Rapid removal of bisphenol A on highly ordered mesoporous carbon
Qian Sui;Jun Huang;Yousong Liu;Xiaofeng Chang;Guangbin Ji 2;Shubo Deng 1;Tao Xie 1;Gang Yu 1 1.Department of Environmental Science and Engineering;Tsinghua University-VEOLIA Environnement Joint Research Center for Advanced Environmental Technology;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China 2.Nanomaterials Research Institute;College of Materials Science and Technology;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Nanjing 210016;China
Cadmium pollution enhanced ozone damage to winter wheat:biochemical and physiological evidences
Yong Li 1;2;Caihong Li 1;2;Yanhai Zheng 1;Guanglei Wu 3;Tana Wuyun 4;Hong Xu 1;Xinhua He 3;Gaoming Jiang 1;3 1.State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change;Institute of Botany;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100093;China 2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100093;China 3.State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology;Shandong Agricultural University;Tai’an 271018;China 4.Forestry College;Hebei Agricultural University;Baoding 071001;China
Long-term joint effect of nutrients and temperature increase on algal growth in Lake Taihu,China
Chun Ye 2;Zhemin Shen 1;Tao Zhang 5;Maohong Fan 3;4;Yangming Lei 1;Jianda Zhang 1 1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200240;China 2.Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Beijing 100012;China 3.School of Civil and Environmental Engineering;Georgia Institute of Technology;Atlanta;GA 30332;USA 4.School of Energy Resources and Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering University of Wyoming;Laramie;WY 82071;USA 5.Jiangsu Environmental Monitoring Center;241Fenghuangxijie Road;Nanjiang 210036;China
Seedling growth and metal accumulation of selected woody species in copper and lead/zinc mine tailings
Xiang Shi 1;Xiaolei Zhang 1;2;Guangcai Chen 1;Yitai Chen 1;Ling Wang 1;3;Xiaoquan Shan 4 1.Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry;Chinese Academy of Forestry;Fuyang 311400;China 2.College of Forestry;Shandong Agricultural University;Taian 271018;China 3.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology;Yunnan Agricultural University;Kunming 650201;China 4.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China
A numerical study of summer ozone concentration over the Kanto area of Japan using the MM5/CMAQ model
Mai Khiem 1;Ryozo Ooka 2;Hong Huang 3;Hiroshi Hayami 4 1.Graduate School of Engineering;The University of Tokyo;4-6-1 Komaba;Meguro-ku;Tokyo 153-8505;Japan 2.Institute of Industrial Science;The University of Tokyo;4-6-1 Komaba;Meguro-ku;Tokyo 153-8505;Japan 3.Center for Public Safety Research;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China 4.Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry;1646 Abiko;Abiko-shi;Chiba 270-1194;Japan
Effects of overlying water aeration on phosphorus fractions and alkaline phosphatase activity in surface sediment
Jianjun Chen 1;2;Shaoyong Lu 2;Yikun Zhao 3;Wei Wang 2;3;Minsheng Huang 1 1.School of Resource and Environmental Sciences;East China Normal University;Shanghai 200062;China 2.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control;Research Center of Lake Environment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Beijing 100012;China 3.Civil and Environment Engineering School;University of Science & Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China
Influence of flooding and vegetation on carbon,nitrogen,and phosphorus dynamics in the pore water of a Spartina alterniflora salt marsh
Vanesa L.Negrin 1;Carla V.Spetter 1;2;Raúl O.Asteasuain 1;Gerardo M.E.Perillo 1;3;Jorge E.Marcovecchio 1;4;5 1.Argentine Institute of Oceanography ;Camino La Carrindanga km 7;5;Building E-1 CC 804;Bah’ a Blanca 8000;Argentina 2.Department of Chemistry;Southern National Institute of Chemistry ;Southern National University ;Av Alem 1253;Bahía Blanca 8000;Argentina 3.Department of Geology;Southern National University ;San Juan 670;Bahía Blanca 8000;Argentina 4.National Technological University;Regional Faculty of Bahía Blanca ;11 de Abril 461;Bahía Blanca 8000;Argentina 5.University of the Fraternity of Associations Santo Toms de Aquino ;Gascón 3145;Mar del Plata 7600;Argentina