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Journal of Environmental Sciences
2011 Issue 9
Pilot study on bromate reduction in ozonation of water with low carbonate alkalinities by carbon dioxide
Ji Li;Li Zou;Lulu Guo;Jialin Ji Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School;Shenzhen 518055;China.
Distribution and characteristic of PAHs in snow of Fildes Peninsula
Guangshui Na 1;Chunyang Liu 1;2;Zhen Wang 1;Linke Ge 1;Xindong Ma 1;Ziwei Yao 1 1.Key laboratory for Ecological Environment in Coastal Areas;National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center;Dalian 116023;China.2.School of Bio-Technology;Dalian Polytechnic University;Dalian 116034;China
Multivariate analysis of surface water quality in the Three Gorges area of China and implications for water management
Jian Zhao;Guo Fu;Kun Lei;Yanwu Li Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Beijing 100012;China.
Arsenic removal from contaminated soil via biovolatilization by genetically engineered bacteria under laboratory conditions
Shuang Liu 1;Fan Zhang 2;Jian Chen 1;Guoxin Sun 1; 1.State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.Institute of Plant and Environmental Protection;Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science;Beijing 100089;China
Potential of Nassarius nitidus for monitoring organotin pollution in the lagoon of Bizerta (northern Tunisia)
Youssef Lahbib 1;Sami Abidli 1;Pablo Rodríguez González 2;Josè Ignacio Garía Alonso 2;Najoua Trigui-El Menif 1 1.Department of Biology;Laboratory of Environment Biomonitoring;Group of Applied and Fundamental Malacology;Faculty of Sciences of Bizerta;University of Carthage;7021 Tunisia.2.Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry;Faculty of Chemistry;University of Oviedo;Julan Clavera 8;33006;Oviedo;Spain
Soil pollution by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: A comparison of two Chinese cities
Jin Ma 1;Yongzhang Zhou 2;3; 1.Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Beijing 100012;China.2.Center for Earth Environment and Resources;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangzhou 510275;China 3.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resource Survey;Guangzhou 510275;China
Determination and assessment of total mercury levels in local, frozen and canned fish in Lebanon
Pierre J Obeid 1;Bilal El-Khoury 1;Joanne Burger 2;Samer Aouad 1;Mira Younis 1;Amal Aoun 1;John Hanna El-Nakat 1; 1.University of Balamand;Faculty of Sciences;Department of Chemistry;Deir El-Balamand.PO Box 100;Tripoli;Lebanon.2.Nelson Biological Laboratory;Division of Life Sciences;Rutgers University;604 Allison Road;Nelson Hall;Piscataway;NJ 08854-8082;USA
Comparison of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon pollution in Chinese and Japanese residential air
Hao Lu 1;Takashi Amagai 2;Takeshi Ohura 2 1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Zhejiang Gongshang University;Hangzhou;Zhejiang 310012;China.2.Institute for Environmental Sciences;University of Shizuoka;52-1 Yada;Shizuoka 422-8526;Japan
Succession of bacterial community along with the removal of heavy crude oil pollutants by multiple biostimulation treatments in the Yellow River Delta,China
Sulin Yu;Shuguang Li;Yueqin Tang;Xiaolei Wu Department of Energy and Resources Engineering;College of Engineering;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China.
Growth response and toxic effects of three antibiotics on Selenastrum capricornutum evaluated by photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll biosynthesis
Binyang Liu 1;Weiqiu Liu 2;Xiangping Nie 1;Chao Guan 1;Yufeng Yang 1;Zhaohui Wang 1;Wei Liao 1 1.Engineering Research Center of Tropical and Subtropical Aquatic Ecological Engineering;Ministry of Education;Institute of Hydrobiology;Jinan University;Guangzhou 510632;China.2.School of Life sciences;Sun Yat-Sen University;Guangzhou 510275;China
Effect of ultrasonic pretreatment on anaerobic digestion and its sludge dewaterability
Huacheng Xu;Pinjing He;Guanghui Yu;Liming Shao State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse;Key Laboratory of Yangtze River Water Environment;College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China.
Responses of butachlor degradation and microbial properties in a riparian soil to the cultivation of three different plants
Changming Yang 1;2;Mengmeng Wang 2;Haiyan Chen 2;Jianhua Li 2 1.State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China 2.Key Laboratory of Yangtze River Water Environment of the Ministry of Education;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China
Millennial mercury records derived from ornithogenic sediment on Dongdao Island,South China Sea
Hong Yan 1;Yuhong Wang 2;Wenhan Cheng 1;Liguang Sun 1; 1.Institute of Polar Environment;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China.2.National Institutes of Health;Bethesda;MD 20892;USA
Adsorption and desorption of herbicide monosulfuron-ester in Chinese soils
Chunxian Wu 1;2;3;Suzhi Zhang 4;Guo Nie 2;Zhongming Zhang 2;Jinjun Wang 1; 1.College of Plant Protection;Southwest University;Chongqing 400716;China.2.Institute of the Control of Agrochemical of Sichuan Province;Chengdu 610041;China 3.Ganzi Research Institute of Agricultural Science;Kangding 626000;China 4.Maize Research Institute;Sichuan Agricultural University;Ya’an 625014;China
Antimicrobial activity of thin metallic silver flakes, waste products of a manufacturing process
Manuela Anzano;Alessandra Tosti;Marina Lasagni;Alfredo Campiglio;Demetrio Pitea;Elena Collina Department of Environmental Sciences;University of Milano-Bicocca;Piazza della Scienza 1;I-20126 Milano;Italy.
Removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution using red loess as an adsorbent
Shengtao Xing;Meiqing Zhao;Zichuan Ma College of Chemistry and Material Sciences;Hebei Normal University;Shijiazhuang 050016;China
Reversibly enhanced aqueous solubilization of volatile organic compounds using a redox-reversible surfactant
Yingjie Li;Senlin Tian;Hong Mo;Ping Ning Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Kunming 650093;China.
Anomalous Ba/Ca signals associated with low temperature stresses in Porites corals from Daya Bay,northern South China Sea
Tianran Chen;Kefu Yu;Shu Li;Tegu Chen;Qi Shi Key Laboratory of Marginal Sea Geology;South China Sea Institute of Oceanology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guangzhou 510301;China.
Silver impregnated carbon for adsorption and desorption of elemental mercury vapors
Despina Karatza 1;Marina Prisciandaro 2;Amedeo Lancia 1;Dino Musmarra 3 1.Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica;Universitàdi Napoli "Federico II"P.leTecchio 80;80125 Napoli;Italy.2.Dipartimento di Chimica;Ingegneria Chimica e Materiali;Universitàde L’Aquila;Zona Industriale di Pile;Pile;67100 L’Aquila;Italy 3.Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca in Ingegneria Ambientale;Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile;Seconda Universitàdegli Studi di Napoli;Real Casa dell’Annunziata;Via Roma 29;81031 Aversa ;Italy
Role of quantum dots nanoparticles in the chemical treatment of colored wastewater: Catalysts or additional pollutants
Hrvoje Kusic 1;2;Danuta Leszczynska 1;Natalija Koprivanac 2;Igor Peternel 2 1.Civil and Environmental Engineering Department;Jackson State University;1400 J.R.Lynch Street;Jackson;39217;Mississippi;USA.2.Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology;University of Zagreb;Maruliv trg 19;10000 Zagreb;Croatia
Ecosystem evolution of seal colony and the influencing factors in the 20th century on Fildes Peninsula,West Antarctica
Jing Huang 1;2;Liguang Sun 1;Xinming Wang 2;Yuhong Wang 3;Tao Huang 1 1.Institute of Polar Environment;University of Science & Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China.2.Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry;Chinese Academy of Science;Guangzhou 510640;China 3.Advanced Management Research Center;Ningbo University;Ningbo 315211;China
Atmospheric mercury over the marine boundary layer observed during the third China Arctic Research Expedition
Hui Kang;Zhouqing Xie Institute of Polar Environment;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China.
Seasonal variation effects on the formation of trihalomethane during chlorination of water from Yangtze River and associated cancer risk assessment
Shaogang Liu 1;2;Zhiliang Zhu 1;Chenfeng Fan 1;Yanling Qiu 1;Jianfu Zhao 1 1.State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse;Key Laboratory of Yangtze Aquatic Environment of Ministry of Education;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China.2.Department of Chemical and Ecological Engineering;Guangxi University for Nationalities;Nanning 536000;China
Electromagnetic irradiation exposure and its bioindication–An overview
Osmo Hnninen1;Paavo Huttunen2;Reijo Ekman3 1.Department of Physiology;Kuopio Campus;University of Eastern Finland;P.O.Box 1627;70211 Kuopio;Finland.2.Department of Electrical and Information Engineering;Laboratory of Optoelectronics and Measurement Technology;P.O.Box 45500;90014 University of Oulu;Finland 3.Degree Program in Electronics;Radio and EMC Laboratory;Turku University of Applied Sciences;Joukahaisenkatu 3C;20511 Turku;Finland