiaoyan Wang;SKLEAC Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Resources;Environment & Tourism;Capital Normal University;
Managing agricultural phosphorus for water quality:Lessons from the USA and China
Andrew Sharpley;Xiaoyan Wang;Department of Crop;Soil and Environmental Sciences;Division of Agriculture;University of Arkansas;ayetteville;AR;USA;College of Resources;Environment & Tourism;Capital Normal University;
Uncertainty analyses on the calculation of water environmental capacity by an innovative holistic method and its application to the Dongjiang River
Qiuwen Chen;Qibin Wang;Zhijie Li;Ruonan Li;Center for Eco-Environmental Research;Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of sciences;
Settling basin design in a constructed wetland using TSS removal efficiency and hydraulic retention time
Soyoung Lee;Marla C.Maniquiz-Redillas;Lee-Hyung Kim;Water Environment Research Dept.;National Institute of Environmental Research;Hwangyeong-ro 42;Seo-gu;Incheon 404-708;Korea;Dept.of Civil & Envi.Eng’g.;Kongju National University;275 Budaedong;Seobukgu;Cheonan;Chungnamdo 331-717;Korea;
Contribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to diffuse pollution in a typical hilly red soil catchment in southern China
Jianlin Shen;Jieyun Liu;Yong Li;Yuyuan Li;Yi Wang;Xuejun Liu;Jinshui Wu;Changsha Research Station for Agricultural & Environment Observation;Institute of Subtropical Agriculture;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Agro-Ecological Processes in Subtropical Regions;Institute of Subtropical Agriculture;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Resources and Environmental Sciences;China Agricultural University;
Determination of nitrogen reduction levels necessary to reach groundwater quality targets in Slovenia
Miso Andelov;Ralf Kunkel;Jo?e Uhan;Frank Wendland;Slovenian Environment Agency;Hydrogeological Analysis Division;Vojkova 1b;SI-1000 Ljubljana;Slovenia;Forschungszentrum Jülich;Institute of Bio- and Geosciences;Institute 3: Agrosphere;52425 Juelich;Germany;
Integral stormwater management master plan and design in an ecological community
Wu Che;Yang Zhao;Zheng Yang;Junqi Li;Man Shi;Key Laboratory of Urban Stormwater System and Water Environment;Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Ministry of Education;Beijing Yuren Rainwater Eco-technology Co.;Ltd.;China Aviation Planning and Construction Development Co.;Ltd.;
Investigation on the effectiveness of pretreatment in stormwater management technologies
Marla C.Maniquiz-Redillas;Franz Kevin F. Geronimo;Lee-Hyung Kim;Dept.of Civil and Environmental Engineering;Kongju National University;Cheonan;Chungnamdo;South Korea;
Assessment of nutrient distributions in Lake Champlain using satellite remote sensing
Elizabeth M.Isenstein;Mi-Hyun Park;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;University of Massachusetts Amherst;MA;01003;USA;
Acute toxicity evaluation for quinolone antibiotics and their chlorination disinfection processes
Min Li;Dongbin Wei;Yuguo Du;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Occurrence, polarity and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in the Huangpu River,China
Qianqian Dong;Penghui Li;Qinghui Huang;Ahmed A.Abdelhafez;Ling Chen;Key laboratory of Yangtze River Water Environment of the Ministry of Education;College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Tongji University;Soils;Water and Environment Research Institute;Agricultural Research Center;Giza;Egypt;
A comparative study of biopolymers and alum in the separation and recovery of pulp fibres from paper mill effluent by flocculation
Sumona Mukherjee;Soumyadeep Mukhopadhyay;Agamuthu Pariatamby;Mohd. Ali Hashim;Jaya Narayan Sahu;Bhaskar Sen Gupta;Institute of Biological Sciences;University of Malaya;50603 Kuala Lumpur;Malaysia;Department of Chemical Engineering;University of Malaya;50603 Kuala Lumpur;Malaysia;Department of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;Institute Teknologi Brunei;Tungku Gadong;Brunei Darussalam;School of Planning;Architecture and Civil Engineering;Queen’s University Belfast;David Keir Building;Belfast BT9 5AG;UK;
Performance and microbial response during the fast reactivation of Anammox system by hydrodynamic stress control
Yuan Li;Zhenxing Huang;Wenquan Ruan;Hongyan Ren;Hengfeng Miao;School of Environment and Civil Engineering;Jiangnan University;
Phytoremediation of levonorgestrel in aquatic environment by hydrophytes
Guo Li;Jun Zhai;Qiang He;Yue Zhi;Haiwen Xiao;Jing Rong;Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region’s Eco-Environment;Ministry of Education;Chongqing University;Department of Civil Engineering;McGill University;Montreal;Quebec H3A 0C3;Canada;
Experimental study on the impact of temperature on the dissipation process of supersaturated total dissolved gas
Xia Shen;Shengyun Liu;Ran Li;Yangming Ou;State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering;Sichuan University;Hydrochina Chengdu Engineering Corporation;
Removal of cobalt(II) ion from aqueous solution by chitosan–montmorillonite
Hailin Wang;Haoqing Tang;Zhaotie Liu;Xin Zhang;Zhengping Hao;Zhongwen Liu;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Applied Surface and Colloid Chemistry;Shanxi Normal University;School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering;Shanxi Normal University;
p-Cresol mineralization and bacterial population dynamics in a nitrifying sequential batch reactor
Carlos David Silva;Lizeth Beristain-Montiel;Flor de Maria Cuervo-López;Anne-Claire Texier;Department of Biotechnology—CBS;Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana—Iztapalapa;Mexico City 09340;Mexico;Department of Process and Technology-CNI;Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana—Cuajimalpa;Mexico City 05300;Mexico;
Particle number concentration, size distribution and chemical composition during haze and photochemical smog episodes in Shanghai
Xuemei Wang;Jianmin Chen;Tiantao Cheng;Renyi Zhang;Xinming Wang;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Particle Pollution and Prevention;Fudan Tyndall Centre;Department of Environmental Science & Engineering;Fudan University;Center for Atmospheric Chemistry and Environment;Department of Atmospheric Science;Texas A&M University;TX 77843;USA;State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry;Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Properties of agricultural aerosol released during wheat harvest threshing,plowing and sowing
Chiara Telloli;Antonella Malaguti;Mihaela Mircea;Renzo Tassinari;Carmela Vaccaro;Massimo Berico;ENEA;National Agency for New Technologies;Energy and Sustainable Economic Development;Via Martiri di Monte Sole 4;Bologna 40129;Italy;Department of Earth Science;Ferrara University;Italy;
Characteristics of nanoparticles emitted from burning of biomass fuels
Mitsuhiko Hata;Jiraporn Chomanee;Thunyapat Thongyen;Linfa Bao;Surajit Tekasakul;Perapong Tekasakul;Yoshio Otani;Masami Furuuchi;College of Science and Engineering;Kanazawa University;Kakuma-machi;Kanazawa;Ishikawa 920-1192;Japan;Department of Chemistry;Faculty of Science;Prince of Songkla University;Hat Yai;Songkhla 90112;Thailand;Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology;Kanazawa University;Kakuma-machi;Kanazawa;Ishikawa 920-1192;Japan;Energy Technology Research Center;and Department of Mechanical Engineering;Faculty of Engineering;Prince of Songkla University;Hat Yai;Songkhla 90112;Thailand;National Center of Excellence for Environmental and Hazardous Waste Management;Southern Consortium Universities at Prince ofSongkla University;Hat Yai;Songkhla 90112;Thailand;
Seasonal dynamics of water bloom-forming Microcystis morphospecies and the associated extracellular microcystin concentrations in large,shallow,eutrophic Dianchi Lake
Yanlong Wu;Lin Li;Nanqin Gan;Lingling Zheng;Haiyan Ma;Kun Shan;Jin Liu;Bangding Xiao;Lirong Song;Key Laboratory of Algal Biology;Institute of Hydrobiology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology;Institute of Hydrobiology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Mitochondrial electron transport chain is involved in microcystin-RR induced tobacco BY-2 cells apoptosis
Wenmin Huang;Dunhai Li;Yongding Liu;Key Laboratory of Algal Biology;Institute of Hydrobiology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Key Laboratory of Aquatic Botany and Watershed Ecology;Wuhan Botanical Garden;the Chinese Academy of Sciences;
Synthesis of novel CeO2–BiVO4/FAC composites with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic properties
Jin Zhang;Bing Wang;Chuang Li;Hao Cui;Jianping Zhai;Qin Li;State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse;School of the Environment;Nanjing University;School of Biochemical and Environmental Engineering;Nanjing Xiaozhuang University;
Investigation of UV–TiO2 photocatalysis and its mechanism in Bacillus subtilis spore inactivation
Yiqing Zhang;Lingling Zhou;Yongji Zhang;Key Laboratory of Yangtze River Water Environment;Ministry of Education;Tongji University;State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse;College of Environmental Science & Engineering;Tongji University;
Rapid detection of multiple class pharmaceuticals in both municipal wastewater and sludge with ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Xiangjuan Yuan;Zhimin Qiang;Weiwei Ben;Bing Zhu;Junxin Liu;Key Laboratory of Aquatic Science and Technology;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;