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Chinese Journal of Polar Science
2000 Issue 2
Study on ecological structures of coastal lakes in Antarctic continent
Wang Zipan;Patrick P.Deprez
The coupled characteristics of the physical process between sea ice of two poles and Tibetan land surface
Xu Xiangde;Zhou Li;Chen Lianshou;Bian Lingeng
Summer weather characteristics on the Grove Mountain of East Antarctica
CHENG Yanjie;BIAN Lingen;LIU Xiaohan
The study on the depositional styles of major ions and the climatic effect of nssSO2-4 in Princess Elizabeth Land, Antarctica
Zhang Mingjun;Li Zhongqin;Qin Dahe;Xiao Cunde;KANG Jiancheng;Li Jun
Radiolaria fossils in the surface sediments and sedimentary environment in the Bering Sea
CHENG Zhenbo;Shi Xuefa;Ju Xiaohua;Chen Zhihua