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Chinese Journal of Polar Science
2013 Issue 4
Preliminary genome analysis of psychrotolerant marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp.BSw20308 reveals its potential applications
LI Huirong;,LUO Wei;,QIAO Zongyun;,YU Yong;,ZENG Yinxin;
A comparative analysis of β-mannanases of bacteria from Antarctica and Malaysia
Clemente Michael Vui Ling Wong;,Heng Keat Tam;,Hui Yee Yong;
Diversity and bioactivity of actinomycetes from Signy Island terrestrial soils, maritime Antarctic
Geok Yuan Annie Tan;,Irene K.P.Tan;,Peter Convey;,Shing Yi Pan;
Phenotypic plasticity in Bacillus cereus strains isolated from various Antarctic habitats
Kottekkatu Padinchati Krishnan;,Rupesh Kumar Sinha;
Transposon mutagenesis of Psychrobacter cryohalolentis PAMC 21807 by tri-parental conjugation
Hong Kum Lee;,Hyoungseok Lee;,Jang-Cheon Cho;,Soon Gyu Hong;,Yoo Kyung Lee;
Analysis software for upper atmospheric data developed by the IUGONET project and its application to polar science
Atsuki Shinbori;,Norio Umemura;,Shuji Abe;,Tomoaki Hori;,Yoshimasa Tanaka;,Yuka Sato;,Yukinobu Koyama;
VHF meteor radar at King Sejong Station, Antarctica
Changsup Lee;,Geonhwa Jee;,Jeong-Han Kim;,Yong-Ha Kim;
Remote sensing backscattering model for sea ice: Theoretical modelling and analysis
Hong Tat Ewe;,Syabeela Syahali;
Near-surface structure and energy characteristics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
GAO Libao;,LIU Yanliang;,WANG Haiyuan;,YU Weidong;
Spatial variability of soil nutrients in Punta Fort William,Greenwich Island, maritime Antarctic
Hernán Moreano;,Monica Riofrío;,Nadia Ordó(n)ez;,Siti Aisyah Alias;,Yii Siang Hii;
Hydrochemistry and sediment characteristics of polar periglacial lacustrine environments on Fisher Island and Broknes Peninsula, East Antarctica
Hari Bahadur Srivastava;,Mirza Javed Beg;,Pradeep Kumar;,Prakash Kumar Shrivastava;,Rajesh Asthana;
Global distributions of storm-time ionospheric currents as seen in geomagnetic field variations
Atsuki Shlnbori;,Takashi Kikuchi;,Tomoaki Hori;,Tsutomu Nagatsuma;,Yoshimasa Tanaka;,Yukinobu Koyama;
Study of the climatic teleconnection between the Siberian high and maritime continent warm pool
Azizan Bin Abu Samah;,Mohd Fadzil Firdzaus Bin Mohd Nor;
Analysis of recent climate change over the Arctic using ERA-Interim reanalysis data
Baek-Min Kim;,Hye-Sun Choi;,Joo-Hong Kim;,Sang-Jong Park;,Seong-Joong Kim;,Taehyoun Shim;
Field measurements of absolute gravity in East Antarctica
Hideaki Hayakawa;,Jun Nishijima;,Koichiro Doi;,Shingo Osono;,Takahito Kazama;,Toshihiro Higashi;,Yoichi Fukuda;
Huigen Yang;