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Basic & Clinical Medicine
2010 Issue 10
Nitric oxide inhibits cell proliferation and expression of C-FOS and C-JUN by gastric cancer cell line SGC-7901
SANG Jian-rong;CHEN Yong-chang;SHAO Gen-bao;HUANG Xiao-jia
Microglia-derived IL-1 exacerbates the progress of Parkinson\'s disease
WU Jing-jing;CHEN Biao
xin xi dong tai 1
Fever and arthralgia for one year, skin tenderness and pigmentation for half a year
zhang zuo ; li xiao qing ; fang wei gang ; zeng xue jun
Effect of nitric oxide on the expression of long type of leptin receptor in dorsal root ganglion of rat
KANG Lu-mei;CHEN Hong-ping;LEI Qiong-qiong;MU Song-niu;XU Bao-hua
Improvement of vascular function by α-Zearalanol in ovariectomized hyperhomocysteinemic rats
ZHEN Pan-pan;JIANG Dong-qiao;HONG Ni;DUAN Jin-hong;ZHAO Qian;HOU Dan-dan;WANG Wen
bFGF increases expression of β-catenin in the damaged cardiac fibroblasts of rats with hypoxia/reoxygenation
NIU Huan;HUANG Yan;ZHANG Sheng-ye;ZHAO Qian
Progress in the treatment of acute pancreatitis with mesenchymal stem cells
XUE Xiao-jun;TU Xiao-huang;CHEN Shao-quan
Genetic characters of Mulam\'s head face
YANG Jian-hui;ZHENG Lian-bin;CHEN Li-hong
Effects of S-adenosylhomocysteine on the proliferation and apoptosis of rat SV40-transformed aortic rat endothelial cells
OU San-tao;LIU Fei;LIU Qi;ZHANG Fan;HOU Jing;WEN Xiang-qiong
Molecular genetic analysis of a Chinese family with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
YANG Ying-yun;CONG Yang;SUN Zhi-xing;TIAN Yuan;LIU Chen;YANG Wei
The proangiogenic effect of simvastatin on experimental myocardial infarction of rats
Strategy to repair central lesion by endogenous neural stem cells
XIONG Fang-ling;GAO Yi-lu
Maternal and fetal outcomes of HELLP syndrome
XIA Xiao-yan;XIA Yi-xin;FAN Ling;MA Xue-song;ZHANG Cheng-yan
Down-regulation of NOTCH signaling system in the inhibition of epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT) by VEGF165 in HK2 cells
ZHANG Ying-juan;LIAN Yao-guo;LI Xue-mei;SU Ying;ZHENG Fa-lei
xin xi dong tai 2
Adenosine inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced human umbilical vein endothelial cell apoptosis
ZHANG Chuan-yin;ZHANG Chang-e;QIN Ai-ping;LU Xiao-yu;ZHAO Chong;LU Li
SNAIL-induced EMT enhances adriamycin-resistance capacity of MCR-7 cells
WANG Hui;ZHANG Yi-jun;CHEN Wei-juan;LI Wen-tong;LI Sha-sha;DING Bao-qing
The theory and practical capability of medical laboratory tests that interns should master
ZHU Hui-juan;ZHOU Shu-han;YANG Yue;ZHANG Shi-min;PANG Hui
Sequential therapy with osteogenic growth peptide C-terminal pentapeptide derivative G48A in ovariectomized rats
WANG Shu-ting;DAI Chen-lin;LU Biao;QIU Ming-cai;WANG De-xin
Subclinical adrenocortical insufficiency: a case report and review of the literature
YUE Xin;LI Wei;LU Zhao-lin