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Brick & Tile World
2006 Issue 1
The production of fly ash brick by extrusion and steam-cured process
wang yin sheng ; zhao feng qing ; chen jian bo ; cao su gai ; zhang zhi guo ; chen li qun
Mining shale mine and pretreatment of raw material
xu yong sheng
Rousting employee's spirits for working better
xu ning
A successful woman in brick and tile industry
wang ya juan
The Analysis on the results of the state surveillance spotting-check on the quality of building materials concerning wall, roof and paving, along with inspecting the key en terprises in 2005
guo jia jian zhu cai liao gong ye qiang ti wu mian cai liao zhi liang jian du jian yan ce shi zhong xin
bi xu xian zhi ni gang sheng wen
cao shi zuo
wang qi biao tong zhi sheng ping
The stability of inner wall of suspended roof tunnel kiln
liu bing fu ; zhang guo wang
The masonry property and application of autoclaved fly ash brick
chen yan hua ; liao huan
Why the extruder must be carried out technical reform (2) ?
chen peng xiong