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Journal of Environmental Sciences
2011 Issue 8
Effects of spatial resolution of remotely sensed data on estimating urban impervious surfaces
Weifeng Li 1;Zhiyun Ouyang 1; Weiqi Zhou 2;Qiuwen Chen 1 1.State Key Laboratory of Urban and Region Ecology;Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.Department of Plant Sciences;University of California;Davis;Mail Stop 1;1210 PES;One Shields Ave.;Davis;CA 95616;USA
Performance of biotrickling filters packed with structured or cubic polyurethane sponges for VOC removal
Chunping Yang 1;2;Guanlong Yu 1;3;Guangming Zeng 1;3;Haining Yang 1;Fayuan Chen 1;3;Congying Jin 1;31.College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Hunan University;Hunan 410082;China.2.College of Environmental Science and Engneering;Zhejiang Gongshang University;Hangzhou 310012;China 3.Key Laboratory of Environmental Biology and Pollution Control;Hunan University;Ministry of Education;Hunan 410082;China
Chemical characteristics of precipitation at Nanping Mangdang Mountain in eastern China during spring
Yanli Cheng 1;3;Ying Liu 2;Mingqun Huo 1;Qian Sun 1;Huixiang Wang 1;Zhongming Chen 1;Yuhua Bai 11.College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China 2.University of International Business and Economics School of Information Technology & Management Engineering;Beijing 100029;China 3.Centre for Atmosphere Watch and Services;Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences;Key Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry;China Meteorological Administration;Beijing 100081;China
Effect of water matrices on removal of veterinary pharmaceuticals by nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes
Davor Dolar 1; Ana Vukovi 1 ; Danijela Aperger 2 ; Kreimir Kouti 11. Department of Physical Chemistry; Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology; Maruliev trg 19; 10000 Zagreb; Croatia.2. Department of Analytical Chemistry; Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology; Maruliev trg 19; 10000 Zagreb; Croatia
Removal of ammonium-N from ammonium-rich sewage using an immobilized Bacillus subtilis AYC bioreactor system
Jingjing Xiao; Changxiong Zhu ; Dongyuan Sun; Ping Guo; Yunlong Tian Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture; Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Beijing 100081; China.
Efficacy of natural biocide on control of microbial induced corrosion in oil pipelines mediated by Desulfovibrio vulgaris and Desulfovibrio gigas
Meeta Lavania;Priyangshu M.Sarma;Ajoy K.Mandal;Simrita Cheema;Banwari Lal TERI;Darbari Seth Block;India Habitat Center;Lodhi Road;New Delhi 110003;India;India
Temporal and spatial variations of low-molecular-weight organic acids in Dianchi Lake, China
Min Xiao; Fengchang Wu ; Runyu Zhang; Liying Wang; Xinqing Li; Rongsheng Huang State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry; Institute of Geochemistry; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Guiyang 550002; China.
Solubilization and degradation of perchloroethylene (PCE) in cationic and nonionic surfactant solutions
Sivaram Harendra1; Cumaraswamy Vipulanandan2; 1. Department of Energy; National Energy Technology Laboratory; 1450 Queens Avenue SW; Albany; OR 97321; USA. 2. Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Houston; N107 Engineering Bldg. 1; Houston; TX 77204; USA
Effects of mixture ratio on anaerobic co-digestion with fruit and vegetable waste and food waste of China
Jia Lin 1;2;Jiane Zuo 1;2;Lili Gan 1;2;Peng Li 1;2;Fenglin Liu 1;2;Kaijun Wang 1;2;Lei Chen 2;Hainan Gan 2 1.State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control ;School of Environment;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China 2.Joint R & D Center of Tsinghua University and Shandong Sifon Environmental Protection & Bio-Energy Co.;Ltd.;Beijing 100084;China
Sedimentary record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Lake Erhai,Southwest China
Jianyang Guo 1;Zhang Liang 1;2;Haiqing Liao 2;Zhi Tang 2;Xiaoli Zhao 2;Fengchang Wu 2;1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry;Institute of Geochemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guiyang 550002;China.2.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control;Research Center of Lake Eco-Environment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Beijing 100012;China
Characteristics of ozone vertical profile observed in the boundary layer around Beijing in autumn
Zhiqiang Ma;Xiaoling Zhang ;Jing Xu;Xiujuan Zhao;Wei Meng Institute of Urban Meteorology;China Meteorological Administration;Beijing 100089;China
Interspecific competition effects on phosphorus accumulation by Hydrilla verticillata and Vallisneria natans
Xiufeng Zhang 1;2; Zhengwen Liu 1;2 1. Institute of Hydrobiology of Jinan University; Guangzhou 510632; China. 2. State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment; Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanjing 210008; China
Factors affecting the direct mineralization of CO2 with olivine
Soonchul Kwon 1 ; Maohong Fan 1;2; Herbert F. M. DaCosta 3 ; Armistead G. Russell 1 1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta; GA 30332; USA. 2. Department of Chemical and petroleum Engineering; University of Wyoming; Laramie; WY 82071; USA 3. Caterpillar Inc.; P.O. Box 1875; Peoria; Illinois 61656; USA
Bioaccumulation and translocation of cadmium in cole (Brassica campestris L.) and celery (Apium graveolens) grown in the polluted oasis soil,Northwest of China
Yiming Yang 1;2;Zhongren Nan 1;Zhuanjun Zhao 1;Zhaowei Wang 1;Shengli Wang 1;Xia Wang 1;Wangqiang Jin 1;Cuicui Zhao 11.Key Laboratory of Western China’s Environmental System;Ministry of Education;College of Resource and Environment;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China.2.School of Chemical Engineering;North West University for Nationalities;Lanzhou 730030;China
Comprehensive characterization of ambient nanoparticles collected near an industrial science park:Particle size distributions and relationships with environmental factors
Yuhjeen Huang ;Lingyen Hsu;Yunghsun Chang Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences;"National" Tsing Hua University;Hsinchu 30013;Taiwan.
Environmental pollution by persistent toxic substances and health risk in an industrial area of China
Jing Li 1;2;Yonglong Lu 1;Yajuan Shi 1;Tieyu Wang 1;Guang Wang 1;2;Wei Luo 1;Wentao Jiao 1;Chunli Chen 1;2;Feng Yan 1;21.State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China
Pollution characteristics of organic and elemental carbon in PM2.5 in Xiamen,China
Fuwang Zhang 1;2;Jinping Zhao 1;Jinsheng Chen 1;Ya Xu 1;2;Lingling Xu 1;2 1.Key Lab of Urban Environment and Health;Institute of Urban Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Xiamen 361021;China.2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Biodegradation of Crystal Violet by Agrobacterium radiobacter
G.K.Parshetti 1;S.G.Parshetti 1;A.A.Telke 2;D.C.Kalyani 3;R.A.Doong 1;S.P.Govindwar 41.Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences;National Tsinghua University;101;Sec.2;Kuang-Fu Rd.Hsinchu;30013;Taiwan.2.Division of Applied Life Sciences;Gyeongsang National University;900 Gajwa-dong;Jinju;Gyeongnam 660-701;Korea 3.Division of Chemical Engineering;Konkuk University;1 Hwayang-Dong;Gwangjin-Gu;Seoul 143-701;Korea 4.Department of Biochemistry;Shivaji University;Kolhapur;Maharashtra 416004;India
Physical characteristics of conditioned anaerobic digested sludge-A fractal, transient and dynamic rheological viewpoint
Yili Wang 1;2; Emilie Dieude-Fauvel 2;3 ; Steven K Dentel 2 1. College of Environmental Science and Engineering; Beijing Forestry University; Beijing 100083; China. 2. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Delaware; Newark; Delaware 19711; USA 3. Cemagref; Les Palaquins 03150 Montoldre; Paris; France
Enhancement of thermophilic anaerobic digestion of thickened waste activated sludge by combined microwave and alkaline pretreatment
Yongzhi Chi 1 ; Yuyou Li 1;2; Xuening Fei 1 ; Shaopo Wang 1 ; Hongying Yuan 1 1. Tianjin Key laboratory of Aquatic Science and Technology; Department of Environmental and Municipal Engineering; Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction; Tianjin 300384; China. 2. Department of Environmental Science; Graduate School of Environmental Studies; Tohoku University; Sendai 980-8579; Japan
Humic acid and metal ions accelerating the dechlorination of 4-chlorobiphenyl by nanoscale zero-valent iron
Yu Wang 1;2 ; Dongmei Zhou 1; Yujun Wang 1 ; Xiangdong Zhu 1;2 ; Shengyang Jin 1 1. State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture; Institute of Soil Science; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanjing 210008; China.2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049; China
Preparation and characterization of a lipoid adsorption material and its atrazine removal performance
Zhiqiang Chen 1;2 ; Qinxue Wen 1; Jiaxiang Lian 1 ; Nanqi Ren 1 1. State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150090; China. 2. National Engineering Research Center of Urban Water Resources; Harbin Institute of Technology; Harbin 150090; China