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Journal of Environmental Sciences
1989 Issue 1
A study on the environmental background values in the Mt. Namjagbarwa region, Tibet
Huang Yanchu;Liu Quangyou;Ma Ciguang and Shan Xiaoquan Research Center for Eco-Environmetal sciences,Academia Sinica,P.O.Box 934,Beijing 100083, China.
Metal affinities in single and multiple ion adsorption reaction at sulfide mineral surfaces
Lin Yuhuan;George;W. Bailey and Alan;T. Lynch1 Research Center for Eco-Environmetal Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing;China.2 Environmental Research Laboratory;Office of Research and Devebpment,U.S.EPA,Athens;Georgia 30613,U.S.A.3 Technology Applications;Inc Athens;Georgia 30613,U.S.A.
On the influence of sand-wind on atmospheric environment
Zhang Qide;Wang Yuxi;Yu Shuqing;Song Liming;Liu Xianwan;Li Changzhi and Lin Hejie1 Liaoning Provincial Research Institute of Environment Protection China2 Institute of Desert and Frosen Soil Science, Acadenua Sinica, Lanzhou.3 Ihstute of Gedogy Science, Academia Sinica, Lanzhou.
Chemical endemic diseases and their impact on population in china
Tan Jianan;Zhu Wenyu;Li Ribang Institute of Geography. Chinese Academy of Sciences. Beijing China.
Population growth, management and environmental degradation in China
Chen Jingsheng and Richard Louis Edmonds1 Peking University;Department of Geography2 University of London;School of Oriental and African Studies
Modelling of water quality of Minjiang estuary
Ye Changming;Ding Mei;Sun Jianhua;Wang Hun Chen Qihao;Liu Jifeng1 Rsear山Center for Eco-Envirnmental Sciences,Acdemla Sinica;Beijing,China2 Fushou Municpal Environmental Monitoring Statiou, Fuzhou, China
On the study of aerosol composition at the Great Wall Station, South Pole
Ma Ciguang;Li Min;Zhang Yongping;Li Hongzhen;Zhu Peiran and Liu Jiarui1 Research Center for Eco-environmental Sciences, Academis Sinica;Beijing,China2 Polar Meteorological Research Lab, Academis of Meteorobeical Sci,S.M.A, Beijing, China.3 Institute of Physics,Academia Sinica Beijing,China。
A study on Se application for improving the soil in the environment at lower Se level
Wang Xiuying;Ren Shangxue;Liu Wunong;Li Jiyun1 Northwestern Institute Of Soil and Water Conservaion, Academla Smica, Yanghogl Shaanxi,China 2 Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences Academia sinica;Beijing;China
A study on "selenium-health" database in China
Bai Naibin;Zhang Keming and Du MinResearch Center for Eco-environmental Sciences, Academia Sinica, Beijing;China
Preliminary study of the correlation between trace elementsin human hair, liver and kidney by protoninduced X-ray emission analysis
Zhang Yuanxun;Wang Xuepeng;Ying Jianhua;Qian Yine;Cheng Yuandi Shanghai hstitute of Nuclear Research, Acadenua Smica; Shanghai; China
Nitrogen decontamination by molybdenum in high incidence area of esophageal cancer
Luo Xianmao;Hu guogang;Shang Ailan;Wei Huijuan;Feng Yiminand Qin Qiusheng 1 Cancer histitute; CAMS;China.2 Esophageal Cancer Institute:Linxian.Henan County Henan province, China.
The chemical stability of heavy metals in a natural water system
Tang Hongxiao;Xue Hanbin;Mao Meizhou;Luan Zhaokun1 Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Academia Sinica;P;O.Box 934;Beijing 100083;China
Preconcentration and determination of trace copper(II) in natural water using silica gel modified with 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol
Tong Shenyang;Liu Feng;Li Kean Department of Chemistry;Peking University;Beijing China
Photochemical pollution in Lanzhou, China - A case study
Tang Xiaoyan;Li Jinglong;Dong ZhenXing;Wang Yuying;Wang Wenxing;Qi Liwen;Liu Xiling;Zhang Yutian;Zhang Xuejin;Tian Bingshen;Jin Suwen;Yang Lingqing and Zhang Yixin Department of Technical Physics;Peking University;Beijing;China. Chinese Reaearch Academy of Eavironmental Sciences;Beijing;China. Gansu Provincial Environmental Research Institute;Lanshou;China. Lanshou Petrochemical Engineering Institute;Lanshou;China.