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Chinese Journal of Polar Science
2002 Issue 1
A temperature inversion in "Chinese Arctic Research Expedition 1999"
liu yu ; zhou li bo ; zou han
The Auroral Station in Adventdalen, Svalbard
F Sigernes;T Svenφe;CS Deehr
The capabilities of the EISCAT Svalbard Radar for inter-hemispheric coordinated studies
Tom Grydeland;Anja Strφmme;Tony van Eyken;Cesar La Hoz
The Nippon/Norway Svalbard Meteor Radar: First results of small-scale structure observations
CM Hall;BO Husφy;T Aso;M Tsutsumi
Oxygen isotopic composition and its application to the study of tracing oceanographical process in Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea
yin ming duan ; zeng xian zhang ; zeng wen yi ; wu shi yan ; shi chun tan
Propagation and source of Pc5 frequency range pulsation at cusp latitude
liu yong hua ; he long song ; yang shao feng ; liu rui yuan ;bj fraser
Fabric and crystal characteristics of Bohai and Arctic sea ice
li zhi jun ; kang jian cheng ; pu yi bin
Intensity variations of the postnoon auroral bright spots observed at Zhongshan Station, Antarctica on August 8, 1999
ai yong ; deng xiao hua ; liu rui yuan ; yang hui gen ;masayuki kikuchi
The extremely intense CNA events observed at Zhongshan Station in July, 2000
hu hong qiao ; liu rui yuan ; liu yong hua ; liu shun lin ; yang hui gen ; xu zhong hua ;natsuo sato;hisao yamagishi
Inter-hemispheric comparisons of geospace environment in the polar regionsA proposed cooperative research program between China and Norway
liu rui yuan ; yang hui gen ; hu hong qiao ;asgeir brekke;j ran moen