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Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)
2006 Issue 6
A Review of the Fourth Tide of the New Confucian Studies
MAO Chong-jie
The Main Defects of the Han School of Classical Pholology
LU Zhong-fa
The Formation of Affix "er" Words in Hangzhou Dialect
XU Yue
Foreign Scholars's Study on Lenin's Theory of Imperialism
XIONG Le-lan;ZHANG Zhen-rong
Religion and Art
ZHANG Dao-sen
On the Evolution of Shen Zhou's Calligraphy Style
CHEN Gen-min
If I Were a Horse: On Jinshan Farmers' Paintings
ZHENG Tu-you
Cultural Apperception and Landscapes
XU Xiao-li
On Developing TV Media's Core Competencies
XIANG Zhong-ping;ZHU Xiao-jun
Environmental Policy Concept and the Formation of Social Agreement
sang zi min xiong ; dong su e
Shinto Naturalism and Environemtal Protection
WANG Shou-hua
Instrumental Naturalism and Symbiotic Naturalism
ye jia qi yi ; gu chun
Nan Drama and Yongjia School
XU Hong-tu
"Proto-Industrialization" as a Research Strategy and a Historical Period——A Balance Sheet
Jürgen Schlumbohm,tr;Zhang Weiliang
Cooperation and Human Civilizaiton
ZHU Xiao-peng