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Journal of Environmental Sciences
2013 Issue 2
BTEX pollution caused by motorcycles in the megacity of HoChiMinh
Tran Thi Ngoc Lan ; Pham Anh Minh University of Science; Vietnam National University; 227 Nguyen Van Cu; HoChiMinh 70000; Vietnam
Spatial distribution and pollution assessment of mercury in sediments of Lake Taihu,China
Chunxiao Chen 1;2 ; Binghui Zheng 2 ; Xia Jiang 2; ; Zheng Zhao 2 ; Yuzhu Zhan 2;3 ; Fengjiao Yi 2 ; Jiaying Ren 2 1. Beijing Normal University; Beijing 100875; China. 2. State Key Laboratory of EnvironmentalCriteria and Risk Assessment; Chinese Research Academy of Environment Sciences; Beijing 100012; China 3. Shanghai Waterway Engineering Design and Consulting Co.; Ltd.; Shanghai 200120; China
Effect of biomass addition on the surface and adsorption characterization of carbon-based adsorbents from sewage sludge
Changzi Wu; Min Song; Baosheng Jin; Yimin Wu; Yaji Huang Key Laboratory of Energy Thermal Conversion and Control; Ministry of Education; School of Energy and Environment; Southeast University; Nanjing 210096; China
Tolerance of Chrysantemum maximum to heavy metals:The potential for its use in the revegetation of tailings heaps
Ma. del Carmen A. Gonzlez-Chvez; Rogelio Carrillo-Gonzlez Colegio de Postgraduados; Programa de Edafología; Carr. Mxico-Texcoco; km 36.5; Montecillo; Texcoco estado de Mxico 56230; Mxico.
La-EDTA coated Fe3O4 nanomaterial:Preparation and application in removal of phosphate from water
Jiao Yang 1 ; Qingru Zeng 1 ; Liang Peng 1;2; ; Ming Lei 1 ; Huijuan Song 3 ; Boqing Tie 1 ; Jidong Gu 1 1. Department of Environmental Science & Engineering; Hunan Agricultural University; Changsha 410128; China. 2. School of Metallurgical Science and Technology; Central South University; Changsha 410083; China 3. Hunan Perochemical Vocational Technology College; Yueyang 414012; China
Investigation of acetylated kapok fibers on the sorption of oil in water
Jintao Wang 1;2 ; Yian Zheng 1;2 ; Aiqin Wang 1; 1. Center of Eco-material and Green Chemistry; Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Lanzhou 730000; China. 2. Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Influence of supports on photocatalytic degradation of phenol and 4-chlorophenol in aqueous suspensions of titanium dioxide
Kashif Naeem 1; Feng Ouyang 2 1. Central Analytical Facility Division; Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology; Islamabad 45650; Pakistan 2. Environmental Science and Engineering Research Center; Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School; Shenzhen 518055; China
Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations on the bioaccumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers by Prorocentrum donghaiense
Chao Chai 1; ; Xundong Yin 1 ; Wei Ge 2 ; Jinye Wang 3 1. College of Resources and Environment; Qingdao Agricultural University; Qingdao 266109; China. 2. College of Life Sciences; Qingdao Agricultural University; Qingdao 266109; China 3. College of Animal Science and Veterinary; Qingdao Agricultural University; Qingdao 266109; China
An innovative integrated system utilizing solar energy as power for the treatment of decentralized wastewater
Changfu Han; Junxin Liu ; Hanwen Liang; Xuesong Guo; Lin Li Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100085; China
Characterization of cake layer structure on the microfiltration membrane permeability by iron pre-coagulation
Jin Wang ; Siru Pan; Dongping Luo Department of Municipal and Environmental Engineering; School of Civil Engineering; Beijing Jiaotong University; Beijing 100044; China
Investigation of low-molecular weight organic acids and their spatiotemporal variation characteristics in Hongfeng Lake,China
Min Xiao 1; ; Fengchang Wu 2; ; Liying Wang 1 ; Xinqing Li 1 ; Rongsheng Huang 1 1. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry; Institute of Geochemistry; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guiyang 550002; China 2. Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences; Beijing 100012; China
Profile of the culturable microbiome capable of producing acyl-homoserine lactone in the tobacco phyllosphere
Di Lv 1 ; Anzhou Ma 1 ; Xuanming Tang 2 ; Zhihui Bai 1 ; Hongyan Qi 1 ; Guoqiang Zhuang 1; 1. Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100085; China. 2. Institute of Agro-products Processing Science and Technology; Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Beijing 100193; China
Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) B.S.G.and Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt.as trace element bioindicators:Statistical comparison of bioaccumulative properties
Sabina Doegowska ; Zdzisaw M. Migaszewski; Artur Michalik Geochemistry and the Environment Division; Institute of Chemistry; Jan Kochanowski University; 15GSwietokrzyska St; 25-406 Kielce; Poland
Quantification,morphology and source of humic acid,kerogen and black carbon in offshore marine sediments from Xiamen Gulf,China
Yanting Chen 1;4 ; Jinping Zhao 2; ; Liqian Yin 1 ; Jinsheng Chen 1; ; Dongxing Yuan 3 1. Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health; Institute of Urban Environment; Chinese Academy of Sciences. Xiamen 361021; China.2. Guangdong Environmental Monitoring Center; Guangzhou 510308; China 3. State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science; Xiamen University; Xiamen 361005; China 4. Environmental Science and Engineering Department; Huaqiao University; Xiamen 361021; China
Review of heterogeneous photochemical reactions of NOy on aerosol-A possible daytime source of nitrous acid (HONO) in the atmosphere
Jinzhu Ma; Yongchun Liu; Chong Han; Qingxin Ma; Chang Liu; Hong He Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100085; China.
Umbilical cord blood mercury levels in China
Meiqin Wu; Chonghuai Yan ; Jian Xu; Wei Wu; Hui Li; Xin Zhou MOE-Shanghai Key Laboratory of Children’s Environmental Health; Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine;Shanghai 200092; China.
Evaluation of oxygen transfer parameters of fine-bubble aeration system in plug flow aeration tank of wastewater treatment plant
Xiaohong Zhou; Yuanyuan Wu; Hanchang Shi ; Yanqing Song State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control; School of Environment; Tsinghua University; Beijing 100084; China.
Settling and dewatering characteristics of granulated methane-oxidizing bacteria
Kwang Ho Ahn 1;2 ; Kwang Soo Kim 1 ; Sung Won Kang 1 ; Chul Yong Um 2 ; Won Tae Lee 3 ; Kwang Baik Ko 2; 1. Korea Institute of Construction Technology; 283; Goyangdae-Ro; Ilsanseo-Gu; Goyang-Si; Gyeonggi-Do 411-712; Korea 2. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Yonsei University; Sinchondong 134; Sudaemungu; Seoul 120-749; Korea 3. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Kumoh National Institute of Technology; Daehak-ro 61; Gumi; Gyeongbuk 730-701; Korea
Preliminary studies on occurrence of monensin antibiotic in Bosque River Watershed
Sudarshan Kurwadkar 1; Victoria Sicking 2 ; Barry Lambert 3 ; Anne McFarland 4 ; Forrest Mitchell 5 1. Environmental Engineering; Department of Engineering and Physics; Box T-0390; Tarleton State University; Stephenville; TX 76402; USA 2. Environmental Engineering Program; Department of Engineering and Physics; Tarleton State University; Stephenville; TX 76402; USA 3. Department of Animal Sciences; Box T-0070; Tarleton State University; Stephenville; TX 76402 ; USA 4. Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research; Box T-0410; Tarleton State University; Stephenville; TX 76402; USA 5. Texas A&M AgriLife Research; 1229 N. US Hwy 281; Stephenville; TX 76401; USA
Immobilization of nitrite oxidizing bacteria using biopolymeric chitosan media
Pranee Lertsutthiwong 1; ; Duangcheewan Boonpuak 2 ; Wiboonluk Pungrasmi 2 ; Sorawit Powtongsook 3;4 1. Metallurgy and Materials Science Research Institute; Chulalongkorn University; Bangkok 10330; Thailand. 2. Department of Environmental Engineering; Faculty of Engineering; Chulalongkorn University; Bangkok 10330; Thailand 3. National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology; Pathum Thani 12120; Thailand 4. Center of Excellence for Marine Biotechnology; Department of Marine Science; Chulalongkorn University; Bangkok 10330; Thailand
Growth characteristics of algae during early stages of phytoplankton bloom in Lake Taihu,China
Yuhong Jia 1;2 ; Johnson Dan 3 ; Min Zhang 1 ; Fanxiang Kong 1; 1. State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment; Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanjing 210008; China. 2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100039; China 3. Water and Environmental Science Building; Department of Geography; University of Lethbridge; Lethbridge; Alberta; T1K 3M4; Canada
Effects of ion concentration and natural organic matter on arsenic(V) removal by nanofiltration under different transmembrane pressures
Yang Yu 1 ; Changwei Zhao 1; ; Yangui Wang 1;2 ; Weihong Fan 1;3 ; Zhaokun Luan 1 1. State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry; Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100085; China 2. School of Chemical & Environmental Engineering; China University of Mining & Technology; Beijing 100083; China 3. College of Life Science and Technology; Beijing University of Chemical Technology; Beijing 100029; China
Mercury removal from coal combustion flue gas by modified fly ash
Wenqing Xu 1 ; Hairui Wang 1;2 ; Tingyu Zhu 1; ; Junyan Kuang 1;2 ; Pengfei Jing 1 1. Research Center for Process Pollution Control; National Engineering Laboratory for Hydrometallurgical Cleaner Production Technology; Institute of Process Engineering; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100190; China. 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Pollutant emission characteristics of rice husk combustion in a vortexing fluidized bed incinerator
Feng Duan 1 ; Chiensong Chyang 2; ; Yucheng Chin 2 ; Jim Tso 3 1. School of Metallurgy and Resource; Anhui University of Technology; Maanshan 243002; China. 2. Department of Chemical Engineering; Chung Yuan Christian University; ChungLi 320; Taiwan; China 3. R&D Center for Environmental Technology; Chung Yuan Christian University; ChungLi 320; Taiwan; China