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Journal of Environmental Sciences
2014 Issue 6
Fractionation of heavy metals in runoff and discharge of a stormwater management system and its implications for treatment
Marla Maniquiz-Redillas;Lee-Hyung Kim;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;Kongju National University;
Potential bioremediation of mercury-contaminated substrate using filamentous fungi isolated from forest soil
Evi Kurniati;Novi Arfarita;Tsuyoshi Imai;Takaya Higuchi;Ariyo Kanno;Koichi Yamamoto;Masahiko Sekine;Department of Agricultural Engineering;Brawijaya University;Division of Environmental Science and Sustainable Engineering;Graduate School of Science and Engineering;Yamaguchi University;Department of Agrotechnology;Malang Islamic University;
Is urban development an urban river killer? A case study of Yongding Diversion Channel in Beijing, China
Xi Wang;Junqi Li;Yingxia Li;Zhenyao Shen;Xuan Wang;Zhifeng Yang;Inchio Lou;State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation;School of Environment;Beijing Normal University;Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;University of Macau;
Comparison of different disinfection processes in the effective removal of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genes
Junsik Oh;Dennis Espineli Salcedo;Carl Angelo Medriano;Sungpyo Kim;Program in Environmental Technology and Policy;Korea University;Department of Environmental Engineering;College of Science and Technology;Korea University;
Genotoxicity removal of reclaimed water during ozonation
Xin Tang;Qianyuan Wu;Yang Yang;Hongying Hu;Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control State Key Joint Laboratory;State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Microorganism Application and Risk Control;School of Environment;Tsinghua University;Shenzhen Laboratory of Microorganism Application and Risk Control;Graduate School at Shenzhen;Tsinghua University;
Quantifying and managing regional greenhouse gas emissions: Waste sector of Daejeon, Korea
Sora Yi;Heewon Yang;Seung Hoon Lee;Kyoung-Jin An;Department of Urban Planning Research;Daejeon Development Institute;Department of Environmental Engineering;Anyang University;Faculty of Science & Technology;The Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong;New Territories;Hong Kong;China;
Nitrogen mass balance in a constructed wetland treating piggery wastewater effluent
Soyoung Lee;Marla C.Maniquiz-Redillas;Jiyeon Choi;Lee-Hyung Kim;Water Environment Research Dept.;National Institute of Environmental Research;Hwangyeong-ro 42;Seo-gu;Incheon;404-708;Korea;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;Kongju National University;275 Budaedong;Seobukgu;Cheonan;Chungnamdo;331-717;Korea;
Ultrasound enhanced heterogeneous activation of peroxydisulfate by bimetallic Fe-Co/GAC catalyst for the degradation of Acid Orange 7 in water
Chun Cai;Liguo Wang;Hong Gao;Liwei Hou;Hui Zhang;Department of Environmental Engineering;Hubei Biomass-Resource Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology Key Laboratory;Wuhan University;
A comparative study on the alternating mesophilic and thermophilic two-stage anaerobic digestion of food waste
Jey-R Sabado Ventura;Jehoon Lee;Deokjin Jahng;Department of Environmental Engineering and Energy;Myongji University;
Degradation of dibromophenols by UV irradiation
Keiko Katayama-Hirayama;Naoki Toda;Akihiko Tauchi;Atsushi Fujioka;Tetsuya Akitsu;Hidehiro Kaneko;Kimiaki Hirayama;Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering;University of Yamanashi;4-3-11 Takeda;Kofu 400-8511;Japan;Technology Development Division;Toshiba Lighting and Technology Corporation;Asahimachi 5-2-1;Imabari;Ehime 794-8510;Japan;
Anoxic gas recirculation system for fouling control in anoxic membrane reactor
Hansaem Lee;Daeju Lee;Seongwan Hong;Geum Hee Yun;Sungpyo Kim;Jung Ki Hwang;Woojae Lee;Zuwhan Yun;Research Institute for Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development;Korea University;Seoul 136-713;Korea;Department of Environmental Engineering;Korea University;Sejong 339-700;Korea;Dongbu Corporation;Seoul 135-523;Korea;
Simultaneous removal of dissolved organic matter and bromide from drinking water source by anion exchange resins for controlling disinfection by-products
Athit Phetrak;Jenyuk Lohwacharin;Hiroshi Sakai;Michio Murakami;Kumiko Oguma;Satoshi Takizawa;Department of Urban Engineering;Graduate School of Engineering;The University of Tokyo;Institute of Industrial Science;The University of Tokyo;
Inactivation effect of pressurized carbon dioxide on bacteriophage Qβ and ΦX174 as a novel disinfectant for water treatment
Huy Thanh Vo;Tsuyoshi Imai;Truc Thanh Ho;Masahiko Sekine;Ariyo Kanno;Takaya Higuchi;Koichi Yamamoto;Hidenori Yamamoto;Faculty of Engineering;Yamaguchi University;2-16-1 Tokiwadai;Yamaguchi 755-8611;Japan;Faculty of Urban Engineering;Central University of Construction;Tuy Hoa;Phu Yen;56000;Vietnam;
Photoassisted Fenton degradation of phthalocyanine dyes from wastewater of printing industry using Fe(Ⅱ)/γ-Al2O3 catalyst in up-flow fluidized-bed
Hsuhui Cheng;Shihjie Chou;Shiaoshing Chen;Chiajen Yu;Department of Design for Sustainable Environment;Mingdao University;Institute of Environment Engineering and Management;National Taipei University of Technology;
Evaluation of accuracy of linear regression models in predicting urban stormwater discharge characteristics
Krish J.Madarang;Joo-Hyon Kang;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;Dongguk University-Seoul;Seoul 100-715;Korea;
Non-point source analysis of a railway bridge area using statistical method:Case study of a concrete road-bed
Kyungik Gil;Jiyeol Im;Department of Civil Engineering;Seoul National University of Science and Technology;Nowon-gu;Seoul 139-743;Korea;School of Civil;Environmental and Architectural Engineering;Korea University;Anam-Dong 5ga;Seongbuk-Gu;Seoul 163-701;Korea;
Effects of ozonation and coagulation on effluent organic matter characteristics and ultrafiltration membrane fouling
Kwon Jeong;Dae-Sung Lee;Do-Gun Kim;Seok-Oh Ko;Department of Civil Engineering;Kyung Hee University;Yongin 446-701;Korea;Institute of Construction Technology;KUMHO Engineering & Construction;Yongin 449-822;Korea;
Decontamination of alachlor herbicide wastewater by a continuous dosing mode ultrasound/Fe2+/H2O2 process
Chikang Wang;Chunghan Liu;Department of Environmental Engineering and Health;Yuanpei University;
Comparison of biochemical characteristics between PAO and DPAO sludges
Hansaem Lee;Zuwhan Yun;Research Institute for Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development;Korea University;Department of Environmental Engineering;Korea University;
Fouling distribution in forward osmosis membrane process
Junseok Lee;Bongchul Kim;Seungkwan Hong;School of Civil;Environmental & Architectural Engineering;Korea University;
Removal of estrogens by electrochemical oxidation process
Vo Huu Cong;Sota Iwaya;Yutaka Sakakibara;Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering;Waseda University;
Delignification of disposable wooden chopsticks waste for fermentative hydrogen production by an enriched culture from a hot spring
Kanthima Phummala;Tsuyoshi Imai;Alissara Reungsang;Prapaipid Chairattanamanokorn;Masahiko Sekine;Takaya Higuchi;Koichi Yamamoto;Ariyo Kanno;Division of Environmental Science and Engineering;Graduate School of Science and Engineering;Yamaguchi University;Yamaguchi 7558611;Japan;Department of Biotechnology;Faculty of Technology;Khon Kaen University;Khon Kaen 40000;Thailand;Environmental Technology Unit;Department of Environmental Science;Kasetsart University;Bangkok 10903;Thailand;Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering;Graduate School of Science and Engineering;Yamaguchi University;Yamaguchi 7558611;Japan;
Characterization of a salt-tolerant bacterium Bacillus sp. from a membrane bioreactor for saline wastewater treatment
Xiaohui Zhang;Jie Gao;Fangbo Zhao;Yuanyuan Zhao;Zhanshuang Li;Pathology Department;Fourth Clinical Hospital of Harbin Medical University;School of Material Science and Chemical Engineering;Harbin Engineering University;