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Journal of Environmental Sciences
2012 Issue 6
Phosphine functionalised multiwalled carbon nanotubes:A new adsorbent for the removal of nickel from aqueous solution
Muleja Anga Adolph;Yangkou Mbianda Xavier;Pillay Kriveshini;Krause Rui Department of Chemical Technology;University of Johannesburg;Doornfontein Campus P.O Box 17011;Johannesburg;South Africa.
Variability of soil organic carbon reservation capability between coastal salt marsh and riverside freshwater wetland in Chongming Dongtan and its microbial mechanism
Yu Hu 1;Yanli Li 1;Lei Wang 1;Yushu Tang 1;Jinhai Chen 1;Xiaohua Fu 1;Yiquan Le 1;Jihua Wu 2 1.State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse;College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China.2.School of Life Science;Fudan University;Shanghai 200433;China
Start-up of the anammox process from the conventional activated sludge in a hybrid bioreactor
Xiumei Duan;Jiti Zhou;Sen Qiao;Xin Yin;Tian Tian;Fangdi Xu Key Laboratory of Industrial Ecology and Environmental Engineering;MOE;School of Environmental Science and Technology;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of fish scale loaded TiO2 composites under solar light irradiation
Li-Ngee Ho 1;Soon-An Ong 2;Hakimah Osman 1;Fong-Mun Chong 1 1.School of Materials Engineering;University Malaysia Perlis;02600 Arau;Perlis;Malaysia 2.School of Environmental Engineering;University Malaysia Perlis;02600 Arau;Perlis;Malaysia
Evaluation of solubility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ethyl lactate/water versus ethanol/water mixtures for contaminated soil remediation applications
Chiew Lin Yap 1;Suyin Gan 1;Hoon Kiat Ng 2 1.Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering;The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus;Jalan Broga;43500 Semenyih;Selangor Darul Ehsan;Malaysia.2.Department of Mechanical;Materials and Manufacturing Engineering;The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus;Jalan Broga;43500 Semenyih;Selangor Darul Ehsan;Malaysia
Photocatalytic degradation of paraquat using nano-sized Cu-TiO2 /SBA-15 under UV and visible light
Maurice G.Sorolla II 1;Maria Lourdes Dalida 1;Pongtanawat Khemthong 2;Nurak Grisdanurak 3;1.Department of Chemical Engineering;College of Engineering;University of the Philippines;Diliman 1101;Quezon City;Philippines.2.National Nanotechnology Center;National Science and Technology Development Agency;Klong Luang;Pathumthani 12120;Thailand 3.Department of Chemical Engineering;NCE for Environmental and Hazardous Waste Management;Faculty of Engineering;Thammasat University;Pathumthani 12120;Thailand
Nitrogen removal from wastewater and bacterial diversity in activated sludge at different COD/N ratios and dissolved oxygen concentrations
Magdalena Zielińska;Katarzyna Bernat;Agnieszka Cydzik-Kwiatkowska;Joanna Sobolewska;Irena Wojnowska-Bary■a Department of Environmental Biotechnology;University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn;S oneczna St.45G;10-709 Olsztyn;Poland
Combined remediation of DDT congeners and cadmium in soil by Sphingobacterium sp.D-6 and Sedum alfredii Hance
Hua Fang 1;2;Wei Zhou 1;Zhengya Cao 1;Feifan Tang 1;Dandan Wang 1;Kailin Liu 1;Xiangwei Wu 1;Xiao’e Yang 3;Yongge Sun 4;5;Yunlong Yu 1;2;1.Department of Plant Protection;College of Agriculture & Biotechnology;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310058;China.2.Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Crop Pathogens and Insects;Ministry of Agriculture;Hangzhou 310058;China 3.MOE Key Lab of Environment Remediation & Ecosystem Health;College of Environmental and Resource Sciences;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310058;China 4.Department of Earth Science;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China 5.State Key Laboratory of Organic Geochemistry;Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guangzhou 510640;China
Fate of tetracyclines in swine manure of three selected swine farms in China
Min Qiao 1;Wangda Chen 2;Jianqiang Su 3;Bing Zhang 1;4;Cai Zhang 1;4 1.State Key Laboratory of Regional and Urban Ecology;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.Jiaxing Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Jiaxing 314016;China 3.Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health;Institute of Urban Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xiamen 361021;China 4.College of Resources and Environment;Shandong Agricultural University;Taian 271018;China
Toxicity-based assessment of the treatment performance of wastewater treatment and reclamation processes
Dongbin Wei ; Zhuowei Tan; Yuguo Du State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology; Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100085; China.
Coagulation efficiency and flocs characteristics of recycling sludge during treatment of low temperature and micro-polluted water
Zhiwei Zhou 1;Yanling Yang 1;Xing Li 1;Wei Gao 2;Heng Liang 2;Guibai Li 2 1.College of Architecture and Civil Engineering;Beijing University of Technology;Beijing 100124;China.2.State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150090;China
Contaminant removal from low-concentration polluted river water by the bio-rack wetlands
Ji Wang 1;2;Lanying Zhang 1;Shaoyong Lu 2;Xiangcan Jin 2;Shu Gan 2;3 1.Key Laboratory of Groundwater Resources and Environment;Ministry of Education;Jilin University;Changchun 130021;China.2.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control;Engineering and Technology Center of Lake;Research Center of Lake Environment;Chinese Research Academy of Environment Sciences;Beijing 100012;China 3.College of Resources and Environment;Hunan Agriculture University;Changsha 410128;China
Hydrogeochemical and mineralogical characteristics related to heavy metal attenuation in a stream polluted by acid mine drainage:A case study in Dabaoshan Mine,China
Huarong Zhao 1;2;Beicheng Xia 1;Jianqiao Qin 3;Jiaying Zhang 1 1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Sun Yat-Sen University;Guangzhou 510275;China. 2.School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Guilin University of Technology;Guilin 541004;China 3.Guangdong Provincial Academy of Environmental Science;Guangzhou 510045;China
Histopathological studies and oxidative stress of synthesized silver nanoparticles in Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)
Rajakumar Govindasamy;Abdul Abdul Rahuman Unit of Nanotechnology and Bioactive Natural Products;Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology;C.Abdul Hakeem College;Melvisharam-632 509;Vellore District;Tamil Nadu;India.
Toxic effects of chlortetracycline on maize growth,reactive oxygen species generation and the antioxidant response
Bei Wen 1;Yu Liu 1;Peng Wang 1;Tong Wu 1;Shuzhen Zhang 1;Xiaoquan Shan 1;Jingfen Lu 2 1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs;Health Science Center of Peking University;Beijing 100191;China
A review of diversity-stability relationship of soil microbial community:What do we not know?
Huan Deng 1;2 1.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.Institute of Urban Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xiamen 361003;China
Preparation of birnessite-supported Pt nanoparticles and their application in catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde
Linlin Liu 1;2;Hua Tian 1;Junhui He 1;Donghui Wang 3;Qiaowen Yang 2 1.Functional Nanomaterials Laboratory and Key Laboratory of Photochemical Conversion and Optoelectronic Materials;Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry ;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China.2.School of Chemical & Environmental Engineering;China University of Mining & Technology;Beijing 100083;China 3.Research Institute of Chemical Defense;Beijing 100083;China
Rapid decolorization of Acid Orange Ⅱ aqueous solution by amorphous zero-valent iron
Changqin Zhang 1;2;Zhengwang Zhu 1;Haifeng Zhang 1;Zhuangqi Hu 1 1.Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China 2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China
Nitrification characteristics of nitrobacteria immobilized in waterborne polyurethane in wastewater of corn-based ethanol fuel production
Yamei Dong 1;2;Zhenjia Zhang 1;Yongwei Jin 1;Jian Lu 3;Xuehang Cheng 4;Jun Li 5;Yan-yan Deng 1;Ya-nan Feng 5;Dongning Chen 1 1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200240;China. 2.National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology;Shanghai 200241;China 3.Indian River Research and Education Center;University of Florida;Fort Pierce;FL 34945;USA 4.Division of Environmental Science and Engineering;Yamaguchi University;Tokiwadai 2-16-1;Yamaguchi 755-8611;Japan 5.School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering;Shengyang Jianzhu University;Shenyang 110168;China
Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of high COD dipterex pesticide by using TiO2 /Ni photo electrode
Tao Fang 1;2;Chao Yang 1;Lixia Liao 2 1.The State Key Lab of Urban Water Resource and Environment;National Engineering Research Center of Urban Water Resource & The Academy of Fundamental and Interdisciplinary Science;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150080;China.2.College of Science;Northeast Forestry University;Harbin 150040;China
Diversity of methanotrophs in a simulated modified biocover reactor
Zifang Chi;Wenjing Lu;Hongtao Wang;Yan Zhao School of Environment;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China.
Effect of arsenic contaminated irrigation water on Lens culinaris L.and toxicity assessment using lux marked biosensor
F.R.Sadeque Ahmed 1;Ian J.Alexander 2;Mwinyikione Mwinyihija 3;Ken Killham 4 1.Department of Environment ;E-16 Agargaon;Dhaka;Bangladesh.2.School of Biological Sciences;Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences;University of Aberdeen;Aberdeen;AB24 3UU;UK 3.Kenya Leather Development Council;P.O.Box 14480;Nairobi;Kenya 4.Remedios Limited;Balgownie Technology Centre;Campus 3 Balgownie Drive;Aberdeen;AB22 8GW;UK