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Brick & Tile World
2007 Issue 8
gong zuo dong li bu jie yuan quan
zhong guo zhuan wa gong ye xie hui
Applying for new wall material products in energy-saving of building in different climate zone (6)
he shui qing ; wei de lin ; zhang fu rong
Analysis on the investment and return about energy saving in construction
liu ; wang hong bo ; ni you jun
The research on high strength fly ash paving tile
chen yang
The common trouble as well as prevention and cure in hydraulic drive
dong jia xiang ; shi hong wen
Wall material innovation in western China
wang ya juan
A review on wall material innovation and energy saving in construction
fu shan zhong ; zhan xuan ye ; liang jia zuo
The administrative body of CBTIA
xin xing shao jie zhi pin fa zhan jian yi ( ti gang )
zhong guo zhuan wa gong ye xie hui
The 2nd managing director enlarged meeting of 5th council of CBTIA was held in Yinchuan
zhong guo zhuan wa gong ye xie hui mi shu chu