Simultaneous monitoring of PCB profiles in the urban air of Dalian, China with active and passive samplings
Qian Xu 1 ; Xiuhua Zhu 1; ; Bernhard Henkelmann 2 ; Karl-Werner Schramm 2 ; Jiping Chen 3 ; Yuwen Ni 3 ; Wei Wang 1 ; Gerd Pfister 2 ; Jun Mu 1 ; Songtao Qin 1 ; Yan Li 4 1. School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering; Dalian Jiaotong University; Dalian 116028; China.2. Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health; Molecular EXposomics ; Ingolstdter Landstr. 1; D-85764 Neuherberg; Munich; Germany 3. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Dalian 116023; China 4. Dalian Meteorological Observatory; Dalian 116001; China
Profiling the ionome of rice and its use in discriminating geographical origins at the regional scale, China
Gang Li 1; ; Luis Nunes 2; ; Yijie Wang 1 ; Paul N. Williams 3;4 ; Maozhong Zheng 1 ; Qiufang Zhang 1 ; Yongguan Zhu 1;4; 1. Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health; Institute of Urban Environment; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xiamen 361021; China. 2. Geosystems Center; University of Algarve; Faro 8005-139; Portugal 3. Lancaster Environment Centre; Lancaster University; Lancaster LA1 4YQ; UK 4. Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100085; China
Effect of dissolved organic matter on nitrate-nitrogen removal by anion exchange resin and kinetics studies
Haiou Song 1;2 ; Zhijian Yao 1;2;3 ; Mengqiao Wang 1;2 ; Jinnan Wang 1;2 ; Zhaolian Zhu 1;2;4 ; Aimin Li 1;2; 1. State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse; School of the Environment; Nanjing University; Nanjing 210023; China. 2. National Engineering Research Center for Organic Pollution Control and Resources Reuse; Nanjing 210023; China 3. Nanjing University & Yancheng Academy of Environmental Protection Technology and Engineering;Yancheng 224002; China 4. College of Environment; Nanjing University of Technology; Nanjing 210009; China