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Chinese Journal of Polar Science
2013 Issue 3
Structure and seasonal changes in atmospheric boundary layer on coast of the east Antarctic continent
Annette Rinke;,BIAN Lingen;,Klaus Dethloff;,LIN Zhong;,ZHANG Dongqi;,ZOU Han;
Evaluation of reanalysis and satellite-based sea surface winds using in situ measurements from Chinese Antarctic Expeditions
LI Chunhua;,LI Ming;,MENG Shang;,YANG Qinghua;,ZHANG Lin;,ZHAO Jiechen;
Concentrations and distribution of biogenic barium in surface sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica
HAN Zhengbing;,HU Chuanyu;,TAN Saizhang;,YU Peisong;,ZHANG Haisheng;
Scale and scope of maritime cargoes through the Arctic Passages
SHOU Jianmin;,ZHANG Xia;,ZHOU Haojie;
Composition and distribution of diatom assemblages in the surface sediments of the Bering Sea
GAO Yahui;,HUANG Dingyong;,LIN Rongcheng;,SHAO Lixia;
Auroral event detection using spatiotemporal statistics of local motion vectors
HU Zejun;,LIANG Jimin;,WANG Qian;
A new method to determine the tropopause
HAN Tingting;,PING Jinsong;,YANG Guogen;,ZHANG Sujun;
Features of visibility variation at Great Wall Station, Antarctica
MENG Shang;,WEI Lixin;,YANG Qinghua;,YU Lejiang;,ZHANG Benzheng;