Investigation of infection with Anaplasma phagocytophilum in dogs in Deqin,Yunan
ZHANG Wen-juan;DU Chun-hong;ZHANG Li-juan;ZHAO Wen-hong;LIU Yun-hai;ZHASHI Pin-chu;LI Yu-qiong;GAO Zi-hou;Yunnan Provincial Institute for Endemic Disease prevention and Treatment;Public Health School of Dali University;Institute of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention;China Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Diqing Prefecture Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Deqin County Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
Surveillance for acute respiratory infection
ZHOU Jun;XIONG Ying;DUAN Zhao-Jun;Jiangxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Institute for Viral Disease Prevention and Control;Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention;