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Journal of Environmental Sciences
1991 Issue 4
The roles of organic degradation products andselenium in the pathogenesis ofKaschin-Beck disease
Wang Weizhe;Feng Lanfei;Ren Hongwei and Wang XiaoyingDepartment of Pathophysiology;Liaoning Instiule of Basic Medicine;shenyang 11005;China
Study on correlation between humic acid and selenium in Kaschin-Beck disease areas
Zhang Xuelin;Ren Shufen;Li Wencheng;Wang Wensheng;Wang Jinda;Wang Wenjun;and Zhang Yuxiachangchun Institute of Geography;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Changchun;China
The epidemic characteristics of Kaschin-Beck disease (KBD) in different eco-environments
Zhai Shusheng;Xu Wei;Hou Xiang;Hu Ruiguang;Liu Guangsheng and Zhang SiweiThe Second Jilin Provincial Institute for Prevention and Treatment of Endemic Diseases;Jiling;China
Humic acid and free radical in environment of Kaschin-Beck disease areas
Ren Shufen;Zhang Xuelin;Li Wencheng;Wang Wensheng;Wang Jinda;Wang Wenjun and Zhang YuxiaChangchun Institute of Geogrophy.Chinese Academy of Sciences;Changchun;China
The hierarchy and spatial characteristics of ecosystems: A reconsideration of the ecosystem concept (II)
Xu Songling and A. D. Bradshawchinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences.Beijing 100012;China.Department of Environmental And Evolutionary Biology;University of Liverpool. Liverpool L69 3BX;U. K.
A new hypothesis for the etiology of Kaschin-Beck disease
Peng An;Wang Zijian;Wang Wenhua and Yang Chunlinresearch Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences.Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China
The oxidation damage of type II collagen by oxy free radicals and fulvic acid
Wang Chunxia;Wang Kui;Xu Shanjin and Zhang FahaoSchool of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Laboratories of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs.Beijing Medical Univesristy;Beijing 100083;China
A retrospective survey on the effect of Kaschin-Beck disease prophylaxis by a change of water sources
Hou Xiang;Zhai Shusheng;Han Jingyuan;Xu Wei and Kong XianzheThe Second Jilin Provincial Institute for the Prevention and Treatment of endemic Discase;Jiling;China
The crystal growth of hydroxyapatite in presence of collagens
Zhang Fahao;Wang Chunxia;Wang Kui and Xu ShanjinSchol of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Rescarch Laboratonies of Natural and Biomimetio drugs;Beijing Medical University;Beijing 100083;China.
Peng AnProfessor Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy o Sciences
Study on the action and mechanism of humic acids in Kaschin-Beck disease
Wang Weizhe;Yang Zhiwei and You Shengzhidepartment of Pathophysiology.Liaoning Institute of Basic Medicine.Shenyang.China
Role of interaction between selenium and organic matters on causes of Kaschin-Beck disease
Wang Zijian;Xu Langqiu;Li Hu;Peng Bing;Rui Haifeng;Wang Wenhua and Peng AnResearch Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences.Chinese Academy of Scinences;P;O.Box 934;Beijing 100083;China
Studies on metabolic extract of Altemaria alternata and toxicity
Tang Jiajun and Hu XintongResearch Center for Eco-environmental Sciences.Chinese Academy of Scienbces.Beijing 100083;China.
The damage effects of oxy free radicals and fulvic acid on chondrocytes
Zhang Fahao;Wang Kui and Xu ShanjinSchool of Pharmaceutical Sciences and research Laboratones of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs.Beijing Medical Universi-ty;Beijing;100083;China
Research on organic matters in the drinking water of Kaschin-Beck disease area
Wang Wenhua;Yang Chunlin;Qi Ruiming;Wang Zijian and Peng AnResearch center for Eco-Environmental Sciences.Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100083;China.