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Journal of Environmental Sciences
2013 Issue 3
Factors influencing the contents of metals and As in soils around the watershed of Guanting Reservoir,China
Li Xu 1;2;Tieyu Wang 1;Wei Luo 1;Kun Ni 1;2;Shijie Liu 1;2;Lin Wang 1;2;Qiushuang Li 1;2;Yonglong Lu 1;1.Regional Ecological Risk Assessment and Environmental Management Group;State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China
Off-flavor compounds from decaying cyanobacterial blooms of Lake Taihu
Zhimei Ma;Yuan Niu;Ping Xie;Jun Chen;Min Tao;Xuwei Deng Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology of China;Institute of Hydrobiology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Donghu South Road 7;Wuhan 430072;China
Sorption and transport studies of cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and Triton X-100 in clayey soil
Sivaram Harendra 1;Cumaraswamy Vipulanandan 2;1.Department of Energy;National Energy Technology Laboratory;1450 Queens Avenue SW;Albany;OR 97321;USA.2.Civil and Environmental Engineering;University of Houston;N107 Engineering Bldg.1;Houston;TX 77204;USA
Applicable models for multi-component adsorption of dyes:A review
Babak Noroozi 1;2;George A.Sorial 3;1.Department of Textile Engineering;University of Guilan;Rasht 416353756;Iran 2.Visiting Scholar;Environmental Engineering Program;University of Cincinnati;Cincinnati;OH 45221-0012;USA 3.Environmental Engineering Program;University of Cincinnati;Cincinnati;OH 45221-0012;USA
Biogeochemical reductive release of soil embedded arsenate around a crater area (Guandu) in northern Taiwan using X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy
Kai-Ying Chiang 1;Tsan-Yao Chen 2;Chih-Hao Lee 2;3;Tsang-Lang Lin 2;Ming-Kuang Wang 1;Ling-Yun Jang 3;Jyh-Fu Lee 3 1.Department of Agricultural Chemistry;"National" Taiwan University;Taipei 10617;Taiwan;China 2.Department of Engineering and System Science;"National" Tsing Hua University;Hsinchu 30013;Taiwan;China 3. "National" Synchrotron Radiation Research Center;Hsinchu 30076;Taiwan;China
Pre-oxidation with KMnO4 changes extra-cellular organic matter’s secretion characteristics to improve algal removal by coagulation with a low dosage of polyaluminium chloride
Lei Wang ;Junlian Qiao;Yinghui Hu;Lei Wang ;Long Zhang;Qiaoli Zhou;Naiyun Gao College of Environmental Science and Engineering;State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China.
Removal of Pb(Ⅱ) from aqueous solution by hydrous manganese dioxide:Adsorption behavior and mechanism
Meng Xu 1;Hongjie Wang 1;2;Di Lei 1;Dan Qu 1;2;Yujia Zhai 1;Yili Wang 1;2 1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Beijing Forestry University;Beijing 100083;China.2.Beijing Key Lab for Source Control Technology of Water Pollution;Beijing 100083;China
Pollutant concentrations and pollution loads in stormwater runoff from different land uses in Chongqing
Shumin Wang 1;2;Qiang He 1;Hainan Ai 1;Zhentao Wang 1;Qianqian Zhang 3 1.Key Laboratory of Eco-Environment of Three Gorges Region of Ministry of Education;Chongqing University;Chongqing 400045;China.2.Key Laboratory of Water Environmental Restoration;Chongqing University of Arts and Science;Chongqing 402160;China 3.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China
Photolysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on soil surfaces under UV irradiation
Chengbin Xu 1;Dianbo Dong 2;Xuelian Meng 3;Xin Su 4;Xu Zheng 1;Yaoyao Li 1 1.School of Environmental Science;Liaoning University;Shenyang 110036;China 2.Liaoning Academy of Environmental Sciences;Shenyang 110031;China 3.School of Pharmacy;Liaoning University;Shenyang 110036;China 4.Shenyang Resident Audit Office of the People’s Republic of China;Shenyang 110013;China
Cr(Ⅵ) reduction capability of humic acid extracted from the organic component of municipal solid waste
Barbara Scaglia;Fulvia Tambone;Fabrizio Adani Gruppo Ricicla;Dipartimento di Science Agrarie e Ambientali:Produzione;Territorio;Agroenergia;Università degli Studi di Milano;Via Celoria 2 Milano 20133;Italy
Adsorption of carbon dioxide on amine-modified TiO2 nanotubes
Fujiao Song;Yunxia Zhao;Qin Zhong School of Chemical Engineering;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;Nanjing 210094;China
Emission inventory evaluation using observations of regional atmospheric background stations of China
Xingqin An 1;Zhaobin Sun 2;Weili Lin 1;Min Jin 1;Nan Li 1 1.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences;China Meteorological Administration;Beijing 100081;China.2.Beijing Meteorological Observatory;Beijing 100089;China
Sulfur speciation and bioaccumulation in camphor tree leaves as atmospheric sulfur indicator analyzed by synchrotron radiation XRF and XANES
Jianrong Zeng 1;2;Guilin Zhang 1;Liangman Bao 1;Shilei Long 1;2;Mingguang Tan 1;Yan Li 1;Chenyan Ma 3;Yidong Zhao 3 1.Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201800;China.2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China 3.Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory;Institute of High Energy Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Phytoremediation potential of charophytes:Bioaccumulation and toxicity studies of cadmium,lead and zinc
Najjapak Sooksawat 1;Metha Meetam 1;Maleeya Kruatrachue 1;2;Prayad Pokethitiyook 1;Koravisd Nathalang 1 1.Department of Biology;Faculty of Science;Mahidol University;Rama 6 Road;Bangkok 10400;Thailand.2.Mahidol University International College;Nakornpathom 73120;Thailand
Effects of sludge dredging on the prevention and control of algae-caused black bloom in Taihu Lake,China
Wei He 1;2;Jingge Shang 1;2;Xin Lu 1;2;Chengxin Fan 1;1.State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment;Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Nanjing 210008;China.2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Effects of soil water and nitrogen availability on photosynthesis and water use efficiency of Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings
Xiping Liu 1;Yangyang Fan 1;Junxia Long 1;Ruifeng Wei 1;Roger Kjelgren 2;Chunmei Gong 1;Jun Zhao 1 1.Department of Plant Physiology;College of Life Science;Northwest A&F University;Yangling;Shaanxi 712100;China 2.Department of Plants;Soils and Climate;College of Agriculture;Utah State University;4105 Old Main Hill;Logan;UT 84322;USA
An improved GC-ECD method for measuring atmospheric N2O
Yuanyuan Zhang 1;Yujing Mu 1;Shuangxi Fang 2;Junfeng Liu 1 1.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China 2.Key Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry;Centre for Atmosphere Watch and Services;Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences;Beijing 100081;China
Influence of fuel mass load,oxygen supply and burning rate on emission factor and size distribution of carbonaceous particulate matter from indoor corn straw burning
Guofeng Shen 1;2;Miao Xue 1;2;Siye Wei 2;Yuanchen Chen 2;Bin Wang 2;Rong Wang 2;Huizhong Shen 2;Wei Li 2;Yanyan Zhang 2;Ye Huang 2;Han Chen 2;Wen Wei 2;Qiuyue Zhao 1;Bin Li 1;Haisuo Wu 1;Shu Tao 2;1.Jiangsu Academy of Environmental Sciences;Nanjing 210036;China.2.Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes;College of Urban and Environmental Sciences;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
Influences of perfluorooctanoic acid on the aggregation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Chengliang Li 1;2;Andreas Schffer 3;Harry Vereecken 7;Marc Heggen 4;Rong Ji 5;6;Erwin Klumpp 7 1.College of Resources and Environment;Shandong Agricultural University;61 Daizong Street;Tai’An 271018;China 2.National Engineering Laboratory for Efficient Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer Resources;College of Resources and Environment;Shandong Agricultural University;Tai’An 271018;China 3.Biology 5-Environmental Biology and Chemodynamics;RWTH Aachen University;D-52056 Aachen;Germany 4.Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons;Forschungszentrum Jlich;52425 Jlich;Germany 5.State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse;School of the Environment;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210046;China 6.Institute for Climate and Global Change Research;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China 7.Agrosphere Institute ;Forschungszentrum Jlich GmbH;D-52425 Jlich;Germany
Synergistic impacts of anthropogenic and biogenic emissions on summer surface O3 in East Asia
Yu Qu;Junling An;Jian Li State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry;Institute of Atmospheric Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100029;China
Hydrocarbon biodegradation and dynamic laser speckle for detecting chemotactic responses at low bacterial concentration
Melina Nisenbaum 1;Gonzalo Hernn Sendra 2;Gastón Alfredo Cerd Gilbert 3;Marcelo Scagliola 3;Jorge Froiln Gonzlez 1;Silvia Elena Murialdo 1 1.National University of Mar del Plata;Faculty of Engineering;Department of Chemistry;Biochemical Engineering Group.Juan B.Justo 4302;Mar del Plata;Argentina 2.National University of Mar del Plata;Faculty of Engineering;Laser Laboratory;7600;Mar del Plata;Argentina and Optical Research Center;CONICET;La Plata-CIC.PO Box No.3 1897;Gonnet;La Plata;Argentina 3.OSSE.Obras Sanitarias Mar del Plata-Batn S.E.Quality Management;Water Laboratory.French 6737;7600;Mar del Plata;Argentina
Rapid degradation of hexachlorobenzene by micron Ag/Fe bimetal particles
Xiaoqin Nie;Jianguo Liu;Xianwei Zeng;Dongbei Yue School of Environment;Tsinghua University;Key Laboratory for Solid Waste Management and Environment Safety;Ministry of education of China;Beijing 100084;China.
Distribution characteristics and source identification of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofurans,and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in the waters from River Kanzaki,running through Osaka urban area,Japan
Masao Kishida 1;21.Research Institute of Environment;Agriculture;and Fisheries;Osaka Prefecture;1-3-62 Nakamichi;Higashinari-ku;Osaka 537-0025;Japan.2.Commerce and Industry Promotion Office;Department of Commerce;Industry and Labor;Osaka Prefectural Government;Sakishima Building;1-14-16 Nankohkita;Suminoe-ku;Osaka 559-8555;Japan
Identification of causative compounds and microorganisms for musty odor occurrence in the Huangpu River,China
Daolin Sun 1;Jianwei Yu 1;Wei An 1;Min Yang 1;Guoguang Chen 2;Shujun Zhang 31.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.Shanghai Municipal Control and Monitor Centre of Water Supply;Shanghai 20002;China 3.The Administrative Center for China’s Agenda 21;Ministry of Science and Technology;Beijing 100038;China
Effect of central ventilation and air conditioner system on the concentration and health risk from airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Jinze Lv 1;2;Lizhong Zhu 1;2;1.Department of Environmental Science;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310058;China 2.Zhejiang Province Key Laboratory of Organic Pollution Process and Control;Hangzhou 310058;China