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Journal of Environmental Sciences
1990 Issue 2
Steady-state kinetics and osillation phenomena for complete oxidation of benzene over Pt/Al2O3 catalyst
Yu Qiquan;Jin Yun and Shi FajunDepartment of Chemistry;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China.
The emergence of global environmental awareness
John Cairns;Jr.University Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials Studies and Department of Biology;Virginia Polytechnic and State University;Blacksburg;Virginia-24061-0415 U. S. A.
Water pollution and its control in China
Zhang Shen and Tang YijianInstitute of Geography;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100012;China
Development of low-and non-waste technologies in China
Yan HongbangNational Environmental Protection Agency;No.115;Xishimenei Naniaojie;Beijing 100035;China.
Chemical species distribution and transformation in polyaluminum chemical solutions
Laan Zhaokun and Tang HongxiaoResearch Center for Environmental Sciences;Academia Sinica;Beijing 100083;China.
Briefing of Symposium on Environmental Protection and Ecology in Developing Countries
Liu JingyiResearch Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;CAS;Beijing 100083;China
A profile of environmental science in China
Ma ShijunResearch Center for Eco-Envirinmental Sciences;CAS;Beijing 100083;China
Problems of environmental protection and ecology on Bangladesh
S. D. ChaudhuriBangladesh Academy of Sciences.
Environmental protection and ecology-Indian experience
Dinesh MohanEx-Director;Central Building Research Institute;Roorkee;India.
Sustainable development and environmental protection
Cyrus M. McKellSchool of Natural Sciences;Weber State College;Ogden;Utah;USA.
Environmental status and management in Chiba Prefecture
Kiyoshi TSUCHIYARemote Sensing and Image Research Center;Chiba University 1-33;Yoyoicho;Chiba City;Chiba;Japan;260.
Crop damage by urban environment in Malaysia
Sharifah Barlian AididPhysics Department;University Kebangsaan Malaysia;Kuala Lumpur;Malaysia.
Approaches to municipal wastewater irrigation and environmental protection
Gao ZhengminInstitute of Applied Ecology;Academia Sinica;Shenyang;China
A policy and technical measures for controlling soil and water loss in the Loess Plateau of China
Wu Qinxiao and Li YinchuNorthwestern Institute of Soil and Water Conservation Academia sinica;Shaanxi;China