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Basic & Clinical Medicine
2009 Issue 4
Metastasis correlation factors expression and NF-κB activation in colorectal carcinoma
YU Kun;HAN Mei;WEN Jin-kun;LI Bing-hui
Effects of va]proate on dopaminergic neurons and expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in Parkinson\'s disease model mice
zhang yu mei ; wu xue fei ; yu de qin ; feng yan hui ; zhang wan qin ; zhao jie
Delayed preconditioning reduced apoptosis of myocardial cells in rats
LIU Ying;NIE Yong-mei;WU Wei-kang
ben kan gao jian shu xie ge shi
Desert Hedgehog induces the differentiation of neural progenitor cells from embryonic mesencephalon of rat into dopaminergic neurons
YANG Cai-xia;ZHAO Huan-ying;ZHAO Chun-li;LIU Jing;XU Qun-yuan;GAO Fu-lu
Fluvastatin decreases glomerulosclerosis by adriamycin in rats
YUAN Hong-xia;SUN Dong-xiao
In vitro differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into hepatocytes from rat
WANG Zhong-qiong;LI Chang-ping;XIA Shi-ping;LIU Yan;ZHONG Xiao-lin
Effects of Aβ25-35 on the expression of gene P21、CDK4、E2F1、BAX in PC12 cell
XIE Zhao-yang;ZHU Qi-feng;WU Bin-hua
Localization of PTEN protein of fibrotic liver tissues in rats
HAO Li-sen;ZHANG Xiao-lan;TIAN Xiao-peng;AN Jun-yan;LIU Na
Optic nerve transaction combined with high intraocular pressure increased the protein expression levels of P75NTR and sortilin in retina of rats
LU Ning-ning;WANG Ning-li;WEI Yong;DING Jing-wen;HAN Song;LI Jun-fa
Crystallization of neural RNA binding protein Musashi1 RRM1
WANG Xian-ping;ZHAO Li;ZHU Jing-xi;PENG Xiao-zhong;YIN Bin
Antisense oligonecleotides of CT120 inhibit the growth of lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549
LI Zun-ling;SHAO Shu-hong;XIE Shu-yang;JIAO Fei;SHI Shou-seng;YU Xue-yan
Otinulation of osteolytic cytokine expression by micrometer-diameter wear particles
CHEN Ming;DONG Qi-rong;LEI Yu
Diagnosis and surgical treatment of intravenous tumor embolus extending through inferior vena cava into the right cardiac cavities
MA Guo-tao;MIAO Qi;REN Hua;LIU Xing-rong;ZHANG Chao-ji;ZHANG Heng;CAO Li-hua
Upregulation of caspase-3 expression and apoptosis of MG63 cell line induced by pSilencer-VEGF-siRNA transfection
GAO You-shui;ZHANG Li-zhi;QIAN Guang;TONG Tian-lang;HU Mu;MEI Jiong;CAI Xuan-song
Research on the factors that affect the employment of postgraduates of basic medicine
FAN Jin-yan;ZHANG Yun;LI Ruo-fan
A brief review of metabonomics in the research of Traditional Chinese Medicine
WU Qiao-feng;YU Shu-guang;TANG Yong
xin wen dian ji
Effect of FADDDEL-GFP modification in murine islet cell transplantion
HU Ping;WU Sha;LI Xiao-lan;WEI Jing
Implantation of canine tissue engineering small-diameter blood vessel
ZHANG Chao-ji;DU Zhen-zong;MA Guo-tao;HAN Zhi-jun;REN Hua;MIAO Qi
Genetic analysis of α-ADDUCIN and GNB3 in essential hypertension patient
ZHAO Hong-ye;CAO Jun;ZHOU Li;WANG Bin;QIU Chang-chun
MEF2C regulats DOK5 gene expression
WEN Jian-yan;YIN Bin;ZHANG Ying-zi;YE Jian-wei;LIAO Wen-qiang;YU Chan-gan;KE Yuan-nan
Medium preparation and use of the correct
ZHANG Hong;LIU Yu-qin
Species identification of animal cells by polymerase chain reaction
BIAN Xiao-cui;LIU Yu-qin;WANG Chun-jing;SU Xiao-ling;ZHAO Xiao-mei;GU Bei;ZHANG Hong
Preparation, identification and tissue localization of PIWIL proteins
LU Yu-xia;HUANG Zhi-gang;CHEN Xi-mei;GAO Heng-jun;HU Ying;ZHANG Xiao-yan;MENG Xun