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Journal of Environmental Sciences
1997 Issue 3
the characters for the boundary layer and mechanism of acid rain formation in the qingdao area,china
Liu Baozhang;Li Jinlong Center of Environmental Sciences;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
china s environmental scientific research and technology development:review and envisage
Liu Jian Bureau of S & T for Resources and Environment;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100864;China
distribution of heavy-metals in the grand canal(hangzhou section)and its contributing factors
Weng Huanxin;Zhang Dengrong Department of Earth Sciences;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China Charlie Y.Xu Department of Geological Sciences;University of Illinois at Chicago. U.S.A.
diffusion and adoption of environmentally sound technology in china cement industry
Cai Ning Economics Department;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China
rate constants for the reaction of hydroxyl radicals with hfc-134a
Zhang Deqiang;Zhong Jinxian ** Research Center for Eco Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China Qiu Lianxiong Graduate School of the University of Science and
analysis of styrene oxide-hemoglobin adducts at different binding sites
Jin Zuliang *;Liu Shufen The Research Centre for Eco Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China Stephen M. Rappaport Department of Environmental Sciences and
a novel respirometer for biological toxicity tests
Zhang Minquan *;Chen Huanqin Chemical Engineering Research Institute;South China University of Technology;Guangzhou 510641;China Wong Kwok-Yin Department of Applied Biology and Chemical
progress in the research on aquatic environmental nonpoint source pollution in china
Bao Quansheng;Mao Xianqiang;Wang Huadong Institute of Environmental Sciences;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 1000875;China
quantitative model for species distribution of hydroxy polyaluminum chloride
Feng Li;Luan Zhaokun;Tang Hongxiao Research Center for Eco Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China
immobilization of microorganisms using carrageenan gels coated with chitosan and application to biodegradation of 4-chlorophenol
Wang Jianlong **;Li Ping;Shi Hanchang;Qian Yi Environment Simulation and Pollution Control State Key Joint Laboratory;Department of Environmental Engineering;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China Zhou Ding Department of Applied
level of coordinated development in economy and environment
Zhang Qide;Wang Yuxiu;Ren Jinsong Liaoning Institute of Environment Protection Science;Shenyang 110031;China Li Delin Shenyang Teachers College;Shenyang 110031;China
sorption and desorption kinetics of phthalates and phenol on water/sediment interface
Ye Changming;Zhao Wushan;Li Tie;Lei Zhifang;Yan Hai Research Center for Eco Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China
cd2+ removal from wastewater by sulfate reducing bacteria with an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor
Ma Xiaohang;Hua Yaoxi;Jiang Feng Institute of Microbiology of Zhejiang Province;Hangzhou 310012;China Liu Jian Environmental Protection Institute of Zhejiang Province;Hangzhou 310007;China Ye Xieming Metallurgical Institute of Zheji
pollution monitoring of marine organisms grown in the zhoushan sea of china
Zhou Qixing;Zhu Yinmei Department of Environmental Sciences;Zhejiang Agricultural University;Hangzhou 310029;China
evaluation on the performance of triple oxidation ditch system treating municipal wastewater
Zhou Lu;Qian Yi National Key Joint Laboratory on Environmental Simulation and Water Pollution Control;Department of Environmental Engineering;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
fate of pesticide n -(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-n-methylformamide hydrochloride in simulated aquatic ecosystem
Yang Kewu;Mo Hanhong;An Fengchun Research Center for Eco Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Science;Beijing 100085;China
distribution of various aluminum fractions in surface water of the le an river
Liu Wenxin;Tang Hongxiao;Luan Zhaokun Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Beijing 100085;China